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Charlotte and Wilbur were alone. Wilbur lay resting after the excitement and strain of the ceremony. His medal still hung from his neck; by looking out of the corner of his eye he could see it.
\was to a small degree, my success.Your future is assured. You will live, secure and safe, Wilbur. Nothing can harm you now. These autumn days will shorten and grow cold. The leaves will shake loose from the trees and fall. Christmas will come, then the snows of winter. You will live to enjoy the beauty of the frozen world, for you mean a great deal to Zuckerman and he will not harm you, ever. Winter will pass, the days will lengthen, the ice will melt in the pasture pond. The song sparrow will return and sing, the frogs will awake, the warm wind will blow again. All these sights and sounds and smells will be yours to enjoy, Wilbur--this lovely world, these precious days...”
Charlotte stopped. A moment later a tear came to Wilbur's eye. \
When he recovered from his emotion, he spoke again.
\anything for you.\
\you.After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die. A spider's life can't help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating
flies.By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyones life can stand a little of that.\
\words. But you have saved me, Charlotte, and I would gladly give my life for you-I really would.\
\Won't it be wonderful to be back home in the barn cellar again with the sheep and the geese?Aren't you anxious to get home?\
For a moment Charlotte said nothing. Then she spoke in a voice so low Wilbur could hardly hear the words.
\going back?\
\enough to climb down into the crate. I doubt if I have enough silk in my spinnerets to lower me to the ground.\