The One With The Flashback
Written by: Marta Kauffman & David Crane Transcribed by: Eric B Aasen
306 时光倒转,昔日重现
因为珍妮丝问到“你们六人当中谁和谁差点发生关系?” 大家想起三年前的往事: 钱德征求室友; 可爱裸男增肥;
菲比忍受不了莫妮卡的挑剔而偷偷搬走; 酒吧关门,改成咖啡厅; 海先生吹双簧管;
瑞秋为即将嫁给巴利而犯了踌躇,渴求最后的疯狂;钱德抛去媚眼; 海先生从中作梗,赶走了钱德梦寐以求的新室友,反倒使乔伊渔翁得利; 莫妮卡初见乔伊为他的英俊外形所打动,邀他到家中喝果汁。 乔伊会错意,进门就宽衣解带;
罗斯替卡萝结交新朋友苏珊而高兴;后来才知此女抢走了自己的老婆; 菲比安慰罗斯,两人滚到台球桌上;
钱德安慰因菲比搬离而沮丧不已的莫妮卡,两人克制住了感情的爆发。 “谁和谁差点发生关系?”
乔伊和莫妮卡, 莫妮卡和钱德,钱德和瑞秋,罗斯和菲比。
[Note: Rachel has two friends that are not named, so I referred to them as Friend No. 1 and Friend No. 2.]
[Scene: Central Perk, the whole gang is there including Janice.]
Janice: Janice has a question. Who of the six of you has sleep with the six of you?
Phoebe: Wow, it’s like a dirty math problem. dirty adj.下流的,卑鄙的/Phoebe: Wow, it’s like a dirty math problem.其中的dirty,
指的是“黄色的,下流的”意思。比如黄色笑话(dirty jokes),黄色书刊( dirty books),比其他erotic等词要通俗得多。
Ross: I’m sorry the answer there would be...none of us.
Janice: Come on over the years none of you ever y'know, got drunk and stupid.
Joey: Well, that’s really a different question.
Janice: I’m sorry I find it hard to believe that a group of people who spends as much time together as you guys do has never bumped uglies. bump ugly v.<俚>=have sex/I’m sorry I find it hard to believe that a group of
people who spends as much time together as you guys do has never bumped uglies: bump uglies means to have sexual intercourse(n.交往;交流) indiscriminately(adv.不分皂白的;不加选择的)[discriminate v.歧视,区别,区别对待], with no concern for the aesthetic qualities(n.感官质量)[aesthetic adj.美学的] of the partner
Joey: Well, there was that one time that Monica and Rachel got together.
Monica and Rachel: What?!!
Rachel: Excuse me, there was no time!
Joey: Okay, but let’s say there was. How might that go?
Janice: Okay, okay, well then answer me this. Has any of you ever.... almost?
Rachel: Does anybody need more coffee?
Ross: Yeah, I’ll take some.
Joey: Hey, there’s a dog out there!
[Scene: Monica and Phoebe’s, three years earlier, Phoebe, Monica, and Ross are there]
Phoebe: Oh, that is so unfortunate.
Ross: What?
Phoebe: Cute naked guy is really starting to put on weight.
Phoebe: Cute naked guy is really starting to put on weight. “Put on weight”, 就是“长胖”。语言就是越简单越好,主要表达出意思就够了。BTW,“保持身材匀称”就是keep fit。
Monica: (entering from bedroom) Okay, I’ll be back in just a minute. Oh, Phoebe I’m sorry that I left lipstick marks on the phone.
Phoebe: You didn’t leave lipstick marks on the phone.
Monica: Oh, then it must’ve been you. Bye. (leaves)
Phoebe: (angrily) Bye-bye! (to Ross) That’s why I moved out.
Ross: Hey, y'know while we’re on that, when are you gonna tell my sister that you don’t live here anymore.
while we’re on that说到这件事
Phoebe: I think on some levels she already knows.
Ross: Phoebe, she doesn’t know that you sneak out every night, she doesn’t know that you sneak back every morning, and she doesn’t know that you’ve been living with your Grandmother’s for a week now. sneak out偷偷溜走,渐隐, 淡出
Phoebe: Okay, well maybe not on those levels.
Chandler: (entering, with a goatee) Hey.
Ross: Hey.
Chandler: I’m never gonna find a roommate, ever.
Phoebe: Why, nobody good?
Chandler: Well let’s see, there was the guy with the ferrets, that’s plural. The spitter. Oh-ho, and yes, the guy that enjoyed my name so much he felt the need to make a little noise every time he said it. Nice to meet you, Chandler Bing Bing! Great apartment Chandler Bing, Bing! ferret n.雪貂/plural adj.由两个以上的人(或物)组成的;多元的/spitter n.吐唾沫的人
Ross: So how many more do you have tomorrow?
Chandler: Two. This photographer, who seemed really dull. And this actor guy, who I’m not sure about, because when he called and I answered the phone “Chandler Bing”he said “whoa-whoa, short message!”
dull adj.感觉或理解迟钝的,无趣的
Monica: (entering) Ross (who has his foot on the coffee table), foot on the floor or come over no more!
Ross: (to Phoebe) Sure, your dresser is missing but this she notices. dresser n.梳妆台
Monica: What?
Ross: I have to go. Yeah, Carol should be home by now, soo...
Chandler: Umm, how’s it going with you guys?
Ross: Oh, better, actually. Y'know I-I-I think I finally figured out why we were having so much trouble lately.
Phoebe: Oh, really?
Ross: Yeah, y'know how I have you guys, well she doesn’t really have any close friends that are just hers, but last week she meet this woman at the gym, Susan something, and they really hit it off, and I-I-I think it’s gonna make a difference
hit it off v.合得来/hit it off means to get along well together
[Scene: Chandler’s, Chandler is interviewing a potential roommate.]
Chandler: Soo, ah, Eric, what kind of photography do ya do?
Eric: Oh, mostly fashion, so there may be models here from time to time, I hope that’s cool.
from time to time有时,时不时
Chandler: Yes, that is cool. Because I have models here y'know......never.
Eric: Oh, yeah, during the summer, I spend most weekends at my sister’s
beach house, which you are welcome to use by the way. Although, I should probably tell you, she’s a porn star. (Chandler breaks his pencil in half) beach house n.海滨别墅/porn star n.色情女明星
Chandler: Well, listen I ah, still have one more person to ah meet, but unless it turns out to be your sister, I think you’re chances are pretty good. (Eric offers to shake hands) All right. (Chandler hugs him.)
[Scene: Chandler’s, Chandler is interviewing Joey.]
Chandler: (running around the apartment pointing out things) Bedroom. Bathroom. Living room. This right here is the kitchen, and thanks for coming by, (opens door) Bye-bye.
Joey: Don’t you ah, don’t you wanna ask me any questions?
Chandler: Sure. Ummm. What’s up?
Joey: Well, ah, I’m an actor. I’m fairly neat. I ah, I got my own TV. Oh, and don’t worry I’m totally okay with the gay thing.
Chandler: What gay thing?
Joey: Ah, y'know just in general people being gay, thing. I’m totally cool with that.
in general通常,大体上, 一般而言
[Scene: the hallway, Monica is coming up the stairs.]
Chandler: Well okay Jerry, thanks for stopping by.
(Joey is leaving and notices Monica, as Monica notices him)
Monica: Hi.
Joey: Hey!
(Joey leaves and Monica mouths to Chandler “oh my God!”
[Scene: A bar, Chandler is entering.]
Chandler: Hey, Mon.
老友记 六人行 第三季第六集经典笔记