【期刊名称】《金属矿山》 【年(卷),期】2011(000)008
【摘要】To study the association between the rock burst proneness of rock and the acoustic emission characteristics in the loading process, the quantitative relationship of acoustic emission cumulative number and the strain in the loading processes with different rock burst proneness are established; Meanwhile, the laboratory experiments on three kinds of rock with different rock burst proneness under uniaxial loading are made to study the acoustic emission characteristics, which have verified its accuracy. The results show that when rock burst proneness of rock is stronger, ,the acoustic emission appear only sporadically before the main failure with the increase of dependent variable, and the energy is less; The acoustic emission after the main failure almost have none, while the acoustic emission number and energy are significant in the main failure. On the other hand, when rock burst proneness is weaker, small acoustic emission have appeared soon after loading, with no rules in time, and there is no stage with significant change of acoustic emission rate.%为研究岩石岩爆倾向性与加载过程中声发射特征的关联,建立了不同岩爆倾向岩石加载过程中声发射累积数与应变的定量关系,并对3种不同岩爆倾向性岩石单轴加载下的声发射特征进行了实验室试