【期刊名称】《山西农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 【年(卷),期】2011(031)001
【摘要】以山西农业大学农场油菜地为研究对象,对油菜田中小菜蛾及其捕食性天敌的种类、消长趋势进行调查,以期了解太谷地区小菜蛾及其天敌的种群消长动态,并为山西晋中地区小菜蛾的防治提供理论参考依据.结果表明:调查区域小菜蛾的发生自4月下旬开始呈增长趋势,于5月下旬达到高峰,而降水降温使小菜蛾发生量显著减少.另外,捕食性天敌与油菜田小菜蛾的种群数量消长上存在天敌追随现象.建议防治适期在4月下旬和5月中下旬至6月上旬.%Investigation on population dynamic of Plutella xylostella L. and predacious nature enemies of the pest insect was conducted in the oilrape field on the farm of Shanxi Agricultural University in order to improve the control measures. It demonstrated that the pest occurred in late April and then population increased in late May. Rainfall decreased the population dynamic of the predacious enemies followed that of Plutella xylostella L.. It suggested that the best control periods were late April and from m]d-May to early June. 【总页数】3页(44-46)
【关键词】小菜蛾;种群动态;捕食性天敌 【作者】田晶;郝赤