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Unit 1 Test

一、 英汉互译

1、 See you n ext time 2. a lot of 3. n ext to 4. look at


welcome to

6. 为... 而感谢 .. 7、 课后

8、 很高兴做…… 9、 努力学习

10、 This way, please.

二、 用所给词或短语的正确形式填空。

a lot of next to study read be glad to let ' s thank …for … visit meet look at

1. We and in the read in g-room after class. 2. You can see stude nts play ing on the playgro und after class. 3. Do you to come to our vocati onal school? 4. Let ' s go to Xinhua Vocational School now. 5.It is 11:40 now. go to the di ning hall. 6. the blackboard and read these new words. 7. The stude nts ' dormitory is the school library. 8. you very much your help. 9. My pare nts want to our teacher today. 10. We _______ is school. 三、 用BE的正确形式填空 1 . She _______ a stude nt.

2 .Jane and Tom _________ my friends. 3 . My parents _______ very busy every day. 4」 ______ an English teacher now. 5 .Where ________ you from? 6 .The light _________ green. 7 .My name _________ Li Dong. 8 . ________ they your new friends?


9 . The girl _____ Jack's sister.

10 . ______ your brother in the classroom? 11.

Whose dress _____ this?

12 .That ______ my red skirt. 13 . Some tea _____ in the glass. 14 .Gao shan's shirt ______ over there. 15 . ______ David and Helen from England?

16 . There _____ somemilk on the table . And there __________ any coffee here .

17 . There _____ a newspaper in the living room.

18 . ______ there any books in the room? Yes, there ______ . 19 . There _____ a pencil, a ruler and two books on the desk. 2 0 . There ______ two glasses and a cup on the table. 三、句型转换

1. There is a teacher in the office . 2. Is there a flower on the table ? 肯定句 ____________________

3. There are somepens in the box . 一般疑问句 _______________________________ 4. There isn ' t any water in the galss . 肯定句 _______________________________ 5. There are two eggs and one cake here . 对戈 U线部分提问

否定句 __________________________ 肯定回答 _____________

6. What ' s on the box ? (a present) 回答问题

7. How many books are there in your bag ? 回答问题

8. There is a bird in the tree . 对划线部分提问

9. There are lots of people in the par . 对划线部分提问

10. There is some water in the glass . 对划线部分提问

一般疑问句并回答 _____________________________________ 否定句 __________________________________



