Very Safe. After spending several late nights on campus, I do feel scared walking to my car after during late hours. However, there has never been an instance where I've felt that my security was threatened. Before leaving the Price center, there are numbers posted to call for a security escort when wakling at night.
Drug Usage – There is not much drug usage around UCSD, they are pretty strict on that. There is the ocationlly drinking, but not as much as other schools around San Diego
Campus Feels Safe – Campus is generally feels safe, mostly because of the location. La Jolla doesn't have a threatening vibe, and you can basically walk around whenever you want. UCSD even has an escort service that you can call so somebody can walk with you back to wherever you are going. Drug Scene – Although marijuana may be a popular one, more harmful drugs such as LSD, Meth, Cocaine are not sold or used by anyone. Matter of fact, there has never come a time when such an issue was evident on the campus. When it comes to pot, it's not openly done, and whether or not you would want to see it depends of course, with who you are with.
My campus is relatively safe. It can get a little scary at night, but there is a great escort service that takes you back to your dorm if you feel unsafe.
I always feel safe at UC San Diego's campus. The lighting is good and there are always police and student escorts available at any time of the day. I would always call them and they would appear right away after a late night in the library.
Drug Scene – As far as I've heard, hard drug use is a rarity on this campus, save for very specific groups of people. Substance intake usually consists of people doing pot (smoking and edibles) and drinking.
Campus Climate – In spite of the frequently touted purportments of a kind of post-racial (\racially-charged incidents are in fact NOT isolated incidents, nor are these values of dialogue and critical thinking toward the racial underpinnings of everything that happens on the UCSD campus, shared by a majority of the campus. Needless to say, I don't feel comfortable or safe.
A Lot of Stoners – Lots of drinking (esp around Sun God). Drug scene is ok, most people are just smoking pot, nothing hardcore.
Somewhat Safe – Although there are many alarm signals throughout campus and services, there have been numerous reports of attempted kidnappings in even the most 'safe' areas of campus. Starting in September, Safety Is Good but Not Perfect – The feeling i got, and from what im told of the campus i hear its safe, but you cant take it for granted. I associate with many Asians, and many girls say its safe, but they dont feel comfortable walking on their own at night. Overall, the campus life is pretty chill and safety is never an issue.
Everyone Chiefs – This campus is full of brainacs who love to wind down with a nice bowl after a hard day's work.
I have frequently stayed late on campus, and I still feel safe.
Drugs Galore – In college, there are no adult supervision; hence, many students cave under peer pressure and their own curiosity to try out what their friends or their urges to do drugs or other shady business. A majority of students have done some type of drug or alcohol inducement at least once on campus.
I never felt unsafe on campus
I have always felt safe on campus, and believe that my school provides adequate services to help maintain that feeling. Nevertheless there is campus crime such as bike theft and personal items
being stolen at Geisel library. Thankfully this has never happened to me, and that this such crime is not rampant.
I feel generally safe on campus, there are resource centers for pyschiological services and sexual assault, however it takes WEEKS to get an appointment which i think should be fixed.
Our school makes sure that any topics of personal safety is addressed and that the students are safe physically and mentally.
Although there are many students who are involved in drinking and drugs, students are not constantly peer pressured or in constant use. The Policy enforcement for smoking is not heavily enforced because you'll see so many students smoking not following the enforced rule (smoking 25 feet away from buildings).
Totally Safe – I have never felt unsafe on Skidmore's campus. It is a small, beautiful, safe place to be. Keep your doors locked to avoid petty theft or late-night pranks. And be warned that Campus Security isn't too happy `bout drinking games, so keep your Beirut games under control.
Below Average – There's few who use experiment drugs; the most common being alcohol and weed at parties. For the dorms and on campus, students smoke cigarettes most visibly (1/10 smoke?).
No Alcohol Policy – There is a no alcohol policy on campus, which makes the campus very dead since parties must be held off campus. It depends on your RA on whether you can drink without getting in trouble on campus. My RAs are really chill and don't really care if we drink. You can still get written up by RSO's so it still sucks. They really need to repeal the no alcohol policy. Extremely Safe – Unlike many of the other UC campuses, there are no riots or anything keeping us from getting to class or anyone threatening to harm us. We are also in La Jolla, which is extremely wealthy and safe, so walking around campus even at night isn't something to be afraid of.
Safe as Can Be – Because UCSD is a public campus, you must be aware that at any time and at any place a random pedestrian could just walk onto the campus. However, as scary as that may seem, the security and police force on campus is ridiculously friendly and always ready to help you if you may need it. UCSD also has a CSO program, which means Community Service Officer. You can call them up anytime before 1AM and ask for a police escort. If you need an escort after 1AM, the police force will respond instead of the CSO. Personally, I have called CSO and asked for an escort when it was pitch dark and around midnight. Since UCSD is such a big campus, you won't need to fear knowing that the CSO is just one call away!
the drug game is at every school, and i know alot of people capable of getting just about anything you need
Safety and Security – In general, I felt safe on the campus of UCSD. As with any large public university, UCSD has had its incidents of crime, but the school seems to have a good amount of safety resources for students to use (an security escort service, for example).
Campus Crime – Although the UCSD campus is extremely large, I generally feel safe walking around campus even at night, especially taking the campus buses that run till around midnight.
It Happens – There is not a serious drug problem at UCSD but now and then you might smell weed coming from someone's room as you walk outside. Drinking as usual happens but never a serious problem. No one has ever come to class faded beyond belief. Sungod however people tend to take it to the extreme but what else is new.
Really Safe – I've never felt scared walking back to my residential living area late at night. The campus is pretty well lit, even at night. If I ever felt unsafe, I could call a campus security officer to
escort me to where I needed to go. Everyone's really nice and friendly, but lock your doors since you never know if you can trust your valued possessions around everyone.
Safety in Campus – It is pretty safe waking around the campus regarding day or night.
Rather Safe – UCSD's campus is safe during the day and at night too. Even though the lights on the campus are not very bright (yellow lights), the campus is located in such a safe and friendly neighborhood that it is usually safe to walk around during the night. There are also campus security (CSOs) to bike you home or walk you home if you call them.
What Drugs? People are too busy studying to get involved in drugs (for the most part). Still the occasional stoner, though.
Pretty Safe – i feel pretty safe on campus during the day. there are many students and faculty on campus walking around. When it gets dark, it's kind of scary to walk around the campus where there are many trees or in the parkinglot where there is noone else. But we can call RSO or CSO to escort us from places, so i feel much safer.
Lots of Alcohol – There's lots of alcohol drinking seen on campus - especially during Sungod. That's why UCSD has cops, RSOs, and other law enforcers survailing campus continuously.
Campus Climate – I have never felt unsafe or uncomfortable on campus. UCSD is beautiful and open. There many places to relax. On the contrary to the recent racial incident, the campus is full of nice and caring people. The students and faculty are interesting if you take the initiative to talk to them. There are very little crime activity on campus.
Not That Visible – drug use is not that obvious at UCSD. there is always underage drinking, even in the dorms. this is more obvious during sungod, when everybody drinks!
There is practically no campus crime and I and may people feel safe walking across campus alone in daylight. At night, there are community service officers who are available to walk people to their destination. The CSOs also patrol the campus at night for anything suspicious. These CSOs can directly contact police, so response time is much faster if there were ever a crime. I feel safe and the Campus Police are great at ensuring our safety.
Our campus is EXTREMELY stringent. Protests are closely monitored. Alcohol and drugs are NOT allowed, and this policy is strictly followed generally (to some dismay). And with less alcohol and drug consumption, less rapes do happen. I almost always feel safe, as I am surrounded by my fellow nerds, which care for school, and less for crime.
There's not a lot of crime in La Jolla or this area in general. There are many police cars roaming the campus as well. I don't ever feel threatened. The Student Health Services is very active.
I've never really heard of anyone getting sexually assaulted, although this doesn't mean it doesnt happen.
There isn't much crime that happens on campus and there is a escort system where when scared to walk alone someone will meet you wherever you are and walk you home. It's pretty safe. I for one haven't heard much happen here.
It's safe in La Jolla and I think most incidents are located off-campus. I feel safe and comfortable on campus.
I feel safe on campus and that the administration is attempting to address sexual assault. However, they cant control all situations and eliminate all threats.
From my own experience, the health and safety on campus seems to be sufficient, but I'm sure there's always room for improvement.
Can get it if you want it but no one pressured into it!
There are people to walk to home at night, plenty of lights, and not many serious crimes that I know of
I feel very safe, and the surrounding area of La Jolla is just as safe.
We have CSO's on campus. These are people that will walk you and accompany you anywhere on campus in late nights if you are alone and afraid to walk alone across campus. They are very helpful and the school provides a safe environment for us students.
Even if something happens (which the worst I've only heard was sexual harassment on public transport near the school), a mass email is sent to all students notifying everyone what to be careful of. I enjoy the escort system the school has if you're walking late at night and there are emergency posts if you don't want to call for an escort. The school also recently replaced all of the lights on the lamp posts so that the roads are brighter to deter others from making a move. I've walked around extremely late night on campus and I feel totally comfortable. La Jolla is really safe. Theres campus cso for after hours.
People still get away but they're smart enough not to do it on campus.
Our safety officers that patrol during day and night are always attentive and watchful off anything that happens. The RSOs and CSOs work together to make sure the campus is safe for all students day and night.
UCSD is constantly reminding us to be safe and if any problems occur, their are people who we can talk to on campus.
Cops here are very strict on crime. Very safe.
There are campus escorts available 24/7. Most of the campus is well lit and police is there to protect students.
A few of my friends have been sexually assaulted and almost raped on campus. However, the campus emergency boxes on campus are great. More lighting needs to be put in at night.
Health and safety is fine. There's a lot of police and many RSOs on campus to make sure everyone stays safe. I called 911 once for my friend who had a seizure and they were there in no time. Awesome response time in emergency situations.
Sometimes things like robbery does happen, but overall it is a pretty safe environment. The campus police is always there to help also.
So far so good; I haven't felt unsafe on campus
I came from a relatively unsafe high school so it's a refreshing change. It's a place where you can trust that most of the student body has no interest in blatant theft/violence
People smoke weed. You can if you want to, but you don't have to. It's really not a big deal.
The Student Health Center is located near the center of campus and they have a lot of resources available there.
We have the blue light system where you can get help anywhere on campus. We also have campus police and RAs take turns walking around the dorms to check on safety. Overall, I feel really safe on this campus and I walk in the dark to my night classes but there has been some instances which is typical of a large campus.
If you choose to stay out of the drug scene you can without a problem and still have a great social life. Most people here that do drugs smoke weed but even then, everyone here is EXTREMELY academically driven.
I feel totally safe on campus at all times. There are security guards that patrol at night and campus
police. There is even a service to call people to walk you back to your dorm if its late and you're trying to get home from the opposite side of campus.
There's always an officer guarding the residence halls at night, and the phone number that can be used for escorts and emergencies is always available.
I feel really safe, I've noticed a few security people here and there but the people here tend to stop bad things form happening.
Walking across campus alone and at night can be frightening, but UCSD offers a service were you can call someone to walk with you.
I usually feel safe, but I still worry about walking alone at night because there is either no or very dim lighting.
its ok like I dont see a lot about this. I just know they dont want suicides so thats good
I feel safe on campus with the different centers and resources available should I need any assistance or help along the way.
I feel very safe on campus. We live in an area that doesn't really have a lot of crime. It's also super quiet at night.
I feel safe on campus. There are parts I don't like walking through at night but there is a CSO program that will walk you back to your dorm if you feel uncomfortable.
Safety is very important to me, and I feel safe around my campus. CSO officers are available to walk students back to their dorms late at night from the library, which is very beneficial.
I feel very safe walking around UCSD. There are no threats coming from inside or outside of campus. The campus is very open and there are multiple routes to get to any destination you wish. I have walked around UCSD multiple times at night and never felt threatened. UCSD always promotes health and safety.
I feel pretty safe on campus, but I wouldn't risk walking alone when it's dark out.
It's overall pretty safe. It can get pretty dark, and personally I don't like walking alone because of that.
Because I am a commuter so I not sure about safety at night, but I feel it's okay
The campus feels fairly safe overall (as La Jolla does) and there are escorts available to walk students back to residential halls, as well as security officers in reshalls. However, many areas are not well-lit at night.
The whole campus is very safe. I have no problem walking alone at night.
There are many ways for students to obtain alcohol and other drugs, but there are also many events throughout the year to explain the dangers of drugs.
I think the admin. keeps things too secret from students--just like most universities at the moment. The university tries to combat safety issues and promote student health, but there are still plenty of issues due to lack of student input and plenty of sexual assaults from open campus issues.
it gets pretty dark on campus, since there are a lot of poorly lit places. hear about an assault of some sort every now and then just off campus. overall its pretty safe, but if out late at night it can make you a little nervous.
I've spoken to various health and personal safety personnel on campus and they're all very friendly and very discreet. Campus crime is almost non-existent and I feel extremely safe even walking at 2 am in the morning on campus. However, if I don't feel safe, a great service UCSD offers is the CSO walking services which are a group of trained \from there accompany you to your destination or until you feel safe enough to walk by yourself.
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