There have several assaults since being here for a little more than a year. I would say that the campus is pretty safe as a whole, but not safe enough where I would walk home by myself at night. Also when it comes to small crimes like theft the campus is not safe at all. Unattended laptops and bicycles are stolen all the time.
Campus police are really good. We're in a good neighborhood, so I think we're fine.
Solid campus security usually present, but there are some safety concerns that occur from time to time, possibly near or around campus.
It is often off campus or on the outskirts of campus that crimes against students occur. It is extremely rare to hear about serious crimes within the campus. I feel safe on campus due to the abundance of services provided.
There are many cameras and the people on campus are really kind and make you feel like family, which makes you feel safe
There are emergency booths located all around campus and the administration keeps students aware of events through email.
La Jolla is about as safe as it gets. However, it is a large school and there have been some incidents on campus late at night. Always try and stay in a group and you'll be ok.
I like the emergency beacons located on the campus. They also offer a escort service for any student who feels uncomftorble walking alone.
UCSD does well with providing students with organizations that promote student health and safety. There are multiple sources that aid students.
I feel fine during the day. But the campus is really dark at night and I don't feel very safe walking back home.
I feel very safe walking around campus and with officers around
There is a campus police that will provide help 24/7, and emergency contact poles located around campus. At the same time, the UCSD police sends us emails regarding any crime incident that have occurred either on-campus, or somewhere very close to campus. The emails allow students to take caution, but at the same time, these emails are evidence that there are multiple crime incidents occurring here.
I feel safe and nothing has happened to me physically. The only problem is there are many bike thieves. I know two friends who got their bike stolen and I got my seat stolen. Other than bikes, it is a safe environment and I love it.
The campus security is definitely a plus because you can easily call the number and have them walk you home.
There have been more issues popping up around the school with theft and attempted assaults, but the school notifies people through email right away when something happens on/near campus. They also took to installing more lights around campus to make it safer at night.
Email notifications are sent out promptly if a burglary or assault happens on or nearby off campus. Also, the counseling center (for anything from friend to relationship issues) was highly emphasized as a resource during the new student orientation. Know your resources and take advantage of them. Sidewalks are well lit, and emergency phones are easy to find. There are plenty of resources for student safety, and absolutely no threats are tolerated.
When one incident happens, every student is notified for caution.
The security on campus is bad because students rarely see a security or a police on campus, and there have been violence acts like stabbing, rapping, and robbing. Also there is a bar in the middle
of the school and sometimes students have to pass near there to go to their dorm and people are drunk and aggressive and there is not securities. Honestly, it doesn't get safer than La Jolla.
I feel very safe on campus. There are many campus police officers walking around late at night and we have services to assist students who want to be walked back to their dorms late at night. i feel relatively safe on campus, much more so than walking around La Jolla at night large security presence, but not too strict on drinking on campus
The campus needs better lighting at night. However, there are a lot of safety escorts.
Students really don't care what you do. There are many people that do drugs of some form, and there are many people who don't do any drugs. It's totally up to you and people don't make you feel bad for your choices.
Lots of people drink in school and some even use drugs.
There are RA's and school security officers that patrol daily to ensure safety, especially at night. There is not much drug use at school.
It's UCSD, one of the best hospitals/med schools, of course health services are great! Drugs are commonplace but not horrible. Could be worse.
NOT MUCH USE DRUGS ON CAMPUS. THERE ARE A FEW PUBS AND BARS ON CAMPUS HOWEVER I never felt in danger of my safety on campus but I was never really out much and I went home on the weekends.
I feel safe on campus. If I ever do feel unsafe there are rescources provided so the i feel better about safety.
If there are any incidents regarding alcohol ucsd responds firmly and quickly. Our college is very strict on no underage drinking and RSOs are always trying their best to keep us safe.
There isn't much peer pressure and there are many guidelines and rules that prohibit such behavior on campus.
It is really really safe.
Not many of my friends are involved with drugs
I feel safe enough to walk on campus alone at night. There have been rare, occasional crime alerts, but for the most part campus is safe. We do have emergency alert stands and campus escorts, but I have not felt the need to use them yet.
You often smell marijuana around campus, especially in Freshman dorms and there are often no measures taken to stop these students. There is a large culture around marijuana and underage drinking. However, it is not prevalent or necessary to have a good experience and people don't pressure you to join in a negative way.
The drug safety seems average if not above average. Escort services available to anyone who calls.
The people in general are not as bad as other campuses. There have been stabbings, rapes, and murders on campus. There is no peer pressure, but it is prevalent enough. RAs on duty, CSOs available at night
Crimes rarely happen on campus and the police do a very good job of keeping an eye out on the students.
i feel pretty safe on campus because there are always people walking around
Its average. Its a typical college atmosphere . there is people who drink and there are people who
People can do what they feel like doing.
They've become less convenient as the time passed. Instead of being able to make appointments directly with the preferred doctor, we now have to talk with the nurse first.
Drug consumption is prevalent but there is not much peer pressure to consume drugs if you wish not to
At night, it gets kind of scary because there are barely any lights in some areas. With what has happened this year with stabbings, it is frightening
The campus has a generally good security system. There are friendly officers available to escort students during walks at night. There have been incidents of robberies, violence, and sexual assault on campus, but only on occasion.
The drug scene is not too openly prevalent at this school, but alcohol is somewhat easily accessible. I usually feel safe on campus because there are a lot of emergency telephones situated throughout campus and escort services are available upon request. However, there have been some sexual assaults and armed robberies, which can be quite unsettling.
This university goes through extreme lengths to ensure its students safety, from offering skits that show the importance of consent to distributing mandatory programs that educate students about acceptance and safety to offering phones around campus that immediately notify campus police. We have security and also safety escorts that can be called to walk you.
Pretty good. No one looks up to sexual assault. It is frowned upon like it should be. We are too focused on academics.
I know some people who drink and do drugs in my hall, and I have heard about parties that include usage of such substances. The Residential Security Officers, however, are strict on enforcing the no alcohol/drug policy.
Emails get sent out to warn of suspicious people // crimes that have occurred. These are nice, but to not hear followups makes me uneasy. Generally, safety is very high on campus, there are a lot of petty thefts.
Most things are pretty low key. If you want to do drugs, I'm sure you'll connect with some people. If you don't, there is definitely no pressure at all. Alcohol is pretty present. Friends give you a hard time for not drinking but they don't shun you in any way, they merely give you a hard time about it and if you still say no they won't force you.
It's been mostly safe here my last two years at UCSD. Only recently have we had more extensive crime than bike theft.
I feel relatively safe and secure on campus. However, our campus is big and walking through it at night can feel a little sketchy.
Alcohol is the only drug I have seen at my school and when I have it is a rare occasion.
Since it's an open campus, we had a stabbing incident in one of the busiest parts of the entire campus
Probably about average. The campus is open, and there have been incidences of rapes occurring on campus by serial rapists in the area. As a female student that scared me a little, but it just made me more aware and very careful. I always went places with friends or had an escort if I was leaving at night. 99% of the time I felt very safe and did not have any issues.
There is not much drug abuse, but there is drug use. Many people I knew drank socially, and some used marijuana. I did not drink or use any drugs and I never felt excluded. The school has a
reputation for being nerdy, but it is honestly whatever you make of it.
Lots of fresh air, not the cleanest air quality due to the high amount of locomotive activity in the city, but it's by the beach
I do not engage in drug or alcohol usage and I have not been pressured too much.
The security is available and fairly average. I generally feel safe on campus; however, the campus is very large.
Aside from the incident of the attacker last month, I still feel safe around campus.
Many people drink in their rooms and don't go to parties when drinking. I've encountered a great deal many of students who drink to release bottled-up emotions and stress; it's outrageous and disgusting.
It's not amazing and it's not terrible. It's sufficient.
While there have been incidents on campus relating to a number of varied crimes, including bike theft and stabbings, no campus is safe, and the campus police are usually there to assist you if you need it within 5 minutes of a 911 call. A lot of people drink on campus I feel safe when I'm on campus
I feel relatively safe at my university. There has been few instances where police have been involved, but from what I understand these situations are relatively uneventful
You can ask for a security guard to escort you anywhere on campus which is great. Very safe on campus. Most incidents occur off campus though
Not much happens on campus, except for the Village and I-House. Most parties happen off campus in Regeants.
Health-wise, UCSD has a lot of resources at the Student Health Services center as well as resources outside of the center as well. Safety can be better though. We recently had a stabbing a couple days ago, so I definitely recommend walking around small groups, never alone.
Overall I feel safe on campus, there has been a few incidents recently, but I think that is common everywhere
Its not super obvious, but there are a fair amount of students who do drugs and drink on campus. Even though UCSD went smoke free there is still people who do it. i've never seen anyone get caught or written up for drugs
The campus is big, but is relative safe. It all depends how cautious and careful you are. I don't really do drugs or drink, so I don't know.
You mainly just hear about weed or ecstacy it's not a place with noticable use of hard drugs at all Safety is great. Campus medical center I'd pretty far from where I live so fingers crossed I never need the emergency. Health care is required if you are international.
There's plenty of drugs and alcohol if you look for them. Most people are too socially dead to use them.
Very few students at UCSD visibly use drugs or alcohol. There is a good amount of students that smoke weed, but harder drugs are almost nonexistent. Alcohol is difficult to come by, considering there are few frat parties and no legal fraternity housing in La Jolla. Peer pressure is generally nonexistent; I have a suite mate that does not drink or smoke and no one pressures her to do so. If the student has the school's insurance, then the student health services are very convenient. Otherwise, they charge for their services at their own discretion.
The health services are a pain in the butt on campus. There is always a large wait for the most
simple things and many students rather just hold off their injury or sickness then step into the health services center. The security on campus is decent but the presence is not acknowledged. As a student I do not feel safer with the security there, they are just there and I do not see them protecting me at any point.
I think college in general exposes students to alcohol use, not just our campus specially. There are older students that can purchase the alcohol for the younger and there are always sources of other drugs that can be easily accessed. especially with the use of the social networks online. The drug scene at our campus may not be fully obvious to a the administration, but to another student, it is fairly available at every corner. Quiet town, very safe for the most part
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