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The shirt is as white as snow.这件衬衫像雪一样白 Mary is as happy as a bird.玛丽的像小鸟一样高兴 Her face is as red as an apple.她的脸像苹果一样红

The girl’s voice is as quiet as a mouse.女孩的声音像老鼠一样安静 His hand is as cold as ice.他的手像冰一样凉 形容词变最高级的规则: 1.一般情况+est 2.以e结尾的形容词+st

3.辅音加y结尾的形容词,变y为i,+est 4.重读闭音节的形容词,双写结尾字母+est 5.多音节的形容词,在该词前面+ the most 例词

longest, shortest finest, nicest happiest, easiest biggest, hottest

the most beautiful, the most interesting 不规则的变化: good---better---best bad---worse---the worst many---more---the most much---more---the most 句型:

Which ruler is the longest of the three三把尺子中哪把最长 The yellow ruler is the longest of the three.黄色的尺子最长。 Which girl is the thinnest of the four四个女孩中哪个女孩最瘦 Xingtong is the thinnest of the four.星彤最瘦。

Which boy is the strongest of the five五个男孩中哪个男孩最强壮 Jiahui is the strongest of the five.嘉辉最强壮。 How tall are you你多高

I’m one hundred and thirty two centimeters tall.我一米三二(132厘米)。 补充词汇: moustache八字胡 lift电梯 balcony 阳台 basement 地下室 shoulder肩膀 coat大衣 hundred 百 thousand 千 metre米 centimeter厘米 kilometer 千米 per hour每小时

Unit 11 I went to the zoo yesterday. 啥是一般过去时

用来表示发生在过去的动作或状态! 标志词有啥噻

yesterday(昨天),last week(上周),an hour ago(一小时前),in 2003(在2003年)等等。记住这些时间一定是过去了的哦!

动词变成一般过去式时,要不要遵守一些规则呢 1. 通常情况就加ed吧!

例如: listen---listened, cook---cooked

2. 动词后面要是已经有一个字母e了,就不要浪费铅笔了,直接加d 就行了!

例如:dance---danced, like---liked

3. 动词结尾是辅音字母加y的,把y变成i,再加ed哦! (注意y前面的那个字母一定不能是a,e,i,o,u噢!) 例如:try---tried, study---studied

4. 动词若是重读闭音节了,就把结尾的辅音字母双写一下吧!别忘了再加ed! 例如:hop--- hopped, stop---stopped 别把be动词忘了呀!

is和am的过去式是was; are 的过去式是were. 加了ed后不知道怎么读

1. 清辅音后读t. (摸摸喉咙,不振动的叫清辅音哦!) 2. 浊辅音和元音后读d. (摸摸喉咙,振动的叫浊辅音哦!) 3. 以t和d 结尾的单词,加了ed 后读id. 有些不听话的动词不按规矩变化怎么办 看看都是哪些不听话的家伙,记住它们吧! see--saw, give--gave, ride--rode, buy--bought, speak--spoke, take--took, can--could, do--did, think--thought, have--had, catch--caught, find--found, learn--learnt, say--said, sit--sat, stand--stood, mean--meant, run--ran, sing--sang, drink--drank, swim--swam, know--knew, fly--flew, throw--threw, draw--drew, give--gave, ride--rode, eat--ate, write--wrote, go--went, wear--wore, choose--chose. Unit 12 Has your school got a swimming pool

一、今天和小朋友们一起认识了个新朋友:现在完成时! 二、姓名:现在完成时

三、性格:该同学喜欢表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的结果或影响 四、身体构成:have/has+过去分词 (主语是单数用have,复数用 has)

五、喜欢穿的衣服:也就是标志词啦!有:already(已经), yet(还,尚 且), never(从不), ever(曾经)


1. 听话的动词(规则动词)还是会按规矩办事的,跟过去式一样,按照加ed的规则进行。 2. 不听话的动词(不规则动词)就让我们用超强记忆力来征服它们吧!

hit--hit--hit,hurt--hurt--hurt, put--put--put

have--had--hadbuy--bought--bought, catch-- caught--caught find--found--found, learn--learnt--learnt, mean--meant--meant say--said--said, sleep--slept--slept, spell--spelt--spelt sit--sat--sat, think--thought--thought, stand--stood--stood come--came--come, run--ran--run, sing--sang--sung

drink--drank--drunk, swim--swam--swum,know--knew--known fly--flew--flown, throw--threw--thrown, draw--drew--drawn give--gave--given, ride--rode--ridden, eat--ate--eaten write--wrote--written, go--went--gone, see--saw--seen wear--wore--worn, choose--chose--chosen 本课都学了哪些句子

1. What have you done 你已经做了什么 I have seen a tiger.我已经看过老虎了。 2. What has she done她已经做了什么 She has ridden a horse.她已经骑过马了。 3. Have you flown a kite你放过风筝么 Yes, I have.是的,我放过。 No, I haven't.不,我没放过。

4. Has he sung an English song他唱过英文歌么 Yes, he has.是的,他唱过。 No, he hasn't.不,他没唱过。

5. Has your school got a swimming pool你们学校有游泳池么 Yes, it has.是的,有。 No, it hasn't.不,没有。

6. How many birthdays have you got你过了多少个生日了 I have got 8.我过了8个生日了。

many places have you been to你去过多少地方

I have been to 8 places. 我去过8个地方。(回来了!) 8. How many places have you gone to你去过多少地方 I have gone to 7 places.我去过7个地方(没回来呢!) 本课重点动词词组:

see a tiger, catch a mouse (看老虎,抓老鼠) have a dog, read a book (有一只狗,读书) ride a horse, fly a kite (骑马,放风筝)

buy a bike, swim in a river (买自行车,在河里游泳) sing an English song, hurt your leg (唱英文歌,伤了腿) eat English food, send an email (吃英国食物,发电子邮件) Unit 13 My seven days

一周有几天哪几天是working days哪几天是weekendWorking days: Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四

Friday 星期五 Weekend:

Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日 今天有“介词”现身江湖啦!

on 在……上 on 在具体的一天(on Monday) under 在……下 at 在具体时间点(at 5:00) in front of 在……前面 before 在...前(before 8:00) behind 在……后面 after在...后 (after school) next to 在……附近 between 在……之间 动词短语:

play the guitar 弹吉他 ride a bike 骑自行车 tie my shoes 系鞋带 listen to music 听音乐 stay at home 呆在家 句型:

What day is it today Today is Friday.

What day was it yesterday Yesterday was Thursday. What did you do yesterday I saw a movie yesterday. What have you done on Thursday I have seen a movie on Thursday. What would you like to do I'd like to play the guitar. At what time are you free I'm free at 9:00. When are you free I'm free on Saturday.

动词的过去式和过去分词很重要,记得背啊孩子们! Unit 14 How often does he have sports 单词:food:

rice大米, sandwich三明治, pasta意大利面, pie派, bread面包, cake蛋糕, cheese奶酪, chicken鸡肉, beef牛肉, steak牛排, French fries薯条, bean豆角, chocolate巧克力, butter黄油, sea food海鲜, vegetables蔬菜, milk牛奶, coffee咖啡, juice橙汁, tea茶, coconut椰子 短语:

have piano lesson上钢琴课 have sports做体育运动

do homework做作业 learn English学习英语 表频率:

once a week一周一次 twice a week两周一次 three times a week一周三次 four times a week一周四次 every day每天

every other day每隔一天 every other month每隔一月 every other year每隔一年 句型:

How often do you have piano lessons你多长时间上一次钢琴课 Twice a week.一周两次。

How often does he/she have math lesson他/她多长事件上一次数学课 Every other day.每天都上。

What would you like to eat on Monday周一你喜欢吃什么 I'd like to eat sea food on Monday.周一我喜欢吃海鲜。 补充:

How often...对频率进行提问

How many...对数量进行提问(可数名词)例如:How many cats are there in your family你们家有多少只猫

How much...对数量进行提问(不可数名词)例如:How much money do you have你有多少钱 How long...对时间进行提问

例如:How long does it take to do your homework你做家庭作业需要多长时间 Unit 15 I enjoy reading picture stories动词短语:eat ice cream吃冰激凌 take pictures拍照 learn English学英语 cook food做饭

read a comic book读笑话书 ride a horse骑马

talk with friends和朋友聊/说话 句型:

Do you like eating ice cream 你喜欢吃冰激凌么 Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

Do you like taking pictures 你喜欢拍照么 Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

Do you like learning English 你喜欢学英语么 Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

Do you like cooking food 你喜欢做饭么 Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

Do you like reading a comic book你喜欢读笑话书么 Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

Do you like riding a horse你喜欢骑马么



