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Unit 1 I’ve got many new friends 重点句型:

I’ve got many new friends. I like to do sth. My Chinese name is… My English name is… Can I help you… 重点词汇:

Chinese, English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden

Unit 2 Is this book yours 重点句型: Is this book yours This book is not yours. Which one is different No, it’s not mine. 重点词汇:

mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, scarf, sweater, pet, socks, circle, bat, fan, tank, bank, hand

Unit 3 Our school is beautiful. 重点句型: This is our school. It’s very beautiful. We’ve got…

Where do you often play sports Where is… 重点词汇:

beautiful, library, bank, shop, cafe, garden, dining room, classroom, swimming pool, sports centre, playground, round, square, quiet, hungry, thirsty, tired

Unit 4 Miss, can I ask you a question 重点句型: Can I ask a question What does this word mean What’s the English for… What’s the Chinese for…

Excuse me, can I use the bathroom for a minute Who wants have a try


question, sure, riddle, picture, straight, plus, minus, curly, try, address, video, comic, film, jungle, balcony, town, laugh, enjoy

Unit 5 How about coming with us 重点句型:

How about coming with us Where are you going I’d love to, but… Opposite the market. 重点词汇:

market, farm, hospital, school, bus station, cinema, zoo, supermarket, bank, beach, forest, waterfall, lake, island, village, mountain

Unit 6 He likes reading picture books. 重点句型:

He likes reading picture books. It’s time to get up. Come and play with us. What does Bob like doing best What kind of books do you like to read 重点词汇: get up, picture book

Unit 5 How about coming with us 景点名称: the Great Wall长城 Beijing Zoo北京动物园 Wangfujing王府井 Taishan Moutain泰山 Kunming Lake昆明湖 Kangaroo Island袋鼠岛 地点名词:

bank银行, bus station车站, cafe咖啡馆, cinema,电影院 farm农场, hospital医院, library图书馆, market市场, park公园, playground操场, shop商店, supermarket, 超市 school学校, swimming pool游泳池, zoo动物园 句型:

Which place would you like to go你喜欢去哪个地方 I'd like to go to the Kangaroo Island.我喜欢去袋鼠岛。 Where are you going你要去哪

I'm going to the park. How about coming with me我要去公园,和我一起去怎么样 I'd like to. (No, thanks.)好的。(不,谢谢!) 介词:

on, under, in front of,

behind, next to, by, beside, near, opposite Where is the box On the table.

Unit 6 He likes reading picture books. 单词:

story book故事书, games book游戏书 comic book笑话书, toy book玩具书 picture book图画书, music book音乐书 sports book体育运动类书, cookery book烹饪书 animal book动物类书 动词短语:

read a newspaper看报纸 read a book读书 ride a horse骑马 eat fruit吃水果

eat an ice cream吃冰激凌 take pictures拍照 draw a picture画画 drink tea喝茶 do math做数学题 watch TV看电视 wash up洗刷 go shopping去购物 cook food做饭 clean the floor擦地板 skate滑冰

sing and dance唱歌跳舞 play the piano弹钢琴 play games做游戏 句型:

What kind of books do you like to read你喜欢读哪种书 I like to read comic book.我喜欢读笑话书。 What are you doing there你在做什么 I'm reading a newspaper.我在看报纸 。

What is he doing there他在做什么 He is eating an ice cream.他在吃冰激凌。 What do you like doing你喜欢做什么 I like cleaning the floor.我喜欢擦地板。 What does he like doing他喜欢做什么 He likes singing and dancing.他喜欢唱歌跳舞。 What do you like doing best你最喜欢做什么 I like watching TV best. 我最喜欢看电视。

What does he like doing best他最喜欢做什么 He likes taking pictures best.他最喜欢拍照。 Unit 7 You mustn't drop litter in the park! 介词短语: in the water在水里 in the boat在船上 in the park在公园里 on the grass在草地上 动词短语:

throw food at animals扔给动物食物 stand and shout站着大喊 drop litter扔垃圾 pick flowers摘花

sit on the grass坐在草地上 句型:

You mustn't throw food at animals in the water.你不可以往水里给动物扔吃的。 You mustn't stand and shout in the boat.你不可以站在穿上大叫。 You mustn't drop litter in the park.你不可以在公园里扔垃圾。 You mustn't pick flowers in the park.你不可以在公园里摘花。 You mustn't sit on the grass.你不可以坐在草地上。

There be句型:There is a hen standing on the football.有一只母鸡站在足球上。 There is a bird standing on the book.有一只鸟站在书上。 There is a cat sleeping on the bed.有一只猫躺在床上睡觉。 There are two frogs swimming in the river.有两只青蛙在河里游泳。 There are two mice eating fruit.有两只老鼠在吃水果。 There are two sheep eating grass.有两只绵羊在吃草。 补充词汇:

drive开车, draw画画, swim游泳, sleep睡觉 fish钓鱼, wash洗, kick踢, talk谈话 jump跳, climb爬, bounce拍, paint涂色 Unit 8 Who is the winner 一、复习must, mustn't 句型。 二、多义词:fly 放(风筝);苍蝇 match 比赛;火柴 ring 戒指;电话 room 空间;房间 stick 木棍;贴 There be句型: there is +单数名词 there are +复数名词 单词:

lamp台灯, kite风筝, doll布娃娃, CD player CD机 tank 鱼缸, bag书包, clock钟表, spider 蜘蛛 parrot鹦鹉, TV=television


What have you got in your bag你书包里有什么

I've got a book and a pencilcase. 我有一本书和一个笔袋。 How many + 名词复数+are there 有多少...... There are...

例: How many flowers are there in your hand 你手里有多少朵花 There are 5.有5朵。 其他知识点: play with sb. 和某人玩 play with sth. 拿某物玩 lots of =a lot of 许多 Unit 9 Sally is taller than Ben 复习:

What do you like doing best你最喜欢做什么 I like cooking food best.我最喜欢做饭。 You must study hard.你必须努力学习。

You mustn't throw food at animals.你不可以把食物扔给动物们吃。 There is a hen standing on the football.有一只母鸡站在足球上。 There are two frogs swimming in the river.有两只青蛙在河里游泳。 What have you got你有什么东西 I've got a football.我有一个足球。 How many books are there有多少本书 There are 6.有6本。 形容词比较级: 1. 一般情况下+er.

2. 以不发音e结尾的直接+er. 3. 辅音加y结尾的,变y为i,再加er. 4. 重读闭音节的双写结尾字母,再加er. 5. 多音节词的比较级,前面加more.

be +形容词的比较级+than I'm taller than you. 我比你高。 She is younger than him.她比他小。 You're stronger than her.你比她强壮。 句型:

Which ruler is longer哪把尺子更长

The yellow ruler is longer than the green ruler.黄色的尺子比绿色的尺子长。 Who is younger, Kara or Lily谁更小 Lily is younger. 莉莉更小。

as...as... 和……一样as red as an apple 和苹果一样红 as white as snow 像雪一样白 as quiet as a mouse 像老鼠一样安静 as cold as ice 像冰一样凉 Unit 10 Did you know 复习:


