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1. - What is your eldest SiSter like? A. She is happy B. She is ill C. She is tall D. She is at home 答宰:C

2. - IS that Seat taken? A. PIease don't worry. B. I don't think so. C. Why not? D. It,s Very nice? 答宰:B

3. - PIeaSe help yourself to the seafood. A. Nof I can,t.

B. Sorryf I Canet help? C. We∣L SeafOOd don't suit.

D. We∣L Γm afraid I don't Iike seafood. 答宰:D 4. - What are you mooring in?

A. In a University. B. Very hard. C-Mathematics ? D.At nine in the morning. 答宰:C

5. - COUId you help me With my physics; PleaSe ?

A. N of no way. B. Nof I couldn't. C. Noz 1 can,t.

D. Sorry I Cant I have to go to a meeting right now. 答宰:D 二阅读理解

Smith WaS a Iandlord? He IOVed money Very much and never gave anything to anybody? SOOn he became rich?

One day the Weather WaS fine. There WaSn't a ClOUd in the Sky and the SUn WaS Very Warm? The

Iandlord WaS WaIking along a river With his friends, When. all Of a SUdden, he SliPPed and fell into it. He Criedf \Z \Iandlord,s head WentUnder the Water and then Came UP again, but he did not give his hand to his friends. Then another Of his friends tried but the Same thing happened.

JUSt then a farmer Came OVer and SaW all this? He knew the IandlOrd Very Well? He Said to the OtherSf \1 He held OUt his hand and Said to the IandlOrdl \Hearing this, the Iandlord took the farmer,s hand, and in a minute the farmer PUlled the Iandlord OUt Of the water.

AIl the OtherS got Very SUrPriSed at this and asked the farmer, %us?\Z ,,You don't know your friend Very WeIIl When you Say ,give, to him, he does nothing; but When you Say ,take, he takes/

2020年12月网络教育统考大学英语B ,计算机应用基础。

最新全套整版题库!英语B中英文全真翻译,视频讲解:计算机操作题均含视频演示;零 基础即可一次性通过!信我们题库,轻松简单过统考,如需请加Q : 269041716 6.Smith WaS a

farmer. A. T B. F 答宰:B

7.Smith became Very rich, because he n ever gave anythi ng to any body ? A. T B. F 答宰:A

8.0ne day Smith WaS WaIking along a Iake With his friends. A. T B. F 答宰:B

9. The rich man held OUt his hand When he heard \A. T B. F 答案:A

10. His friends knew the rich man Very WeIl? A. T B. F 答宰:B

ThrOUghOUtthe COlOnial PenOd there WaS a remarkable ShOrtage Of WOmenz WhiCh Varied With the regions and WaS always greatest in the frontier areas. ThiS ShOrtage enhaneed (提高)women's StatUS and POSitiOn and allowed them to PUrSUe different CareerS? The PUritans (;青教徒)regarded idleness as a Sin (罪恶)f and believed that Iife in an UnderdeVelOPrnent COUntry made it necessary that each member Of the

COmmUnity PerfOrmed an economic funCtiOn. ThUS WOrk for WOmen WaS not Only approved but also WaS regarded as a CMC (公民的)duty. PUritan town COUnCiIS expected WidOWS and independent WOmen to be Self-SUPPOrting. There WaS no SOCial PrOhibitiOn against married WOmen WOrking; On the COntrary, WiVeS Were expected to help their husbands in their trade and WOn SOCial approval for doing extra WOrk in Or OUt Of the home?

The VaSt majority Of WOmen WOrked Within their homes; Where their IabOr PrOdUCed most articles needed for the family? The entire COlOnial PrOdUCtiOn Of CIOth and ClOthing and PartIy that Of ShOeS WaS in the hands Of WOmen? In additiOn to these OCCUPatiOnS WOmen Were found in many different kinds Of employment? They Were butchers, SilVerSmithS and gunSmithS? They ran mills, PIamatiOns, ShiPyardSf and every kind Of ShOP? They Were gatekeepers, jail keepers, journalists, PrinterS nUrSeS and teachers? 11. What does the PaSSage mainly discuss? A-Colonial marriages? B. The PUritan religion.

C-Colonial WOmerfs employment. □.Education in the colonies. 答宰:C

12. According to the passage, Where in colonial NOrth AmenCa Were there the fewest WOmen? A. Puritan COmmUnitieS? B. Seaports.

C-Frontier settlements. D.Capital cities. 答宰:C

13.lt Can be inferred from the PaSSage that the PUritans Were _________ ? A. uneducated B. hardworking C. ge nerous D. wealthy 答案:B

14. According to the PaSSageZ PUritans believed that an Unmarried adult WOman ShOUId be _________? A. finanCiaIIy responsible for herself B. returned to England C. supported by her family D. trained to be a nurse 答宰:A

15. According to the PaSSagez What did the PUritans expect from married women? A. They ShOUId adopt needy ChiIdren.

B. They ShOUId assist in their husbands' trade Or business? C. They ShOUld WOrk OnIy Within their OWn homes. D. They ShOUld be apprenticed?

答宰:B 三、词汇与语法

16. A COmPUter CanOnly do ____ you have instructed it to do. A.how B. after C. what

D. whe n 答宰:C

17.1 Often See ____ the road On his Way home? A. he CrOSS B. him CrOSS C. him CrOSSed D. he CrOSSing 答宰:B

18. There _____ a book and SOme magazines On the desk? A. is B. be C. have D. has 答案:A

19. A Pair Of SPeCtaCleS _____ What I need at the moment. A. is B. are C. has

D. have 答宰:A

20. ______ her and then try to COPy What She does? A. Mind B. See C. Stare at D. Watch 答宰:D 四、完型填空

1 became lame(跛的)in both IegS in my ChildhOOd? I can,t Stand WithOUtthe SUPPOrt Of two sticks. Only in my WheelChair Can I \?

I StiII remember the first day at _21_? When I appeared at the door; everyOne in the CIaSSrOOm Stared at me in SUrPnSe? My face turned red? I COUldn't help turning back? It WaS the _22_ and SymPathy (同情)in their eyes that StOPPed me doing so. I Went ShyIy towards an UnOCCUPied (空的) seat.

Being Iamef I didn't dare to Walk in front Of my classmates. I WaS afraid that 1 might be Iaughedat. In those days I WaS Very Sad to See OtherS Walking _23_?

One day, a few StUdents Came UP to me and asked me to go OUtSide? I WaS really excited? They

enCOUraged me With a(n) friendIySmiIe and PUShed me in my WheelChair from PlaCe to PlaCe? I WaS —

24_ to them for giving me a Chance to See the SightS Of OUr IOVeIy SChOOl With my OWn eyes? After that We Often read, Played and talked together. My friends are always _25_ to help me? It made me forget I am han dicapped (残疾的)?

OnCe they asked mer nWhat is the most beautiful thing in OUr SChOOI?\(犹 豫)I SaidZ ,,It is the friendship/*

A.happily B.school C.ready D.tha nkful 答≡ : 21.B 22.E 五、 英译汉

26.Γm having a headache now. 答宰:我现在有点头疼。

27.Students Can StUdy by themselves through SChOOl network? 答宰:学生可以目己通过校园网络学习?

28. The StUdents are enCOUraged to do more IiStening. reading and Writing by their teacher. 答宰:老师鼓励学生多听、多读、多写?

29. As is known to all; China is the IargeSt developing COUntry in the WOrId? 答宰:众所周知r中国是世界上最大的发展中国家。 30. Life is meaningless WithOUt a PUrPOSe? 答案:没有目标的生活是皇无意义的。

31. Most StUdentS feel SatiSfied With the PrOgreSS they' Ve made? 答宰:大多数学生对自己所取得的进步感到满意。 六、 写作 32. 写作

Instructions:^据下面所给的题纲用英语写出一爲不少于80词的短文。 假如你叫李华,你的同学正在开展一场讨论. 主题是:学生要不要夢加体育锻炼? 答案:无




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