关键词:网上人才招聘系统JSP 数据库
The Implementation and Design of Job Seeking System
In recent years, the rapid development of Internet, web based all kinds of derivatives has brought a lot of convenience to our daily life. We only need to get along well with their mobile phone or computer, you can grasp the instant information the parties remain within doors, followed the footsteps of the times. The rapid development of computer technology and communication technology, on the other hand, the accelerated pace of life and work efficiency of work efficiency is heightened, people have higher requirements, to participate in the recruitment is not only time-consuming, but also on the job information is not clear, the success rate is very low. In order to facilitate the people through the network more convenient to deliver resume to find suitable job opportunities, so the network recruitment system came into being, it has been developing quickly. This subject is mainly to use JSP as a development language, using MySQL as the background database, in order to realize the online Job Seeking System. Including the enterprise recruitment information browsing and recruitment information, job seekers resume publishing and resume, administrator management and maintenance of the site, only verified by the administrator recruitment information can be distributed on the platform, thus holding the recruitment of information security and the real line.
This paper mainly introduces the online Job Seeking System
realization method, technology using to realize the net, and introduces the function of the system.
Keywords: Web-based Job Seeking System, Development Tools, Database, Module
目 录
前 言 ............................................................................................................................... 1 第一章 网上人才招聘系统的概述 .......................................................................... 2 1.1 网上人才招聘系统的概述 .................................... 2 1.2 网上人才招聘系统架构设计及特征 ........................... 2 1.3 网上人才招聘系统的划分和开发 ............ 错误!未定义书签。 第二章 项目开发的技术准备 ................................................................................... 3 2.1 PHP的简介.................................................. 3 2.2 MYSQL的简介 ................................................ 3 2.3 APACHE的简介 ............................................... 5 第三章 系统分析 ........................................................................................................... 5 3.1 系统初步调查 ............................................... 5 3.2 系统可行性分析 ............................................ 8 3.3 现行系统详细分析 .......................................... 8 第四章 系统设计 ......................................................................................................... 10 4.1 系统总体设计 .............................................. 10 4.2 系统主要模块及功能实现 ................................... 11 4.3 数据库设计 ................................................ 16 第五章 系统实施 ......................................................................................................... 19 5.1 系统实现 .................................................. 19 5.2 系统测试 .................................................. 20 第六章 结束语 ............................................................................................................. 21 6.1系统特色与创新 ............................ 错误!未定义书签。 6.2系统局限 .................................................. 21 6.3 总结 ...................................................... 21 参考文献 ......................................................................................................................... 22 致 谢 ................................................................................................................................ 22