停机前先关闭压力表旋塞,再慢慢关闭过滤器进口阀门(4),待阀门关到10%后再停水泵。First Close the submersible outlet valve for before stopping and also slowly close the filter inlet valve no.4 to 10% before stopping the pump.
3.2加压泵的启动、检查、停机Multi-stage pump start-up, inspection and switching off
3.2.1 加压泵启动前准备工作 Inspections before starting the pump
1、确认取水泵已经正常供水至加压水池;Make sure that the submersible pump feeding the reservoir is working normally. 2、水池水位为正常水位(3.0~4.0 m);The pool water level should be 3~4m before starting the pumps
3、检查并开启待开加压泵进口蝶阀;Check the pressure then open the inlet valve to the pump
4、检查确认待开水泵电源正常,润滑良好,同时无影响水泵启动运行的因素存在;Check and make sure that the power to the pump is okay, the pump is greased to avoid faults when the pump starts to run.
5、检查确认泵出口蝶阀处于关闭状态,压力表旋塞处于关闭状态;Check and make sure that the outlet valve is closed and the pressure gauge valve is closed
Check and make sure that the multi-functional control valve can work normally.
7、用手转动联轴器应感觉轻松且轻重均匀,并注意判别泵内有无摩擦声和异物流动等杂音,如有应设法排除;Rotate the shaft to make sure the movement is uniform in all directions. Pay attention to friction sounds which are noisy and if any it should be eliminated. 8、首次启动或电气维修后需要点动确认水泵的转向;When operating the pump for the first time or after carrying some maintenance works on the pump, make sure it is running in clockwise direction by switching it on and off.
3.2.2 加压泵启动、检查 Switching On Multi-Stage Pump and Inspections
1、启动水泵,待泵运转正常后,打开压力表旋塞,慢慢开启泵出口闸阀;Start the pump and ensure that it is running normally, open the valve for the pressure gauge then slowly open the outlet valve.
2、通过控制出口阀开度,调节各泵的电机运行电流,注意运行电流不得超过(320A);By opening the outlet valve you are adjusting the current for the motor. Note that running current must not exceed 320A.
3、检查确认水泵泵出口压力在1.3~1.6MPa左右;Make sure that the outlet pressure for the pump is between 1.3Mpa~1.6MPa
4、必须确保水泵运行时泵平衡水管不得堵塞;Make sure that the balance pipes on the pump are not blocked or obstructed.
5、检查确认泵电流、声音、振动等均在正常范围内;Check and ensure that the pump current, vibration, temperature etc. are within normal conditions.
6、要检查泵和电机的温升情况,轴承的温升不得大于35℃,极限温度不得大于75℃。Check the pump and motor temperature, temperature not fluctuate more than 35℃.and extreme temperatures not more than 75℃.
7、在运转过程中,发现有不正常的声音或其他故障时,应立即停车并开启备用泵,待排除故障后才能继续运转。During the operation if any abnormal sound arises or failure, the pump should be stopped and run the standby pump then after troubleshooting, the pump can be re-started.
3.2.3 加压泵停机 Switching Off Multi-Stage Pumps
停机前先关闭压力表旋塞,再慢慢关闭泵出口阀门,待出口阀门关闭后再停水泵。Close the valve to the pressure gauge before stopping, then slowly close the outlet valve until its closed fully then stop the pump.
四、 设备巡检Inspection
4.1 潜水泵巡检 Submersible Pump Inspection
巡检频率 Inspection 巡检事项 inspection matters frequency 1. 检查水泵运行电流是否在规定范围内,注意运行电流不得超过 (230A);Check the pump running current is within the specified range, the current should not exceed 230A. 2. 检查确认水泵振动、声音、出口压力、阀门开度等是否正常;Check and ensure that the vibration for the pump, sound, outlet pressure and the valve opening degree is normal 3. 检查管路是否有渗漏;Check for leaks from the pipes 4. 检查水泵周围是否有杂质;Check if there are foreign materials around the pump 5. 检查河水水位;Check the water level 6. 检查电缆绝缘情况;Check the insulation for the cables 7. 检查阀门润滑情况;Check the lubrication for the valves 每小时巡检Hourly inspection 每天巡检 Daily inspection 4.2加压泵巡检 Multi-stage pump operation
巡检频率 Inspection frequency 巡检事项 Inspection matters 1. 检查水泵运行电流是否在规定范围内,注意运行电流不得超过 (320A);Check the running current is within the specified range, running current should not exceed 320A 2. 检查确认水泵振动、声音、出口压力、阀门开度等是否正常;Check and make sure the pump vibration, sound, outlet pressure , valve 每小时巡检opening degree is normal Hourly inspection 3. 检查管路是否有渗漏Check for leaks from the pipes 4. 检查水池水位,必需在3~4m;check pool water level, should be between 3m~ 4m 5. 检查电机运行是否有异味;Check if the running motor is producing burning smells 1. 检查各水泵地脚螺丝是否紧固;Check and make sure that the anchor bolts are tightened 2. 检查各轴承、阀门润滑情况;Check all bearings and valve lubrication 3. 检查盘车是否灵活,有无卡住和杂音;Check the disc drive is flexible with or without jam and noise 4. 检查电缆绝缘情况;Check the insulation for cables 每天巡检 Daily inspection 五、 故障分析与处理 TROUBLESHOOTING
5.1潜水泵故障分析 Submersible pump Troubleshooting
故障 Fault 原因 Reason 排除方法 Solution 1. 电机没动;Motor did not 1. 排除电路故障和水泵卡;move 死现象;Check the circuit 不出水或出水少 Less water 2. 管路堵塞或过滤网堵塞;for the motor or it could Pipe blockage or filter is be jammed. 3. 4. 5. 6. clogged 管路破裂;Pipe break or burst 吸水口露出水面;Suction pipe out of the water 电机反转;Motor reversal 水泵密封环、叶轮破损;Water pump seal ring, impeller damaged 2. 清除;Clear the blockage 3. 修复;Repair 4. 及时汇报水位;Timely reporting the water level 5. 调换接头;Replacement joints 6. 更换;Replacement 电流过大Excessive current 1. 阀门开度太大;Valve opening is too big 2. 轴弯曲、轴承不同心;Shaft bending and bearing not aligned 1. 两项运行;Two phase running 2. 轴承咬合抱住转子;Clinging to the rotor bearing bite 3. 叶轮内有杂物与泵体卡死;With debris and the pump impeller stuck 4. 电压太低;Voltage is too low 1. 电机转子或叶轮不平衡;Motor rotor or impeller imbalance 2. 轴弯曲;Shaft bending 3. 轴承、轴套磨损;bearings, brushings and wear 1. 电机腔内缺水;Motor cavity water 2. 两项运行;Two phase supply 3. 长时间超载运行;Overload long run 4. 电机部分埋入泥中;Motor partially imbedded in the mud 1. 调节阀门;Regulating the valve opening 2. 检修;Maintenance 电机不能起动并有嗡声motor does not start and a buzz 1. 修理短线接好保险丝;Repair the fuse connected 2. 更换轴承、修转子;Replacement of the bearings, repair rotor 3. 清除异物;Remove foreign material 4. 调整电压;Adjust the voltage 1. 平衡转子、叶轮;balance rotor and impeller 2. 校直;Straightening 3. 更换;Replacement 更换电机 Replace the motor 机组剧烈振动Severe vibration 电机绕组烧坏Motor winding burn