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reported immediately

2、对巡检过程中发现的问题要及时处理,如不能处理的需汇报水站工作人员,对于紧急情况先停止设备运行,再汇报。The problems found during inspections should be worked on immediately, if it cannot be handled it should be reported to water plant, if it is an emergency the equipment must be switched off first then report.

八、岗位职责JOB RESPONSIBILITIES 8.1 工作职责RULES AND REGULATIONS 1、保证供水正常供给;Ensure normal supply of water

2、保证设备、财产、人员安全;Ensure property, equipment and human safety

3、准确记录设备运行数据,对异常情况进行处理,并及时汇报设备运行情况和参数;Should record accurate for equipment, processing and reporting on time for equipment in operation and parameters

4、做好泵区内的人员、卫生、设备管理工作 surrounding area should be clean and the equipment


1、正常停开泵听从车间调度指令,不得随意停开;Follow the instructions when starting or when stopping the pump and cannot

stop the pump without permission.

2、工作时间内值班人员均不得离开操作岗位;Should follow the operating hours and it is not allowed to leave the working place 3、做好日常的设备维护保养工作和贮水池水位情况的巡视工作;Do routine maintenance works and inspect water storage tank level 4、设备运行时,操作人员每小时必须对运行设备巡检一次,并准确做好运行记录;The operator must check the equipment every hour and record accurately

5、发现异常情况应及时处理,如不能处理应及时汇报; Abnormal situations should be worked on immediately if not should be reported to water plant supervisor on time

6、确保岗位操作环境清洁、整齐,不摆放与操作无关杂物。Ensure the environment is clean and tidy; the place should be clean from debris

7、泵站院内不准无关人员随意进入 unauthorised personnel are not allowed to enter the pump station


9.1 开泵前检查Before running the pump check

1、各部螺丝是否紧固;Check to ensure that the Screws are tightened

2、各轴承中的润滑油是否充足;The bearings are well lubricated

3、盘根压紧程度是否适宜;The packing’s are tightened or loosened 4、用手盘车是否灵活,有无卡住和杂音;The drive is flexible, with or without jamming and no noise

5、出水阀门应在关闭位置。Water valve is in close position 9.2开泵操作PUMP OPERATING POINTS

1、先开进水阀,启动电机,使水泵运转达到额定转速后,再缓慢开启出水阀门;First open inlet valve, then start the motor, late the pump run to the rated speed, then slowly open outlet valve. 2、开启出水阀门时,注意观察压力表指示,达到要求后,检查电机电流表指示,电流不得超过电机铭牌额定电流;When we open outlet valve, observe pressure gauge, should be to the operating standard, check the current does to ensure that it does not exceed the motor rating

3、电机启动,在冷状态下一般允许连续启动三次,热状态下只能连续启一次,下次启动与上次必须间隔不少于15分钟。If the motor was not in operation and it fails to start, it can be tried for three (3) consecutive times. If it has been working then goes off and you want to switch it on, it can be started once and if need to run next time, need to wait for at least 15 minutes. 9.3停泵操作要点 Stop pump main points

1、缓慢关闭出水阀门;Slowly close the outlet valve 2、停电机;stop the motor

9.4水泵运行指标 Pump operation indicators

1、水泵运行声音正常、无杂音;the sound should be normal, no noise

2、水泵正常运行时,填料箱温度不应超过40℃,泵轴温度不应超过60℃,电机温度不应超过65℃。用手试温度时,手必须干燥,用手指背部试探;During normal operation, the pump temperature should not exceed the packings box 40℃, shaft temperature should not exceed 60℃, motor temperature should not exceed 65℃. Check the temperature by using the back of your finger and it must be dry.

3、水泵压力正常,无异常变化;Pump pressure should be normal without abnormalities.

4、盘根密封完好,进出水阀门及连接法兰无严重漏水现象。The packing seal should be intact, not in water and flanges free from leakages.

9.5水泵运行出现下列异常应停机:Pump operation should be stopped if the following happens:

1、电机温度突然上升,超过额定值,甚至冒烟;If motor temperature rises suddenly, over rated and if smoke comes out. 2、合闸后电流表指针不动,或水泵电机有异常声音时,应立即停泵;If after the power is switched on but ammeter pointer does not move or the motor has abnormal sound, the pump must be switched


3、电机启动后,水泵不上水、空转,不允许超过三分钟;When motor starts and runs idle without water coming out, it should not run more than three minutes.

4、出现大的振动或杂音;If there is a high vibration or noise 5、管路破裂漏水;If the pipe bursts and start leaking

6、本岗位发生人身事故;When the operator on duty is injured 7、水池水位过低,水泵进空气不上水。When water level is too low in the reservoir, pumps can suck air.

注意:不准用水冲洗电器及电机。设备的清洁卫生,不许在运行期间进行。Note: It is not allowed to use water for cleaning electric appliances. When cleaning the equipment ensure that it is not in operation.



