5. The patterns are removed, and the molds may be put through a baking stage to increase strength.
6. Mold halves are mated and prepared for pouring metal. 5. 取走型模,将铸模烘焙以增加强度。 6. 匹配上下铸模,做好浇铸金属的准备。
7. Metal is preheated in a furnace or crucible until is above the liquidus temperature in a suitable range (we don’t want the metal solidifying before the pour is complete). The exact temperature may be closely controlled depending upon the application.
7. 金属在熔炉或坩埚中预热到高于液化温度的一个合适范围内(不希望金属在浇铸完成前凝固)。确切的温度要根据应用场合严格控制。
Degassing, and other treatment processes may be done at this time, such as removal of impurities (i.e. slag). Some portion of this metal may be remelted scrap from previously cast parts—10% is reasonable.
8. The metal is poured slowly, but continuously into the mold until the mold is full. 9. As the molten metal cools (minutes to days), the metal will shrink and the volume will decrease. During this time molten metal may backflow from the molten risers to feed the part and maintain the same shape. 8. 将金属缓慢而连续地注满型模。
9. 随着熔化金属的冷却(几分钟到几天),金属收缩体积减小。在此期间熔化金属可能从冒口回流供给零件以保持其形状不变。
10. Once the part starts to solidify small dendrites of solid material form in the part. During this time metal properties are being determined, and internal stresses are being generated. If a part is allowed to cool slowly enough at a constant rate then the final part will be relatively homogenous and stress free.
10. 在零件开始凝固其内部形成固态金属的小型树枝状结晶期间金属性能被确定,同时也产生了内应力。如果零件以恒定速率冷却得足够缓慢,最终零件将相对均质并释放内应力。
11. Once the part has completely solidified below the eutectic point it may be removed with no concern for final metal properties. At this point the sand is simply broken up, and the part removed. At this point the surface will have a quantity of sand adhering to the surface, and solid cores inside.
11. 一旦零件在共析点以下完全凝固,可以不考虑金属的最后性能而将其取出。这时可以简单地打碎砂型并取出零件,但零件表面会有大量型砂粘附着,内部还有实心的砂芯。
12. A bulk of the remaining sand and cores can be removed by mechanically striking the part.
Other options are to use a vibrating table, sand/shot blaster, hand labor, etc.
13. The final part is cut off the runner gate system, and is near final shape using cutters, torches, etc. Grinding operations are used to remove any remaining bulk.
14. The part is taken down to final shape using machining operations. And cleaning operations may be used to remove oxides, etc.
13. 最后零件要用刀具、喷枪等切掉浇道闸道系统,这样就接近最终形状了。再用磨削作业去除多余的部分。
14. 通过机加工将零件切削到最终形状。可能还要用清洗作业去除氧化物等。
? Investment casting
Investment casting is also known as the lost wax process. This process is one of the oldest manufacturing processes. The Egyptians used it in the time of the Pharaohs to make gold jewelry (hence the name Investment) some 5,000 years ago.
Intricate shapes can be made with high accuracy. In addition, metals that are hard to machine or fabricate are good candidates for this process. It can be used to make parts that cannot be produced by normal manufacturing techniques, such as turbine blades that have complex shapes, or airplane parts that have to withstand high temperatures.
The mold is made by making a pattern using wax or some other material that can be melted away. This wax pattern is dipped in refractory slurry, which coats the wax pattern and forms a skin. This is dried and the process of dipping in the slurry and drying is repeated until a robust thickness is achieved.
After this, the entire pattern is placed in an oven and the wax is melted away. This leads to a mold that can be filled with the molten metal. Because the mold is formed around a one-piece pattern (which does not have to be pulled out from the mold as in a traditional sand casting process), very intricate parts and undercuts can be made.
The wax pattern itself is made by duplicating using a stereo lithography or similar model—which has been fabricated using a computer solid model master.
The materials used for the slurry are a mixture of plaster, a binder and powdered silica, a refractory, for low temperature melts. For higher temperature melts, sillimanite or alumina-silicate is used as a refractory, and silica is used as a binder.
Depending on the fineness of the finish desired additional coatings of sillimanite and ethyl silicate may be applied. The mold thus produced can be used directly for light castings, or be reinforced by placing it in a larger container and reinforcing it more slurry.
Just before the pour, the mold is pre-heated to about 1,000℃(1,832℉) to remove any residues of wax, harden the binder. The pour in the pre-heated mold also ensures that the mold will fill completely.
Pouring can be done using gravity, pressure or vacuum conditions. Attention must be paid to mold permeability when using pressure, to allow the air to escape as the pour is done. 浇铸可采用重力、压力或真空条件来实现。当使用压力时必须注意渗透性,以便在浇铸的同时让空气逸出。
Tolerances of 0.5% of length are routinely possible, and as low as 0.15% is possible for small dimensions. Castings can weigh from a few grams to 35kg (0.1oz to 80lb), although the normal size ranges from 200g to about 8kg(7oz to 15 lb). Normal minimum wall thicknesses are about 1mm to about 0.5mm(0.040~ 0.020 in.) for alloys that can be cast easily.
一般公差可能为长度的0.5%,小尺寸可能低到0.15%。虽然通常尺寸的铸件重量范围为200g到约8kg(7oz到15lb),但实际可从几克到35kg (0.1oz to 80lb)。对容易铸造的合金而言,通常壁厚约为1mm到0.5mm(0.040~ 0.020 in.)。
The types of materials that can be cast are aluminum alloys, bronzes, tool steels, stainless steels, stellite, hastelloys, and precious metals. Parts made with investment castings often do not require any further machining, because of the close tolerances that can be achieved.
? Centrifugal Casting
Centrifugal casting (Fig.3.3) as a category includes centrifugal casting,
semi-centrifugal casting and centrifuging. In centrifugal casting, a permanent mold is rotated
about its axis at high speeds (300 to 3,000rpm) as the molten metal is poured.
The molten metal is centrifugally thrown towards the inside mold wall, where it solidifies after cooling. The casting is usually a fine grain casting with a very fine-grained outer diameter, which is resistant to atmospheric corrosion, a typical situation with pipes. The inside diameter has more impurities and inclusions, which can be machined away.
受离心力作用熔化金属被抛向型模的内壁,在那里冷却后固化。这种铸件通常为外径处晶粒非常细小的细晶粒铸件,能耐大气腐蚀,典型的情况是管子。内径处则有较多的杂质和内含物,但可用机加工去除。 Only cylindrical shapes can be produced with this process. Size limits are up to 3m(10feet) diameter and 15m(50 feet) length. Wall thickness can be 2.5mm to
125mm(0.1~5.0in.). The tolerances that can be held on the OD can be as good as 2.5mm (0.1in.) and on the ID can be 3.8mm(0.15in.). The surface finish ranges from 2.5mm to 12.5mm(0.1~0.5in.) rms(root-mean-square).
Typical materials that can be cast with this process are iron, steel, stainless steels, and alloys of aluminum, copper and nickel. Two materials can be cast by introducing a second material during the process. Typical parts made by this process are pipes, boilers, pressure vessels, flywheels, cylinder liners and other parts that are axis-symmetric.
Semi-centrifugal casting. The molds used can be permanent or expendable, can be stacked as necessary. The rotational speeds are lower than those used in centrifugal casting. 半离心铸造:型模可以是永久性的或是消耗性的,可根据需要叠加。它的旋转速度比离心铸造低。 The center axis of the part has inclusion defects as well as porosity and thus is suitable only for parts where this can be machined away. This process is used for making wheels, nozzles and similar parts where the axis of the part is removed by subsequent machining.
Centrifuging. Centrifuging is used for forcing metal from a central axis of the equipment into individual mold cavities that are placed on the circumference. This provides a means of increasing the filling pressure within each mold and allows for reproduction of intricate details. This method is often used for the pouring of investment casting pattern.
Full-mold casting is a technique similar to investment casting, but instead of wax as the expendable material, polystyrene foam is used as the pattern. The foam pattern is coated with a refractory material. The pattern is encased in a one-piece sand mold. As the metal is poured, the foam vaporizes, and the metal takes its place.
实型铸造是与熔模铸造类似的技术,但它用做型模的消耗材料是聚苯乙烯泡沫而不是石蜡。泡沫型模用难熔材料覆盖。型模装入整体砂模中。当金属浇入时,泡沫材料蒸发,金属取代其位置。 This can make complex shaped castings without any draft or flash. However, the pattern cost can be high due to the expendable nature of the pattern. Minimum wall thicknesses are 2.5mm, tolerances can be held to 0.3% on dimensions. Surface finish can be held from 2.5μm to 25μm(0.1μin. to 1.0μin.) rms(root-mean-square).
它能制造没有拔模斜度和缝脊的复杂形状铸件。然而由于型模的消耗特性,型模成本可能较高。最小壁厚为2.5mm,公差能保持在尺寸的0.3% 之内。表面粗糙度的有效值(均方根)能保持在2.5μm至25μm(0.1μin.至1.0μin.)之间。
Size limits are from 400g(1lb) to several tons. No draft allowance is required. Typical materials that can be cast with this process are aluminum, iron, steel, nickel alloys, copper alloys. Types of parts that can be made using these processes are pump housings, manifolds, and auto brake components.
? Introduction 引言
Forging is an important hot-forming process. It is used in producing components of all shapes and sizes, from quite small items to large units weighing several tons.
锻造是一种重要的热成型工艺。它能用于生产各种形状和尺寸、从很小到重量数吨的零件。 Forging is the process by which metal is heated and is shaped by plastic deformation by suitably applying compressive force. Usually the compressive force is in the form of hammer blows using a power hammer or a press, as shown in Fig.4.1.