hypereutectoid steels are normally austenitized for hardening just above the lower critical point. A third tempering treatment may be used to reduce strains.
由于恰好高于低临界温度通常使过共析钢奥氏体化而硬化,所以对外层采用较低的热处理温度。第三次回火处理可用于减少应变。 Carbonitriding
Carbonitriding, sometimes known as dry cyaniding or nicarbing, is a case-hardening process in which the steel is held at a temperature above the critical range in a gaseous atmosphere from which it absorbs carbon and nitrogen. 碳氮共渗
Any carbon-rich gas with ammonia can be used. The wear-resistant case produced ranges from 0.003 to 0.030 inch(0.08~ 0.76mm) in thickness. An advantage of carbonitriding is that the hardenability of the case is significantly increased when nitrogen is added, permitting the use of low-cost steels.
可以使用任何富碳气体加氨气,能生成厚度从0.003到0.030英寸(0.08~ 0.76mm)的耐磨外层。碳氮共渗的优点之一是加入氮后外层的淬透性极大增加,为使用低价钢提供条件。 Cyaniding
Cyaniding, or liquid carbonitriding as it is sometimes called, is also a process that combines the absorption of carbon and nitrogen to obtain surface hardness in low-carbon steels that do not respond to ordinary heat treatment. 氰化
The part to be case hardened is immersed in a bath of fused sodium cyanide salts at a temperature slightly above the Ac1 range, the duration of soaking depending on the depth of the case. The part is then quenched in water or oil to obtain a hard surface.
Case depths of 0.005 to 0.015in. (0.13~0.38mm) may be readily obtained by this process. Cyaniding is used principally for the treatment of small parts.
通过这样处理可以容易地获得0.005到0.015英寸(0.13~0.38mm)的硬化深度。氰化主要用于处理小零件。 Nitriding
Nitriding is somewhat similar to ordinary case hardening, but it uses a different material and treatment to create the hard surface constituents. 渗氮
In this process the metal is heated to a temperature of around 950℉(510℃) and held there for a period of time in contact with ammonia gas. Nitrogen from the gas is introduced into the steel, forming very hard nitrides that are finely dispersed through the surface metal.
Nitrogen has greater hardening ability with certain elements than with others, hence, special nitriding alloy steels have been developed.
Aluminum in the range of 1% to 1.5% has proved to be especially suitable in steel, in that it combines with the gas to form a very stable and hard constituent. The temperature of heating ranges from 925℉ to 1,050℉(495℃~565℃).
在钢中含铝1%到1.5%被证明特别合适,它能与氨气结合形成很稳定坚固的成分。其加热温度范围为925℉到1,050℉ (495℃~565℃)。
Liquid nitriding utilizes molten cyanide salts and, as in gas nitriding, the temperature is held below the transformation range. Liquid nitriding adds more nitrogen and less carbon than either cyaniding or carburizing in cyanide baths.
Case thickness of 0.001 to 0.012in.(0.03~0.30mm) is obtained, whereas for gas nitriding the case may be as thick as 0.025 in.(0.64mm). In general the uses of the two-nitriding processes are similar.
液体渗氮可以获得厚度为0.001到0.012英寸 (0.03~0.30mm)的硬化层,然而气体渗氮则能获得厚0.025英寸(0.64mm)的硬化层。一般而言两种渗氮方法的用途是类似的。
Nitriding develops extreme hardness in the surface of steel. This hardness ranges from 900 to 1,100 Brinell, which is considerably higher than that obtained by ordinary case hardening.
Nitriding steels, by virtue of their alloying content, are stronger than ordinary steels and respond readily to heat treatment. It is recommended that these steels be machined and heat-treated before nitriding, because there is no scale or further work necessary after this process.
Fortunately, the interior structure and properties are not affected appreciably by the nitriding treatment and, because no quenching is necessary, there is little tendency to warp, develop cracks, or change condition in any way. The surface effectively resists corrosive action of water,
saltwater spray, alkalies, crude oil, and natural gas.
Casting is a manufacturing process in which molten metal is poured or injected and allowed to solidify in a suitably shaped mold cavity. During or after cooling, the cast part is removed from the mold and then processed for delivery.
Casting processes and cast-material technologies vary from simple to highly complex. Material and process selection depends on the part’s complexity and function, the product’s quality specifications, and the projected cost level.
Castings are parts that are made close to their final dimensions by a casting process. With a history dating back 6,000 years, the various casting processes are in a state of continuous refinement and evolution as technological advances are being made.
? Sand Casting 砂型铸造
Sand casting is used to make large parts (typically iron, but also bronze, brass, aluminum). Molten metal is poured into a mold cavity formed out of sand (natural or synthetic). 砂型铸造用于制造大型零件(具有代表性是铁,除此之外还有青铜、黄铜和铝)。将熔化的金属倒入由型砂(天然的或人造的)做成铸模腔。
The processes of sand casting are discussed in this section, including patterns, sprues and runners, design considerations, and casting allowance.
The cavity in the sand is formed by using a pattern (an approximate duplicate of the real part), which are typically made out of wood, sometimes metal. The cavity is contained in an aggregate housed in a box called the flask.
Core is a sand shape inserted into the mold to produce the internal features of the part such as
holes or internal passages. Cores are placed in the cavity to form holes of the desired shapes. Core print is the region added to the pattern, core, or mold that is used to locate and support the core within the mold.
A riser is an extra void created in the mold to contain excessive molten material. The purpose of this is to feed the molten metal to the mold cavity as the molten metal solidifies and shrinks, and thereby prevents voids in the main casting.
In a two-part mold, which is typical of sand castings, the upper half, including the top half of the pattern, flask, and core is called cope and the lower half is called drag, as shown in Fig.3.1. The parting line or the parting surface is line or surface that separates the cope and drag.
The drag is first filled partially with sand, and the core print, the cores, and the gating system are placed near the parting line. The cope is then assembled to the drag, and the sand is poured on the cope half, covering the pattern, core and the gating system.
The sand is compacted by vibration and mechanical means. Next, the cope is removed from the drag, and the pattern is carefully removed. The object is to remove the pattern without breaking the mold cavity.
This is facilitated by designing a draft, a slight angular offset from the vertical to the vertical surfaces of the pattern. This is usually a minimum of 1.5mm(0.060in.), whichever is greater. The rougher the surface of the pattern, the more the draft to be provided.
The molten material is poured into the pouring cup, which is part of the gating system that supplies the molten material to the mold cavity.
The vertical part of the gating system connected to the pouring cup is the sprue, and the horizontal portion is called the runners and finally to the multiple points where it is introduced to the mold cavity called the gates.
Additionally there are extensions to the gating system called vents that provide the path for the built-up gases and the displaced air to vent to the atmosphere.
除此之外,还有称为排放口的浇注系统延长段,它为合成气体和置换空气排放到大气提供通道。 The cavity is usually made oversize to allow for the metal contraction as it cools down to room temperature. This is achieved by making the pattern oversize. To account for shrinking, the pattern must be made oversize by these factors on the average. These are linear factors and apply in each direction.
型腔通常大于所需尺寸以允许在金属冷却到室温时收缩。这通过把型模做得大于所需尺寸来达到。为解决收缩效应,一般而言型模做得比所需尺寸大,必须考虑线性因素并作用于各个方向。 These shrinkage allowances are only approximate, because the exact allowance is determined by the shape and size of the casting. In addition, different parts of the casting might require different shrinkage allowances.
Sand castings generally have a rough surface sometimes with surface impurities, and surface variations. A machining (finish) allowance is made for this type of defect.
砂型铸件一般表面粗糙,有时还带有表面杂质和表面变异。对这类缺陷采用机加工(最后一道工序)的余量。 In general, typical stages of sand casting operation include (as shown in Fig.3.2): 1. Patterns are made. These will be the shape used to form the cavity in the sand. 一般而言,砂型铸造作业的典型阶段包括(如图3.2所示): 1. 制作型模。做成用于在型砂中形成型腔的形状。
2. Cores may also be made at this time. These cores are made of bonded sand that will be broken out of the cast part after it is complete.
3. Sand is mulled (mixed) thoroughly with additives such as bentonite to increase bonding and overall strength.
2. 同时还要制作砂芯。这些砂芯用粘结砂做成,等铸件完成后将被打碎取出。 3. 型砂与膨润土之类的添加剂充分地混合以增强连接及整体强度。
4. Sand is formed about the patterns, and gates, runners, risers, vents and pouring cups are added as needed. A compaction stage is typically used to ensure good coverage and solid molds.
4. 型砂在型模周围成形,并根据需要安放闸道、浇道、冒口、排放口和浇注杯等。通常要采取压紧步骤来保证良好的覆盖和坚固的铸型。
Cores may also be added to make concave or internal features for the cast part. Alignment pins may also be used for mating the molds later. Chills may be added to cool large masses faster.