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在下列每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确的答 案,并将其字母标号填入题干的括号内。
201年 月江苏省高等教育自学考试
1. The dist inction betwee n compete nee and performa nee was put forward by A. Leonard Bloomfield B. Ferd inand de Saussure C. Noam Chomsky D. M. A. K. Halliday
2. The study of Ianguage development at a period of time, disregarding whatever
cha nges might be tak ing place, is gen erally termed as lin guistics. A. applied B. diachr onic C. comparative D. syn chro nic
3. Accord ing to de Saussure, _____ refers to a Ian guage user kno wledge about the system of rules. A. performa nee B. compete nee C. parole D. la ngue
4. Accord ing to Noam Chomsky, la nguage is the product of _ A. an inn ate faculty, unique to huma ns B. com muni cati on
C. environmental conditioning D. all of the above
5. Which one is different from the others according to places of articulation? A. [n] B. [m] C. [b] D. [p]
6. Which branch of phonetics concerns the production of speech sounds? A. Acoustic phonetics B. Articulatory phonetics C. Auditory phonetics D. Phonology
7. A sound produced with the vocal cords vibrating is said to be a _____________ sound. A. resonant B. voiceless C. voiced
'un derly ing
D. consonant
8. _________ are sounds articulated by the back of the tongue against the soft palate. A. Velars B. Labials C. Palatals D. Alveolars
9. The English word “modernizers ”is composed of ___________ morphemes. A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 5
10. The phrase “men and women”belongs to the ________ construction. A. predicate
B. coordinate C. subordinate D. exocentric
11. In the TG grammar, the ____ structure represents the syntactic properties of a construction, i.e. the underlying level of structural relations different constituents. A. deep B. surface C. generative D. transformational
12. The English language has ___ . A. morphemes B. syntax
C. number agreement D. all of the above
13. Hyponyms of the same ____ are co- hyponyms. A. word B. lexical item C. superordinate D. hyponymy
14. ___ is defined as any regionally or socially definable humangroup by shared linguistic system. A. A speech community B. A race C. A society D. A country
15. ___ is the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect
successful communication. A. Semantics B. Pragmatics C. Sociolinguistics D. Psycholinguistics 16.
between its
___ found that natural language had its own logic and concluded cooperative
principle. A. John Austin B. John Firth C. Paul Grice D. William Jones
17. __ refers to how we construct an utterance from idea to completed A. Language comprehension B. Language production C. Language acquisition D. Language listening
18. “ ___ ”is often understood as a language system between the target language and the learner 's native language. A. Input Hypothesis B. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis C. Interlanguage D. Contrastive Analysis
19. Which one of the following statements about errors in foreign language learning in FALSE?
A. Errors can not be avoided in foreign language learning.
B. Errors tell the teacher how far towards the goal the learner has progressed and consequently what remains for him to learn.
identified sentence.