Hong Kong Airlines Limited 香港航空 03110-01 Hong Kong Airlines MED WO NO/工作指令号 SEQ NO/序列号 Hong Kong Airlines Limited 培训方式 通用类/Generic Mcd&Rev/厂家工卡&修订日期 Title Detailed examination the table of business-seats on A330-300 aircraft 标题 A330-300商务舱座椅小桌板检查 A/C/飞机号 Subtask No/工卡号 JC Rev/工卡版本号 Work area/工作区域 NONE Skill/工种 Man Hour/工时 B-LNR/S/T/U MP Item/MP号 HA33-CA-25-14-103-2 Baseline/依据 R00 MP REV/ MP版本号 客舱/Cabin Station/维修站 TRIM Threshold/首检 06:00 Interval/重复检 -- -- Access Panels/接近盖板 R00 Zones/区域 200 5C Written/编写 N/A Approved/批准 NONE 2018-01-11 2018-01-11 TOOLS/工具 TOOLS NECESSARY/必须工具 ITEM 项目 P/N 件号 DESCRIPTION 名称 EQTP 类型 QTY 数量 APP 适用性 APP 适用性 Conditions note 互换信息及备注 TOOLS IF NECESSARY/视情工具 ITEM P/N 项目 件号 DESCRIPTION 名称 EQTP 类型 QTY 数量 Conditions note 互换信息及备注 PARTS AND MATERIAL/航材 NOTE: OPERATOR MUST GET AND INSTALL THE PARTS THAT CORRESPOND TO THE RELATIVE WORK ORDER NO. 注释:请工作者严格按照工作指令号领取预定的航材装机 PARTS AND MATERIAL NECESSARY/必须航材 ITEM P/N DESCRIPTION EQTP QTY APP Conditions note 项目 件号 名称 类型 数量 适用互换信息及备注 性 PARTS AND MATERIAL IF NECESSARY/视情航材 ITEM P/N DESCRIPTION EQTP QTY APP Conditions note 项目 件号 名称 类型 数量 适用互换信息及备注 性 IMPORTANT NOTE: In the event of any discrepancies between the Chinese instruction and the English instruction, the English procedure should prevail. Record Additional Work/Findings(If Applicable) Reference No. Certificate of Release to Service (* Tick as appropriate # Different crews should perform the work on each of the systems) Certifies that the work specified, except as otherwise specified, was carried out in accordance with HKAR-145 and in respect to that work, The aircraft / aircraft components are considered ready for Release to Service. □ HKA Approval No: AI / 135 / 706 * □ HNAT Approval No.: JMM 076, D3039 * □ HNAT Approval No.: JMM 047, D101115* □ HNAT Approval No.: JMM 049, D500023 * □ CASL Approval No: AI / 101 / 798 * □ TAECO Approval No.: DAI / 89 / 1295 * □ HAECO Approval No: DAI / 1 / 853 * □ SIAEC Approval No: AWI / 01 * □ STARCO Approval No.: JMM 039, D.200078 * □ SMECO Approval No: JMM 081, D.400009 * □ AMECO Approval No.: JMM001,D101131* □ Other: * Signature:_______________________ Authorization No.:_____________________ Date:__________________ HA33-CA-25-14-103-2 R00 2017-04-24
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工卡Job card: TITLE Detailed examination the table of business-seats on A330-300 aircraft 标题 A330-300商务舱座椅小桌板检查 WARNING: PLEASE OBEY ALL WARNING AND CAUTION OF REFERENCE MANUAL, OTHERWISE IT SHOULD CAUSE PERSONAL INJURE OR DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENTS. 1. Job Set-up A. Energize the ground service network (Ref. AMM TASK 24-42-00-861-801) . 2. Procedure A, Check and confirm food table and attachment no damage, loose and function satisfied. Replace the food table per CMM25-28-16 if found defective . 3. Close-up A. Make sure that the work area is clean and clear of tools and other items. B. Put the aircraft to serviceable condition. Perf 工作者 Insp 检查者 *** END OF CARD ***
HA33-CA-25-14-103-2 R00 2017-04-24
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