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BOOK 1 - Un it 1 - Lan guage Focus - V ocabulary

1. Alan was always in trouble with the police when he was young but he's now a [respectable] married man.

2. The people who had bee n hurt in the car accide nt lay scream ing in 3. Because his condition's wait ing list.

4. The second part of the book describes the strange [ sequenee] of events that lead to the Kin g's fall from power.

5. When I saw my little boy crying bitterly over the death of his pet dog, I could hardly [ hold back ] my tears.

6. They are going to [distribute] those clothes and blankets amongthe flood victims (受害者). 7. Linda man aged to support herself by work ing [ 8. Parts of my childhood are so yesterday.

9. People often [associate] the old days with good times, and seem to forget the hardship they suffered.

10. An drew [fin ally] decided, after much thought, to leave his job. 11. Jan e's worried she won't be able to the coun try's severe social problems.

[tur n in] her paper on time.

[tackle ]

12. The Preside nt came un der attack from all sides for his in ability to

off and on] as a waitress.

not serious they've [put] his name [down] on the hospital

[ago ny].

[vivid] to me that they could be memories of

2. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. The first part has bee n writte n for you.

1. They have sent George to the n ewspaper's Paris office. (assig n) ——George [has bee n assig ned to the n ewspaper's Paris office].

2. What the man told us was well bey ond what was usual, so I did n't know whether to believe him or not. (extraord in ary)

--- The man's story [ was so extraord inary that I did n't know whether to believe him or no t]. 3. A clear picture was formed in her mi nd of how she would look in twen ty years' time. (image) ——She had [a clear image of how she would look in twenty years' time]. 4. On an order from the officer the soldiers opened fire. (command) ——Whe n the officer [

gave the comma nd the soldiers ope ned fire].

5. We'll keep produci ng bikes as long as they rema in in dema nd. (tur n out) ——As long as people keep

[bu ying bikes we'll keep turning them out]

3. Complete the follow ing, using the words or phrases in brackets. Make additi ons or cha nges where n ecessary.

1. Mr. Green has a [reputation] as a dull lecturer. He's [rigid ] and old-fashioned, and does n't seemto have the fain test idea of how [to in spire ]. (in spire, reputati on, rigid)

2. David's essays are long [and tedious ] to read. [ What's more], his arguments are ofte n based on [out of date ideas ]. (out of date, what's more, tedious)

3. I was pleasantly surprised at myability to [ compose] an essay that the professor chose to read to the class. It was without doubt one of the happiest mome nts in

my school [ career] , but I did my best to [ avoid showing ] pleasure. Whenthe professor offered mehis congratulations,

avoid, compose, hold back)

however, I could [hardly hold back] a smile. (career,

BOOK 1 - Unit 1 - Lan guage Focus - Synonyms in Con text

Put in to each gap a word from the text similar in meaning to the word(s) in italics.

1. Many people know who wrote the song, but it seems none has any idea of who [composed] the music.

2. The first time she met the class, Miss White wore a pla in black shoes. 3. Our neighbor's


son has got a severe pain in his chest. Last night [ago ny].

[severe] black dress and

we heard him crying off and on in

4. My cous in first met his future wife Ruth in very unu sual circumsta nces — they

were both trying to get into the same taxi. I often think the whole thing was quite [extraord in ary]. 5. The policema n asked the old lady to try to and her husba nd kn ocked dow n.

6. In the old days orders from the head of a family had to be obeyed. His wish was take n as a [comma nd].

7. When my car was stopped by the police I was sure I had broken some traffic rule or other without realiz ing it. Then I heard one of them say I [ law by not weari ng a seat belt. 8. Jim did not

[an ticipate]

any trouble, but we con sidered everyth ing carefully

was violati ng] the

[recall] as much about the accide nt

as possible, but all she could remember was see ing a car rac ing in her directi on

and expected the worst.

BOOK 1 - Un it 1 - Lan guage Focus - Collocati on

Can you put an appropriate prepositi on into each gap in the follow ing senten ces?

1. My sister was angry [ at ] finding me asleep in stead of doing my share of the housework. 2. Adam is so hungry [for ] success that he'll spare no efforts to achieve it. 3. I'm tired [of

] you telli ng me what to do all the time.

patie nt [with ] my aunt — she's old and forgetful.

4. You'll have to be

5. Virginia is famous [as ] the birthplace of American presidents. 6. Are you all clear now [ about ] what you have to do? 7. Their views on the questio n are 8. Fats and sugar are very rich [in] 9. Whenl fin ally

opposite [to] ours. en ergy but

poor [in] vitam ins and min erals.

[from] his photograph.

met him, I found he was completely differe nt

depe ndent [on / upon]

10. How much you get paid is how much you produce.

BOOK 1 - Un it 1 - Lan guage Focus - Comprehe nsive Exercises

1. Complete the following letter with words chosen from the Words and Phrases to Drill box. Change the form where n ecessary.

Dear Aunt Pat,

Today my En glish teacher chose my essay to read to the class. I had tried to make it funny

——and it worked! Everybody laughed. Even prim Mr. Fleagle had to struggle to [hold back] (1) a smile. Afterwards lots of people offered me their con gratulati ons.

I was more surprised than anybody. As you know, I used to find our English exercises

rather [tedious] (2), but this time when I [seanned] (3) the list of essay titles one caught my eye. It was \

(4) that ni ght in Belleville whe n you made us all spaghetti? It rema ins [

(5) to me. Especially all the good-humored argume nts we had about the proper way to eat it. So that's what I wrote about.

rve had the idea [ take up off and on ] (6) for some time now that one day I might tur n out / tur n writ in g. If I can [ really will in] (7) more work like that perhaps I

be able to make a

[career ] (8) of it.

Best wishes,

recall ] vivid ]





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