Biomedical Engineering
专业代码: 080607 学 制:4 年 年级2013级 Speciality Code: 080607 Schooling Years:4 years 培养目标:
以培养优秀专业人才为目标,重点从“宽深厚”专业知识和多学科交叉理论体系、综合分析与解决问题的能力、实践及创新能力等三个方面进行培养。使学生具备在生物医学材料、组织工程、生物医学电子仪器、生物医学信号与信息等方面的研究开发能力,成为能够解决生物医学工程领域重要工程技术问题的高级专业人才。 目标1:(扎实的基础知识)培养掌握扎实的专业基本原理、方法和手段等方面的基础知识,包括生物医学、电子技术、信息科学、计算机技术、生物材料、生物信息等相关学科基本知识、基本理论和基本技能的复合型高级科技人才。 目标2:(解决问题能力)培养学生能够创造性地利用生物医学与工程技术相结合的研究开发能力,特别是培养生物医学材料、生物医学电子与仪器方向的科学研究与工程技术开发和应用能力,以服务于生物医学工程科学研究与产业快速发展的需求。 目标3:(团队合作与领导能力)培养学生的团队合作精神与沟通能力,使其具备生物医学工程科学技术领域的领导能力。 目标4:(工程系统认知能力)让学生充分认识生物医学工程是人类生命与健康工程的重要组成部分,具有显著的多学科交叉特性,并使学生能够熟练运用工程技术手段解决实际问题。 目标5:(专业的社会影响评价能力)培养学生正确看待生物医学工程对人们的健康水平、生命质量、工商业的经济结构所产生的潜在影响。 目标6:(全球意识能力)培养学生能够在全球化的环境里保持清晰意识,为提升我国在生物医学工程科学技术领域的竞争力发挥自己的作用。 目标7:(终身学习能力)生物医学工程毕业生能够及时跟踪国际生物医学工程科学技术前沿,不断完善和更新自己的知识结构,具有很强的学习能力。
Educational Objectives:
Educational objective is to cultivate professional talents. It emphasizes on three key points including wide and deep expertise and multidisciplinary theoretical system, skills on
comprehensively analyzing and solving problem, practice and innovation ability. Students will posses capabilities on research and development in biomedical materials, tissue
engineering, biomedical electronic equipment, biomedical signal and information, and so on. They will become senior professionals who can solve important problems in engineering and technology in the field of biomedical engineering.
Objective 1:[Foundations]
To cultivate comprehensive talents in the field of high-level biomedical science and
technology, The students can master a solid grasp of basic professional principles, methods, means and basic knowledge, including biomedicine, electronics, information science, computer technology, biomaterials and other related fields. Objective 2:[Professional Knowledge]
To cultivate students to possess research and development capabilities to creatively combine biomedical with engineering technology, especially in biomaterial, biomedical electronics and biomedical instruments, so as to meet the emerging requirements from rapid development of biomedical research and biomedical engineering industry. Objective 3:[Teamwork/Leadership]
To cultivate students to obtain capabilities in communication and team collaboration , and the leadership potential in biomedical engineering. Objective 4:[Engineered Systems]
To cultivate students to realize that biomedical engineering is a significant part of system in human life and health, and understand its obvious interdisciplinary characteristics. Moreover, this major aims to cultivate the students to apply the methods in engineering and technology to solve the problem in biomedical research and application. Objective 5:[Societal Impact] To cultivate students to recognize the potential effects which the biomedical engineering brings about to human daily life, health, business and economic structure. Objective 6:[Global Awareness]
To cultivate students to maintain a clear awareness in the globalizing environment, and devote themselves to the society so as to improve the competitive power in biomedical engineering over the world.
Objective 7:[Lifelong Learning]
Graduated students may catch up development and frontier of the biomedical engineering, science and technology, constantly improving and updating their own knowledge structure, and posses capabilities in learning knowledge and skills in their careers。
Speciality Features: