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1. a/an/the

A. There's\B. There is _____ young man and _____ old man in the photo. ______ old man is _____ young man's father.

2. one/ones

A. I don't like this skirt. Show me that _____. B. The new skirts are mine. The old _____ are yours. 3. by/with/in/use

A. Jay can sing the song ____ either Chinese or English. How great!

B. I won't believe it until I see it _____ my own eyes. C. We usually ______ a ruler to draw a straight line. D. Miss Zhao goes to work ______ bike. 4. put on/wear/in/dress

A. The twins don't always _____ the same clothes, B. The woman _____ a red hat is our new English leacher.

C. It's very cold today. Please ___ more clothes when you go out.

D. Mother is ______ my baby sister now.

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5. a lot/a lot of/many/much

A. I like eating oranges _____, so there are always oranges at my home.

B. There are so ______ people that I cannot count them.

C. _____ people think living in China is_____ better than living in Japan.

D. I've learned _____ from him. 6. look for/find/find out

A. Please try to _____ who stole the computer.

B. Please help me ____ my mobile phone, I can't ____it.

7. look/read/see/watch

A. _____ at the picture! What can you ______ in it? B. I'll _____ a book instead of _____ TV tonight. 8. and/or/with A. \

is no air _____ no water

on the


B. \year.\means \boy _____ his parents goes to Hong Kong every year.\

9. also/too

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A. I was at her birlhday party, and he was _____ there. B. Andy Law is a famous actor. He's a good singer. 10. take/bring/carry/get

A. The woman was _____ a big bag. Let's help her. B. Next lime when you come, _____ me the book, please.

C. Who's ____away today's newspaper?. read it yet.

D. Go and _____ me some wate. I' m thirsty. 11. each/every

A. \_____ one of them speaks a foreign language.\

B. There are some big shops on_____ side of the street.

12. problem/question

A. What is the biggest _____ in the world? Can you answer this _____ ?

B. The _____ is that he's always asking me such foolish _____.

13. learn/study

A. He _____ hard and at last _____ the language. B. The children are _____ the maths problem now.

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I haven't

C. We _____ in the same school, so we often _____ from each other and help each other.

D. We _____ English in the morning and _____ to play football in the afternoon.

14. in/on/at

A. There are many good apples _____ the tree. B. He gets up _____ six _____the morning and goes to bed ___ ten______ night _____ weekdays.

C. Does he have lunch _____ home?

D. The man _____ duty is reading a book _____ medicine _____the desk.

E. In the twins' bedroom, the windows _____ the wall are very big, the pictures _____ the wall are not very new.

15. sometime/sometimes/some time/some times A. Please read the text _____ until you can recite it. B. I will go shopping _____ tomorrow. C. He waited for _____ then left. D. They _____ play football after school. 16. have/has/there is/there are

A. In Class One _____ 25 boys and 25 girls. B. In Classroom One _____ a map of China. C. Does your brother _____ a map of China?

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D. _____ your brother got a map of China? 17. right/all right/that's right/that's all/that's all right A. ——Thanks a lot for your help. ——______.

B. ——Are you a student? ——Yes.______.

C. ——Let's go shopping. ——______.

D. Could you tell me whether it is _____ or wrong? E. I want to buy a cup of tea, a piece of bread and an apple. _____.

18. how many/much/long/old/often A. ——_____ does it take by plane? ——It takes about eleven hours. B. ——_____ is your father? ——He is fifty.

C. ——_____ is the fish? ——It's ten yuan a kilo.

D. ——_____ do you write Io your father?. ——Once a month.

E. ——_____ students are there in your class? ——Forty-five.

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