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1. 我们像在暖房里种花那样养孩子是错误的。我们必须让他们接触各种社会问题,因为不


It is wrong to raise our children the way we grow flowers in the greenhouse. we must expose them to all social problems because very soon they will be dealing with them as responsible citizens.

2. 随着时间的推移,我们不可避免地会越来越多的卷入国际事务。而冲突必然会发生,因


As time goes on we are inevitably going to get more involve in international affairs. And Conflicts are sure to occur because there always exist different views and interests among nations.

3. 我们为我们的成就而骄傲,我们有理由感到骄傲。但是我们永远不能变得狂妄,不然我


We are proud of our accomplishment, and we have reason to be. But we must never become arrogant. Otherwise we will lose our friends.

4. 信息现在唾手可得。一个普通的电脑就能储存一个普通图书馆的信息。

Information is now easily available. An average computer can store the information of an ordinary library.

5. 那家建筑公司没有资格操作这个项目。他们没有任何法律文件能证明具备必要的专门技


That construction company has no business working this project. They don’t have any legal documents to certify they have the necessary expertise. They have to find a company which is specialized in building operas.

6. 这些智囊团不做决策。他们力图提出一些对决策者十分有用的新主意和深刻的分析。

This thinking tank doesn’t make decisions, they are out to raise new ideas and penetrating analyses which are of vital importance to the decision makers.

7. 国内生产总值不是一切。如果人民的生活质量没有真正改善的话,我们国家就不能说已


GDP (Gross Domestic Product) isn’t everything. If people’s living standard isn’t really improved, then it cannot to be said that we have reached modernization.

8. 虽然那时候我们在很多方面都很困难,但作为孩子我们仍然很幸福,因为有干净的空气


Poor as we were in many ways at that time. We still felt happy as children ,because/for there was clean air ,water, a great many fishes, crabs ,eels in rivers and lakes and flowers, trees ,birds in filed。

9. 只要给某一个人或某一群人以绝对权力,那这个人或这群人就肯定会滥用权力,因为正


As long as/ if give a person or a group absolute power, then he or this group is sure to abuse power, just as Anton says power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

10. 在我们国家传统上都认为,万般皆下品,惟有读书高

Traditionally in our country, people believe that school education is more

important and useful compared with other pursuits.

1、 总理明天将赴纽约出席联合国会议。

Premier will leave for New York to attend the UN conference tomorrow.

2、 在纽约期间他将会晤一些国家的政府首脑。

He will meet heads of some states during in New York. 3、 国庆长假期间你打算干什么回家还是待在校园里。

What do you plan to do in National holiday Go back home or stay at school

4、 你认为20年后学校会是什么样子


---What do you think the school will be like in 20 years ---I think children probably stay at home and learn from robot teachers.

5、 30年前,我的祖父母根本想不到他们能搬进一栋有现代设施的二层小楼里


30 years ago,my grandparents never imaged that they would be able to move into a two-store house decorated with modern facilities. 6、 他们缺少的不是而是经验。

What they lack isn’t money, but experience. 7、 他们到中国来不仅仅是为学汉语,而且是为了了解中国文化。

They come to China not only to study Chinese ,but to learn Chineseculture.

8、 孩子们从父母那里最想得到的不是物质的东西而是爱和关注。

What children most want to get from their parents is not material but love and care.

9、 你们既可以在练习薄里写作文,也可以在电脑上写。

You can write articles both in exercise books and on the computer.

10、 我不太清楚他为什么没有来,即可能是他不感兴趣,也可能是忘了。

I am not sure why he didn’t come, either he wasn’t interesting or he forgot.

11、 社会应该既尊重科学家,也尊重环卫工人。

Society not only respects scientists but also garbage collectors. 12、 他对自己的钱和时间都挺抠门的。

He is mean / miserly with both money and time.


1、我跟你说,从各方面考虑,当教师不失为一个好主意。事实上,我认为这个主意好极了。 Do you know that all things considered, it is a not bad idea to be a teacher. Actually I think it is an excellent idea.


I don't like it when you take a sarcastic tone the way you just did。You seem to be implying all the time that I am a good-for-nothing.

3、我爸让我做最后决定,真是很体谅人。我得说我够幸运。不是很多人都有这么好的父亲。 It is really considerate of my father to let me make the final decision. I must say I am very lucky. Not many people have such a good father.


You said you don't want any money. You may not want money, but you do need money. I don't see what's wrong with college students earning some money during their spare time.

5、不知道为什么,这个曲调听起来很熟,但是我就是记不起来了。反正是一首俄罗斯民歌。 Somehow this tune sounds quite familiar. I just can't recall what it is. In any case, it is a Russian folk song.


Besides the usual weekend housework, I have a whole pile of homework to do tomorrow. It's really terrible.


To demonstrate our unhappiness at/about/over the recent dispute, we put off our Foreign Minister's visit indefinitely.


It's getting dark. The next town is still two hours' drive away. We might as well camp in the forest, pitch a tent, build a fire, and have a good sleep before we continue our journey tomorrow.


I am really shocked to hear that some people do not consider cheating at exams shameful. Isn't it the most shameful thing that we have no sense of shame

1、 我年轻时,人们就是这样生活的。

That was the way people lived their lives when I was young. 2、琼斯太太像爱自己的孩子一样爱她的学生。

Ms Jones loves her students the way she loves her own children. 2、 那个农民的妻子不喜欢某些年轻人对待父母的态度。

The farmer's wife doesn't like the way some young people treat their parents.

3、 有了大姚在队里,不愁打不败对手。

They'll beat their rivals with Big Yao on the team. 4、 那人双手掩面坐在椅子上。

The man was sitting in his armchair, with his face buried in his hands.

5、 他发现电视开着很难专心做作业。

With the TV on , he found it hard to concentrate on his homework. 6、 在不带现金的旅途中,人们对他的态度使作者深信:人们仍然可以依靠陌生


The way people treated him when he took his journey without taking along cash convinced the writer that people can still lean/depends on strangers.

7、 白菜的价格飙升,他们决定增加进口。

With the price of cabbages soaring, they decided to increase imports from other countries.

8、这些年轻人组织校园活动的办法,表现除了他们的领导素质。The way these young people organized campus activities showed their leadership qualities.


He stood with his arms stretched out as a customs officer searched him with a portable scanner.



Health care must be available to all citizens regardless of their differences. We cannot justify a policy that denies medical care to the large population living in the country.


They claim to have discovered a universal principle which applies to all nations. 3.我住在我叔叔家农场的时候常常出洋相。比如要我在稻田除草的时候,我常常分不清草和秧苗。

I often made a fool of myself when I was living with my uncle on his farm. When asked to get rid of the weeds in the rice fields, for example, I often failed to tell apart the weeds and the rice seedlings. 4.干吗今天去哪里我宁可等雪停了再走。

why go there today I'd much rather stay until the snow ceases.


Rice requires large quantities of water and many scientists warn us that no matter how sparingly we use water, the day will inevitably come when we will be fighting over limited supplies of water resources. 6.近几年有一个值得注意的变化。我们不再靠出口经济了,我们现在倾向于把重点放在国内消费上。 There has been quite a noticeable change in recent years. We no longer lean on exports for economic growth. We now tend to place more emphasis on home consumption.




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