大连工业大学 硕士学位论文
姓名:张莹 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:设计艺术学 指导教师:李波 20080401
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节奏是一个广义词,音乐犹如千军万马,是节奏把它们有序地组织在一起,按照音 乐的强弱、长短,使它们有序地进行着,如果没有节奏,音乐就会杂乱无章,不成其为 音乐。节奏对于我们如同呼吸必不可少。在我们生活的世界到处充满节奏。在艺术领域, 无论是音乐、舞蹈,还是戏剧、绘画I诗歌,都离不开节奏。
本文的所涉及的“节奏”主要是指镜头的各种节奏,它是指景别节奏、色彩节奏、 光影节奏、特效节奏、角度节奏、转场节奏、时间节奏、镜头运动节奏,并且把观众的 接受心理和剧情节奏作为动画短片节奏的两个根本依据。
论文的第一部分为绪论;第二部分是讲述节奏的有关概念及依据。第三部分以经典 动画作品为范例论述各种节奏,分别讲述景别节奏、色彩节奏、光影节奏、特效节奏、 角度节奏、转场节奏、时间节奏、镜头运动节奏以及分析各种节奏在动画短片中体现效 果;第四部分阐述镜头节奏在动画短片中的综合应用;最后是总结。
论文通过运用电影的镜头理论、动画片例,分析动画的镜头各种节奏的变化,来论 证一不管什么节奏都是为了突出剧情,为调动观众的心理节奏服务的。
论文的主要工作如下一 (1)
个相对立面(两极)的统一,为动画创作者把握动画镜头找到了客观的依据,对于动画 创作具有重要指导意义。提出不管是镜头节奏的曲线如何变化,它都是不偏离动画的剧 情节奏的观点。
(2) 将动画的节奏研究同曲线图相结合。利用大量的曲线图来分析总结出镜头节奏 的规律。通过数据分析,总结并归纳节奏的规律。
(3) 影响动画镜头节奏的一个重要因素是与观众心理的合拍程度。就是说动画片每 个镜头都应符合观众的心理。“节奏是一种从情绪方面来感动观众的手段。”心理节奏曲 线与镜头节奏相似,与之呼应。若忽视动画的节奏,导致情节松散,节奏平缓,无法带 动观众情绪,很大程度削弱了动画的魅力和观赏性。 关键词:动画短片,镜头,节奏,两极,情绪
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Rhythm is a generalized word. Music just like a huge army, it is rhythm that organizes them. The music can be played based on the strong, weak, long, short syllables, without rhythm, music is disorderly and unsystematic. Rhythm is absolutely necessarily just like the breath. Rhythm is everywhere in our living world. In the arts field, the music, the dancing, the stage, the painting, the poesy eta all relies on rhythm.
The rhythm referred in this paper is the rhythms of lens: scene rhythm, color rhythm, lighting rhythm, special-effect rhythm, visual angle rhythm, transition rhythm, time rhythm, moving rhythm of lens etc. The basic rhythm gists of cartoons are the acceptant mind of audience and the scenario rhythm.
This first part of this paper is the definition and summarizer of rhythm; the second part discusses the different kinds of lens rhythm and analyzes the effects in short films; the third part expatiates the application of lens rhythms in short films; then comes to the conclusion.
This paper analyzes the different rhythms in cartoons by using the lens theory of movie. The standpoint, the rhythm is only to extruding scenario and involving the mind of audience, is proved after analysis.
The main work of this paper is:
(1) Using philosophy analyzes the lens rhythm of cartoons. Bring forward that: the rhythm of lens is the unification of two opposites. This concept presented the objective foundation of holding lens of cartoon; it has important meaning for the producing of cartoon. No matter how the lens rhythms graph changes, it depends on the scenario rhythm.
(2) Combine the research of rhythm, with the graph; conclude rules of lens rhythm by analyzing plenty of graphs.
(3) One of the important factors of lens rhythm in cartoons is the suitableness to the mind of audience. Videlicet the every lens in a cartoon must resonate with the mind of audience.
“The audience is moved by the rhythm,just like emotion.” The mental rhythm is similar to the lens rhythm. Without rhythm, the scenario of cartoon will disheveled and wateriness; the charm and
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enjoyment of cartoon are greatly weakened, such a cartoon canH get hold of the audience’s mind anymore.
Key Words: short films, lens, rhythm, the two poles, emotion
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