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摘要. ..................................................... ABASTRAC. T .............................................. 第一章 前言 .......................... 4 第二章 设计任务 ........................ 5

第三章 悬架的结构分析及选型 . ....................................... 6

3.1 悬架的分类 .................................. 6 3.2 非独立悬架与独立悬架优缺点分析 .......................... 6 3.3 独立悬架结构形式分类及分析 ........................... 7 第四章 方案论证 ........................ 8

......................... 8 4.1 悬架结构方案分析 ..............

....................... 4.2 弹性元件 ................... 9

....................... 4.3 减震元件 .................. 10

.......................... 4.4 传力构件及导向机构 ............. 10

.................... 4.5 横向稳定器 ................... 11

第五章 前悬架系统的主要参数的确定及对整车性能的影响 . .............. 11

5.1 悬架的静扰度 5.2

..................................... 悬架的动扰度

..................................... 悬架的弹性特性

.............. 11 .............. 12

5.3 ................ 12


5.4 前悬架主销侧倾角与后倾角 ........... ......................... 13

第六章 弹性元件的计算 . ............................................ 14

6.1 螺旋弹簧的设计 ................................. 14

第七章 减震器机构的类型及主要参数的选择计算 .......... 15

7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5

减震器分类 .................................. 15 相对阻尼系数 ................................ 15 减震器阻尼系数的确定 .............................. 14 最大卸荷力的确定 ............................... 17 减震器工作缸直径的确定 ............................ 18

结 论 .............................. 19

为了提高汽车行驶的平顺性和稳定性,本课题进行了产品名称为QF1020货车前后 悬架的设



计。通过对课题内容的分析,并结合相关设计手册,进行了方案设计与比较 设计了麦弗逊前悬架,钢板弹簧后悬架。在设计中,首先,分析了麦弗逊独立悬架的 组成和功用;其次,进行悬架的上各零部件强度的校核;第三,详细考虑各部件之 间的连接关系;最后在此基础上进行悬架自然振动频率,悬架静挠度和动挠度以及 悬架弹性特性的计算。在分析麦弗逊悬架的组成和作用以及各零部件的尺寸确定的 基础上,再利用CAD软件进行二维制图。此次的设计进行了准确的计算和详细的结 构分析,为麦弗逊悬架的结构优化提供了依据,从而在运动学和动力学方面提高汽 车的性能。



In order to enhance the automobile smooth running and the stability, This topic has carried on the suspension design of the Product Name of QF1020 vehicle. Through an alyz ing the topic content, and comb ine the correlati on desig n han dbook, carried on the plan to design and to compare, the McPherson strut front suspension, the leaf spring behind suspension and trapezium ' frame are designed. This thesis first analyzes the con sists and fun cti on of the McPhers on suspe nsion in the desig n, the n check the up and down of the suspension, Third, the various components of the link between relations is con sidered the suspe nsion on the basis of the n atural vibrati on freque ncy is calculated as well as static suspe nsion deflect ion and dyn amic deflect ion and elastic characteristics of the suspension terms at last. On the basis of Analysis of the

composition and role of the size of the comp onents in the two suspe nsion, the n to use CAD software, 2D software mapping .We make an accurate and detailed structural analysis on the design, which provides the refere nee for optimal desig n of the suspe nsion. The approach can enhance the performa nee of the McPhers on suspe nsion and

leaf spri ng behi nd suspe nsion.

Keyword: McPhers on suspe nsion; Motor vehicle; Desig n;



