Section l English-Chinese Translation (50 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese.
Passage l
Tolstoy was a member of the Russian nobility, from a family that owned an estate and hundreds of serfs. The early life of the young count was raucous, debauched and violent.
“I killed men in wars and challenged men to duels in order to kill them,” he wrote. “I lost at cards, consumed the labour of the peasants, sentenced them to punishments, 1ived loosely, and deceived people… so I lived for ten years.”
But he gradua11y weaned himself off his decadent, racy lifestyle and rejected the received beliefs of his aristocratic background, adopting a radical, unconventional worldview that shocked his peers. So how exactly might his personal journey help us rethink our own Philosophies of life?
One of Tolstoy’s greatest gifts was his ability and willingness to change his mind based on new experiences. The horrific bloodshed he witnessed while fighting in the Crimean War in the 1850s turned him into a lifelong pacifist. In 1857, after seeing a public execution by
guillotine in Paris - he never forgot the thump of the severed head as it fell into the box below - he became a convinced opponent of the state and its laws, believing that governments were not only brutal, but essentially served the interests of the rich and powerfu1. “The State is a conspiracy,” he wrote to a friend. “Henceforth, I shall never serve any government anywhere.” Tolstoy was on the road to becoming an anarchist.
The most essentia1 1ife lesson to take away from Tolstoy is to follow his lead and recognise that the best way to challenge our assumptions and prejudices, and develop new ways Of looking at the world, is to surround ourselves with people whose views and lifestyles differ from our own. In Resurrection, he pointed out that most people - whether they are
Politicians, businessmen or thieves-“instinctively keep to the circle of those people who Share their views of life and their own place in it”. Cosseted within our peer group, We may think it perfectly normal and justifiable to own two homes, or to oppose same-sex marriage,or to bomb countries in the Middle East. We cannot see that such views may be perverse, unjust, or untrue, because we are inside circles of our own making. The cha11enge is to spread our conversational wings and spend time with those whose values and experiences contrast with our own. Our ultimate task, Tolstoy would advise us, is to journey beyond the perimeters of the circle.
Passage 2
An internal briefing document seen by the BBC says the effects of globalisation on advanced economies is “often uneven” and “may have led to rising wage inequality”.
The bank, Which provides loans to developing countries, also says that “adjustment costs”, such as helping people who have lost their jobs, have been higher than expected.
Dr. Jim Kim, the head of the World Bank, told the BBC that he understood why people Were angry in advanced economies despite the fact that free trade was one of the “most powerful” drivers of growth and prosperity.
“I hear them and they are saying that my life is not better than my parents and my Children’s life does not look like it’s going to be better than mine,” he told me.
“So there is a real concern but the answer is to have more robust social security programmes, so you have a safety net. And then you need to get serious about getting the skills you need for the jobs of the future.”
Dr. Kim said that 20% of jobs lost in advanced economies could be linked to trade, with the rest down to automation and the need for new skills.
He said governments needed to do more to support those who had lost their jobs.
Dr. Kim said that if developed countries start throwing up trade barriers, ambitious targets to eradicate poverty by 2030 could be missed because global economic growth would be slower.
“It will be much, much harder to achieve [the poverty targets], there’s no question,” Dr. Kim told me,“We can build all the infrastructure we want and we can increase trade among the emerging market countries, [but] at the end of the day if global trade does not grow at a more robust rate, it is going to be very hard to make those targets.”
I asked him directly if the target could be missed.
“We very well could, absolutely, it’s possible,” he said.
Proposals to end extreme poverty - defined as anyone living on less than $1.25 a day - were put together by a United Nations committee chaired by David Cameron in 2013.
Dr. Kim said that action by organisations like the World Bank, which provides loans to developing countries, as well as the growth of free trade had lifted mi11ions of people out of poverty.
He said that international organisations had to do more to explain the advantages of global trade for advanced as well as emerging economies.
Section 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points) (汉译英) Translate the following passage into English.
Passage l
“一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。 ” ……不论是中华文明,还是世界上存在的其他文明,都是人类文明创造的成果。
我参观过法国卢浮宫,也参观过中国故宫博物院,它们珍藏着千万件艺术珍品, 吸引人们眼球的正是其展现的多样文明成果。文明交流互鉴不应该以独尊某一种文明或者贬损某一种文明为前提。中国人在2000多年前就认识到了“物之不齐,物之情也”的道理。推动文明交流互鉴,可以丰富人类文明的色彩,让各国人民享受更富内涵的精神生活、开创更有选择的未来。
Passage 2
12月26日,中国国家旅游局(CNTA)在记者招待会上透露,中国已成为世界上 最大的出境旅游市场和世界第四大旅游目的地。会议的主题是“‘十三五’期间的旅游业发展” (以下简称“计划” ) 。旅游业己成为中国国民经济的支柱。 2015年,中国旅游业占国民经济的10.8%。来自CNTA的数据显示, 2015年中国的旅游业总收入达到4.13万亿元人民币,游客进行了40亿次国内旅游、 1.17亿次国外旅游。中国吸引了1.34亿入境游客,旅游业外汇收入约为1136.5亿美元。
该“计划”强调稳定增长,旨在使旅游次数年增长10%,旅游总收入年增长11% 和直接旅游投资增长14%。该″计划”的主要目标还包括提高效率、公众满意度并提高国际影响力。旅游部门将为国民经济贡献12%,为餐饮、住宿、民用航空和铁路客运贡献85%。根据该“计划” ,每年将在旅游部门创造100万个新的工作岗位。
Section l English-Chinese Translation (50 points)
Passage l 【答案】
“我在战争中杀人,挑战别人决斗好杀死他们。 ”他写道, “打牌上瘾,剥削农民,滥用私刑,生活放浪,欺骗他人……我就这么过了十年。 ”
托尔斯泰能够也愿意基于新的经历转变自己的思想,这是他最伟大的禀赋之一。 他曾参加过19世纪50年代的克里米亚战争,血雨腥风的战争场面使他终生成为一名反战主义者。1857年,托尔斯泰在巴黎目睹了一场公开处决,他无法忘记断头台上人头掉入盒子的声音。这使得他开始坚决反对政府和法律,认为政府无异于洪水猛兽,专为有钱有势的人谋利益。 “国家就是一场阴谋, ”他在写给一位朋友的信中提到, “故此,我绝不会为任何国家、任何政府卖命。 ”托尔斯泰走上了无政府主义者的道路。
从托尔斯泰身上学到的人生最重要的一课,是在他的引领下认识到:要想克服臆想和偏见,建立全新的世界观,最好的方法就是与思想和生活方式迥然不同的人共处。在《复活》一书中,托尔斯泰指出,无论政客、商人还是窃贼,多数人“只会本能地待在自己的圈子里,与那些有相同人生观和身份的人在一起” 。身处同侪之中,我们可能会认为,拥有两处房产、反对同性婚姻、轰炸中东国家是再正常不过、合理不过的事情。因为我们一直待在自己的圈子里,所以意识不到这些观点有悖常情,缺乏公正,异想天开。我们需要挑战自己,扩大谈话的圈子,花时间和那些价值观、生活经历迥异的人在一起。托尔斯泰会建议我们,人生的终级目标,就是要超越自己的生活半径。
Passage 2 【答案】
据BBC获得的一份内部简报,全球化对发达经济体的影响“往往并不平衡” ,且 “可能加深收入不平等程度” 。
向发展中国家提供贷款的世界银行同样表示,称“调整成本” (如对失业人员的援助)已高于预期。
他对我说:“他们告诉我说,‘与父辈相比,自己的生活也好不了多少,而孩子 们的生活似乎也不会比自己好多少’。”
金博士还表示,发达国家若现在着手消除贸易壁垒,全球经济增长就会放缓,而 2030年之前消除贫困这一宏伟目标就可能无法实现。
金博士对我说: “显然,实现(消除贫困)这一目标将会更加困难。我们可以建设各种自己所需的基础设施,也可以加强与新兴市场国家之间的贸易往来,然而全球经济一旦不能保持更为强劲的增长速度,以上目标都很难实现。 ”
我非常直接地问他这些目标是否可能无法实现。 “极有可能,确实如此。”他回答说。
Section 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points) (汉译英)
Passage l 【答案】
……Civilizations come in different colors, and such diversity has made exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations relevant and valuable. Just as the sunlight has seven colors, our world is a place of dazzling colors. A civilization is the collective memory of a country or a nation. Throughout history, mankind has created and developed many colorful civilizations, from the earliest days of primitive hunting to the period of agriculture, and from booming industrial revolution to the information society. Together, they present a magnificent genetic map of the exciting march of human civilizations.
“A single flower does not make spring, While one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to the garden.” … Be it Chinese civilization or other civilizations in the world, they are all fruits of human progress.
I have visited the Louvre Museum in France and the Palace Museum in China, both of which house millions of art treasures. They are a attractive because they present the richness of diverse civilizations. Exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations must not be built on the exclusive praise or belittling of one particular civilization. As early as over 2000 years ago, the Chinese people came to recognize that “it is natural for things to be different”. Greater exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations can further enrich the colors of various civilizations and the cultural life of people and open up still greater alternatives in the future.
Passage 2 【答案】
China is now the world’s largest outbound tourism market and the world’s fourth largest tourist destination. On a press conference on December, 26, China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) revealed China’s tourism development during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. Tourism has become a pillar industry of China’s national economy. In 2015, China’s tourism industry accounted for 10.8% of the national economy. Data from CNTA shows that in 2015, China’s total tourism revenue reached RMB 4.13 trillion, and tourists took 4 billion domestic trips, along with 117 million trips abroad. China attracted 134 million inbound travelers, and tourism foreign exchange earnings amounted to about $ 113.65 billion.
The new plan has stressed steady growth, aiming to achieve an annual increase of 10% in the number of tourist trips, 11% in total tourism revenue and 14% in direct tourism investment. The primary objectives of the plan also consist of improved efficiency, public satisfaction and an enhancement in international influence. The tourism sector will
contribute 12% to the national economy, as well as 85% to catering, accommodation, Civil aviation and railway passenger transportation. Based on the plan, every year 1 million new jobs shall be created in the tourism sector.