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2008102101 计算机科学与技术系 计算机科学与技术 2008级计科(网络)1班
四川师范大学 二○一二年五月
韩国做的最好,人们对国产游戏产生了怀疑,它们为什么能开发出好的游戏来了,究竟怎么设计一款游戏,怎么制作开发一款游戏,成为了一个热门话题,所以作为对游戏感兴趣的我,利用微软推出的DirectX 图形开发库来进行DirectX的D3D打斗小游戏的设计与实现,整个过程重点阐述了DirectX游戏开发过程中所有的重要环节,包括了3D游戏制作过程中的3D建模,碰撞检测,打斗机制,场景渲染,智能NPC等等技术,从而实现逼真的场景渲染,英雄角色和NPC的打斗的一个小游戏。玩家可以通过鼠标和键盘进行游戏,有很高的可玩性。同时也向大家揭开3D游戏的面纱,使大家了解3D游戏的简单开发过程,消除游戏制作的神秘感,让每个人都了解3D游戏开发,使每个人都能开发3D游戏,并对实现D3D游戏技术难点和关键手段作了详细的分析和研究,提出了系统设计方案,明确了本课题实现的功能和目标。
关键词:DirectX 碰撞检测 打斗机制 智能NPC
Based on the DirectX small game
Abstract:Develop a good game will become the main subject of the current IT
sector, the best of the current game industry is Europe and the United States, South Korea ,people in the domestic game had doubts. Why they develop so such good game, how to design a game, how making a game development has become a hot topic, as for my interest of game i describes the design and achievement process of a fighting game based the D3D DirectX which Microsoft release, it contain all of the important parts,including the 3D game production process of 3D modeling, collision detection, fighting mechanism, scene rendering, smart NPC and other technologies,to achieve realistic rendering, heroic characters and NPC's fighting in the game. players can play games by using mouse and keyboard, have a high playability. And it open the veil of 3D game ,so that we can understand the simple 3D game development process, eliminate the mystery of game production,so that everyone can develop 3D games, and D3D games to achieve key technical problems and means of detailed analysis and research, and system design, specifically the function of this task and goals to achieve.
Keywords: DirectX Collision detection Fighting mechanism Smart NPC