Dear leaders: Hello! Thank ou for our bus shedule in the materials I revieed. I am the College of Liberal Arts, Guangxi Normal Universit Chinese Language and Literature professional graduates. I look forard to our pan an find a suitable job, in order to ontribute to our pan. I urge ou to join our pan's opportunit. I have the onfidene and abilit to be an exellent staff. Sine the universit after me self-onfidene, self-reliane, self-reliane , not onl strive to learn professional knoledge and ative partiipation in a variet of soial pratie, after four ears of universit stud and soial training, I have the folloing apabilities: A solid foundation of professional expertise and deep knoledge of literature. Outstanding liberal arts base to enter the ountr four ears of stud, I arefull stud the various professional ourses, ith a solid foundation for Chinese Language and Literature of the knoledge and professional skills, but also apable of thinking and researh paper riting skills, has partiipated in the Innovation Cup petition of sientifi researh papers have been hospital-level seond-lass XXrds. I reated the China Forum for Aademi ritiism Guoxue save, build a ne sstem of XXdemi evaluation of the role pla, aused onern
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both ithin and outside sholars. I like literature, often after shool hours to partiipate in the ativities of a variet of literar salon, a large number of literar books to read. 201X invited to partiipate in The Seond Guangxi Youth poetr ill broaden the horizons of knoledge groth. In Journal of Guangxi Normal Universit, South Danxia , Jenn , Chatham , Aaia Lake poetr group and the artile published artiles . Seond, a ealth of soial pratie and outstanding abilit to ork. I as in China, Haier Group, China Net, Beijing Dragon sun Tehnolog Development Co., Ltd., Guilin, respetivel, as the Western Hills Park促销员, business agents, suh as sales assistant positions, positions are made in the exellent performane b the emploing units praise. The squad leader as a base lass, ollege part branh seretar, vie president of Book Club Fifth Season, Guangxi Normal Universit, Offie of Aademi Affairs Offie of the Assistant High lassroom, Guangxi Normal Universit, College of Liberal Arts Campus Part seretar, an inrease of petene, the Offie has aumulated rih knoledge of exeutive seretarial knoledge and . The aumulated experiene of soial ativities, ork in our organization to la a ertain foundation. Third, the onept of a strong brand of team spirit and ooperation. After four ears of ollege, I bee more and more XXre of soial pratie: in a petitive soiet, there is no strong brand XXreness it is impossible to gain a foothold
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in the munit. Therefore, I seek to bee their on good, and seek to engage in their ork of an of the business as a brand, so I alas pa attention to seize the opportunit to exerise their on, and alas thinking about as to do a good job. Mission as the part branh seretaries , here the lass as 优秀团支部olonel title; as stem lasses , here the lass as the best ourse of Guangxi distrit olletive title , as the Guangxi Normal Universit College of Liberal Arts Campus Seretar When part ativists through rate of more than 95%. In addition, I am a team but also have the abilit, I an quikl adapt to a ne orking environment, and established in the ne environment of team ork environment. After fine arts at the national base for up to 4 ears of training, I alread have a should have the basi qualit. Hope I an fit our request, I also hope ou hoose, our hoie is hat I hope. In order to failitate a more detailed understanding of our situation I am, please revie the resume I submitted, as ell as related materials. Give me a hane also a mirale that ou and look forard to our response. Units祝贵flourishing areer, has made great ahievements! Sinerel, Salute
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经过高考,才感觉到自己身上的不足。为了日后能更好的在社会上立足,我要通过在大学期间的学习学到的本领,提高自己认识事物判断事物的能力。这是我在大学期间的主要目的和任务。 大学的生活不比在家,在大学什么都要靠自己,这也是在锻炼我的生存能力,我会把自己的生活作的井井有条,作的简单而充实,培养自己的生活习惯,锻炼自己的生活意志,提高自己的生活自理能力。 大学校园是个大课堂,里面有来自各各省市的同学老师和各种性格的人,来到这我会尽可能的改去自己的缺点,用最短的时间与同学和老师们相处好,处理好自己的人际关系,要在寂寞之时耐得住寂寞,激情之时把握住分寸。 大学,是我在进入社会前的最重要的一站,更好的适应这里也是为更好的适应社会的前提,在这里不仅我要努力学习专业课同时也好学好文化课,例如英语,掌握英语是现代人不可或缺的一项能力,它能够提高自身素养和语言能力同时也可以扩大交流范围,是立足于社会的重要能力,虽然我英语差,但在大学期间我会努力提高自己的英语能力,力争顺利通过英语四六级考试,提高自己的口语能力,突破语言难关。这是我大一最主要的任务。 大一除学好英语外,还要学好基础课,增加各种兴趣和爱好!积极参加各种活动。 专业是我们日后谋生的重要手段,是我们找到工作的重要技能,在今后的学习中我会加强与老师同学的交流,平日里认真研究练习,从各个渠道获取最新的技能知识,我要在大学这四年的学习中学到一身好本领,我步入社会寻找工作增加自己的筹码。 关于考试我一定遵守学校的规定。还要做到需要考试的课程不可因参加活动和看课外书而放松,要力争每门功课都考到我所能达到的最高分数。关于考研,从大一做起,时刻把
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考研作为目标。大三时,放弃一切可以放弃的全力投入到考研的学习上。 在大学期间,我要做到爱自己,珍惜自己所做过的努力,充分发挥自己的长处,树立对自己的绝对的信心,同时也希望学院,老师,同学家长都会支持我,鼓励我,帮助我,但最关键的还是要依靠我自身的努力,忘掉过去的遗憾,抖擞精神,从今迈步从头越。 学习是个积累的过程,既不能放松,也不能急于求成。为了学习我会警惕各种事情的影响。始终坚持自己学习第一的原则。
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