3、 Many girls have __ and are wearing black to be fashionable. A:jumped on the bandwagon
B:jumped to conclusion
C:jumped the gun
D:jumped on the cart
4、 Man: Can you come over for dinner tonight?Woman: I'm up to my ears in work, so I'll have to take a rain check.Question: What does the woman mean?
A:She wants to check the weather before deciding.
B:She has a problem with her hearing.
C:She'd enjoy coming to dinner another time.
D:She wants the man to help her with some work.
5、I got into a car accident, lost my job and my dog ran away, all in the same week. _.
A:When it rains it pours.
B:That's water under the bridge.
C:No need to panic.
D:That is wishful thinking.
6、You should save some money for _.
A:a rainy day
B:a sunny day
C:a snowy day
D:a windy day
7、Which of the following are optimists likely to say?
A:An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
B:We hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
C:Don't cross the bridge until you come to it.
D:Every cloud has a silver lining.
8、At this point, that problem is just ____. It's not important any more.
A:water under the bridge
B:hit the road
C:go up in smoke
D:spill the beans
9、Failing to meet a deadline once could _ with a client forever.
A:pull strings
B:jump the gun
C:jump to conclusion
D:burn your bridges
10、When the steel plant shut down, the town's people were all _. The workers had no jobs, and the shops had no business. It was really tough all around.
A:in a boat
B:in the boat
C:in the same boat
D:on the same boat