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Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)

Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choosethe best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line throughthe center.

1.Wanda: Hey, Victoria. Where is Boston Municipal Library? I want to borrow some books about the history of India.

Victoria: ______________, there is no library called Boston Municipal Library. There is only Boston Public Library locatedat Copley Square

A. You must know B. In my opinion

C. As far as I know D. You may be quite disappointed

2. Michelle:Hi, how do you usually spend your spare time? Do you have any hobby? I‟d like some suggestions on how tospend my free time.

Ella:Well, ______________ But as for me, if I do not go out, I usually do some reading at home.

A. it is so interesting a topic. B. it is a difficult question.

C. I have no idea about this. D. it depends on the person

3. Homer:Excuse me, what is the best way for me to improve my English?

Cyril:______________ If you don‟t practice, nothing else can help you.

A. Just do it.

B. Never give up.

C. Keep trying.

D. Keep practicing.

4. Daniel: What do you think of the movie Inception?

Esther:Well, ______________ If I may say so, it‟s the best movie I‟ve ever watched.

A. it is a little interesting. B. I have never watched it before.

C. I like it very much. D. it is hard to say.

5. Enid:Grand Buy Department Store is having its anniversary sale, so I‟d take my son to go shopping tomorrow. Howlong will it take to go there by bus?

Greta:______________ But why don‟t you use the subway? That‟d be much faster.

A. It depends on traffic. B. The bus driver is very skillful.

C. It can‟t be faster. D. There will be a lot of people on the bus.

6. Arthur:Excuse me, ______________ I am in a hurry to join an interview.

Charles: Of course! Are you going to take the bus or walk there?

A. Could you tell me where the bus station is?

B. Would you mind giving me a seat?

C. Could you show me how to get to Guangzhou Television?

D. Would you mind telling me the way to Guangzhou Television?

7.Customer:I want to send a small parcel to Canada.


Customer: What‟s the difference between the rates? My parcel weighs 248 grams.

A. What kind of service do you want?

B. What mailing service do you prefer?

C. By airmail or surface mail?

D. What is the weight of your parcel?

8. Andrew: Betty, I‟ve got two tickets for the movie tonight. May I invite you to watch the movie?

Betty: ______________, but I have an appointment with my supervisor tonight.

A. Sure B. I would like to C. It is very exciting D. I am sorry

9. Customer: Excuse me, I am looking for a suit for my father.

Clerk:______________ It is a very popular style with the cotton texture.

A. What do you like this one? B. How do you think of this one?

C. How about this one? D. What kind of style do you prefer?

10. Lucy:I‟ve heard you are ill. ______________

Vivian:I was woke up by my son last night and felt exhausted this morning.

A. What is your matter? B. What is the problem?

C. What‟s wrong with you? D. How are you feeling at present?

11. Karen:Hi, Tina! What is your opinion about the Ted‟s presentation?

Tina: ______________ But he needs to make some small changes.

A. It is perfect. B. I do have some opinion about it.

C. On the whole it is good D. I have no idea about it.

12. May:How about going to the KTV after class?

Nicola: ______________ I can‟t sing at all.

May: Don‟t worry. You can just relax and enjoy your drink and cuisines.

A. I‟m sorry I can‟t sing very well.

B. I‟m an idiot musically.

C. I have not much knowledge about music.

D. I‟m not a good student of music.

13. Rhoda:Have you brought the novel you borrowed from me last time?

Hannah: Oh, no. ______________ I left it in my room. Oh, sorry.

A. Look at me!

B. How stupid of me!

C. I don‟t know what I have done!

D. It is unbelievable!

14. Alan:Hey, Sabina, it is so late that all the metro platforms are closed. What should we do?

Sabina:______________ Fortunately, my dad left his car at home.

A. It couldn‟t have been like this.

B. It could have been much better.

C. It can‟t be.

D. It couldn‟t have been worse.

15. Clerk: Sorry, sir, you have to be 18 to buy alcohol.

Customer: I am already 30! ______________

A. What‟s wrong with you?

B. Can‟t you see that?

C. Are you kidding me?

D. What is the problem?

Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. Foreach of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on theANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Passage One

Ask a mom if she's happier now that she has a child, and she'll usually say yes. But psychologists who study happinessoften report a different picture. Being the mom of a young child (especially one under 3) is rewarding, but also a real strainon your mood. "Moment to moment, you may be tired and sometimes angry, though kids do bring joy" says Peter Ubel,M.D., a professor of medicine and psychology at the University of Michigan. In fact, on their list of enjoyable activities,moms rank childcare lower than eating, exercising, or watching TV, according to a University of Michigan study, and kidcare rates only slightly higher than housework, working, or commuting!

One reason for the difference between moms and experts: selective memory. When psychologists ask moms in ageneral way if they like spending time with their kids, the overwhelming majority say they do because they're thinking offun activities like reading a book or playing in the park. When they're specifically asked to describe their actual daily routine,they remember the hours they spent struggling to get their child dressed or ready for bed.

Maybe, though, the psychologists are missing the intensity of joy that time spent with your child can bring. Luckily,those moments can overcome your daily frustrations. "Happiness is more than just that smiley feeling," says Karen Reivich,Ph.D., a research associate in the Positive Psychology Center at the Universityof Pennsylvania. "It's also feeling aconnection to something larger than yourself. When people are in service to something bigger, they describe their lives asfilled with meaning."

16. Which of the following best summarizes Peter Ubel‟s opinion of being the mom of a young child?

A. It makes the mom exhausted.

B. It is both rewarding and stressful.

C. It makes the mom easily irritated.

D. It is quite frustrating an experience.

17. According to a University of Michigan study, which of the following ranks higher than childcare on moms‟ list ofenjoyable activities?

A. eating, housework or commuting

B. eating, exercising or watching TV

C. exercising, housework or watching TV

D. exercising, commuting or watching TV

18. What does the underlined phrase selective memory in the third paragraph mean?

A. Moms often tend to remember only the happy moments with their children.

B. Moms often tend to remember only the hours they spent taking care of their children.

C. Experts tend to remember only the happy moments the moms spend with their children.

D. Experts tend to remember only the hours the moms spend with their children.

19. According to Karen Reivich, how do the moms‟ moments of intense joy compare with their daily frustrations?

A. Those moments make them feel more excited.

B. Those moments make them feel more relaxed.

C. Those moments can overcome their daily frustrations.

D. Those moments can do nothing about their daily frustrations.

20. From the last sentence of the passage we can infer that__________.

A. Moms have only the smiley feeling about childcare.

B. Moms feel frustrated at taking care of their children.

C. Moms enjoy doing housework as a part of their childcare.

D. Moms regard childcare as a meaningful part of their lives.

Passage Two

Do you go to bed without brushing your teeth? You may think that not brushing is not a big deal. But caring for yourmouth can prevent serious (and even embarrassing) problems.

Cavities happen to just about everyone. A cavity is a diseased spot in the tooth. It all starts with a sticky film made upof bacteria. That film coats your teeth and gums. The bacteria eat sugars from things you eat and drink. That produces acids.

Then, the acids eat away at your teeth's hard outer coating, called enamel.

If you don't brush regularly to remove the film, or if you keep missing a spot, those acids keep eating away the teeth'senamel. That is how you get a cavity. "The larger it gets, the closer it gets to the nerve, increasing the chance of severe pain,"says Lynn Ramer, president of the American Dentists' Association.

A cavity will never just go away by itself. It will only get worse. "Left untreated, 100 percent of the time a cavity willspread," says Dr. William Berlocher, a dentist who is also president of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

If a cavity is caught early enough, your dentist will be able to fix your tooth. The area of the tooth where the cavity waswill be replaced with a special material called a filling. Some fillings are made of a metal blend containing silver. Otherfillings are a tooth-colored mix of glass and a strong material called resin.

If you ignore a cavity, it will spread. It can go into the tooth's root. At that point, the dentist will have to do a root canal.In that procedure, the dentist removes the tooth's nerve.

21. According to the second paragraph, what is a cavity?

A. a diseased spot in the tooth

B. a film of acids coating the teeth

C. a sticky film made up of bacteria

D. a hard outer coating covering the teeth

22. What would happen if you do not brush regularly?

A. The film coating your teeth would be removed.

B. There would be less diseased spots in your teeth.

C. The film coating your teeth would be less sticky.

D. The acids would keep eating away your teeth‟s hard outer coating.

23. If a cavity reaches the tooth‟s root, how would a dentist treat it?

A. Replace the cavity with a filling

B. Replace the tooth‟s enamel

C. Remove the tooth‟s nerve

D. Pull out the tooth

24. According to the fifth paragraph, what are some fillings made of?

A. a mix of silver and resin

B. a metal blend containing glass

C. a metal blend containing copper

D. a mix of glass and resin

25. The main purpose of the passage is to __________.

A. explain the formation and treatment of cavity

B. emphasize the importance of brushing teeth

C. discuss the proper ways of brushing teeth

D. describe how a dentist treats a cavity

Passage Three

Small talk is like having loose change in your pocket. Like quarters for a pay phone, loose change comes in handywhen you least expect it. But when it comes to small talk, you must know when to spend it or save it.

All small talk is not the same. With some people, you walk away having killed a few moments. With others, you feel aconnection and want to get to know them better. The difference is the effort one or both of you made at making a connection.

It helps to call the person by name, mention things you have in common (mutual acquaintances, places you've been,experiences you've shared, career or personal goals), show interest in that person's views or hobbies, and match the otherperson's speaking style, voice, emotion and body language as you talk.

People feel being related to others who like them, appreciate them, enjoy the same things they do and are helpful tothem. Time and attention make connections that last.

When you're considering small talk, be sensitive to the other person's mood and circumstances. When your airplaneseatmate is obviously preoccupied, leave him or her alone. Neither would you approach someone when the person isdashing down a hallway to a meeting. On other occasions, small talk is inappropriate because of the person involved. If theCEO has unexpectedly called you in for "a little chat," this is not the time to take the lead. Let him or her dictate the topicand pace. The same is true with customers. Develop a sixth sense about those who appreciate small talk and those who don't.

26. What is the meaning of the underlined phrase comes in handy in the first paragraph?

A. becomes very useful

B. becomes very special

C. becomes very important

D. becomes very inconvenient

27. According to the second paragraph, how can you make a connection with others

A. mention your unique experiences

B. describe others‟ dressing styles

C. talk about others‟ hobbies

D. discuss others‟ names

28. If you want to make others‟ feel related to you, you may need to__________.

A. spend time chatting with them

B. show how excellent you are

C. give presents to them

D. be helpful to them

29. According to the fourth paragraph, on what occasion should you avoid making small talk with others?

A. when others are strolling on the street

B. when your airplane seatmate asks you for a favor

C. when your airplane seatmate is absorbed in thought

D. when others are walking down the hallway after a meeting

30. According to the last paragraph, what should you do when your CEO has unexpectedly called you in for “a little chat”?

A. let the CEO dictate the topic and pace

B. talk about the difficulties in your work

C. take the lead to make small talk

D. decide on the topic of talk

Passage Four

A biological clock is what tells plants, animals, and other organisms how to organize their time. This „clock‟ helpsplants and animals change their routine when they move to places with different climates and environments. Most biologicalclocks are based on the movement of the sun and follow a twenty-four hour cycle called a circadian rhythm. Some animalssleep only at night, making them diurnal. Animals that sleep during daytime are nocturnal. Flowers are diurnal because theyclose their petals at night but they open again in the morning. Bats sleep in the daytime so they are nocturnal.

Some biological clocks also follow an annual cycle, especially in animals that have annual migrations. Animals thathave annual cycles do different things at different times of year. Their actions are determined by the seasons.

Different animals can live in the same area when their biological clocks make them look for food at different times ofday. This process also keeps them out of each other's way. Biological clocks help plants and animals prepare for changes inthe seasons. Animals need to know what time of year to reproduce so their offspring will be born when the conditions forsurvival are good.

Human beings' sleep cycle is a circadian rhythm, a system based on the twenty-four hour day. In the circadian rhythmmost humans sleep at night. When people travel to different time zones their biological clocks have to adjust. In humans, thebiological clock is in a group of cells called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN.) The SCN is located near the bottom middlepart of the brain.

Scientists are continuing to research the biological clock and circadian rhythms. Scientists discovered the first circadiangene in a mammal (a mouse) in 1997. It is only a matter of time before your own biological clock will tell YOU the time!

31. Which of the following type of animal or plant is nocturnal?

A. human beings B. flowers C. bats D. cows

32. What is a circadian rhythm?

A. a twenty-four hour cycle of most biological blocks

B. the closure and opening of the petals of flowers

C. a cycle of some animals‟ annual migration

D. the movement rhythm of the sun

33. According to the third paragraph, why can different animals live in the same area peacefully?

A. Because they look for different types of food.

B. Because their conditions for survival are good.

C. Because they do different things at different times of year.

D. Because their biological clocks keep them out of each other‟s way.

34. Where is the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) located?

A. the bottom middle part of the brain

B. the bottom left part of the brain

C. the top right part of the brain

D. the top left part of the brain

35. From the last sentence of the passage we can infer that __________.

A. We still lack a full understanding of our own biological clock.

B. Our own biological clock is a lot different from that of a mouse.

C. We have already known much about the circadian rhythms of mammals.

D. There is still a lot to be done before your own biological clock will tell you the time.

Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.

Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single linethrough the center.

36. We tend to think of these people as unreliable, but that is not the __________.

A. case B. situation C. fact D. circumstance

37. Who was the man of the __________ clothes and easy manner?

A. causal B. casual C. fit D. fitting

38. Being divorced, she was cautious __________ having a second marriage.

A. about B. of C. against D. for

39. Raising a child is a __________ and rewarding job.

A. challengeable B. challenging C. challenged D. unchallengeable

40. Quite __________, I met the one I wanted to see on the train.

A. by accident B. by coincident C. by incident D. by happening

41. The committee __________ economists, socialists, and computer experts.

A. consists in B. consists of C. is consisted of D. is consisted in

42. She is the only person __________ for the work.

A. competent B. capable C. competitive D. confident

43. Out of __________ for his health, we suggested he take a week off work.

A. worry B. anxiety C. concern D. considering

44. He seems __________ to sit in front of the computer all night.

A. content B. satisfactory C. satisfying D. contentious

45. A mom will take __________ in teaching her children to walk and talk and do so many things.

A. happiness B. delight C. satisfaction D. enjoyment

46. Mr. Ray regrets that he will have to__________your kind invitation because of a prior engagement.

A. refuse B. reject C. decline D. recline

47. When dawn__________, they were still 150 miles from New York.

A. started B. began C. arrived D. broke

48. People should save money as a __________ against unemployment.

A. cushion B. caution D. protection D. shelter

49. Public opinion was deeply __________ over the project.

A. different B. disagreed C. disagreeable D. divided

50. He was apparently planning to rent a car and drive __________ to Los Angeles.

A. directly B. direct C. straight D. straightly

51. You may use the notebook as you like, __________ you keep it clean.

A. as far as B. so long as C. as further as D. so far as

52. I do not know how the family manages to live __________ 50 yuan a week.

A. with B. by C. on D. for

53. She thinks it will rain this afternoon, but her father thinks __________.

A. likewise B. anywise C. otherwise D. as well

54. He has finally achieved the status he so __________.

A. desired B. wished C. hoped D. longed

55. There was only about five minutes__________ of the lecture.

A. leaving B. left C. having left D. having been left

56. The __________ of people realize the importance of limiting population growth.

A. main part B. majority C. most D. major

57. It is estimated that more than 50 million people in the United States play a musical __________.

A. tool B. device C. appliance D. instrument

58. He is __________ able to read Latin than I am.

A. not more B. no more C. not any more D. no less

59. I arrived at the park, __________ discover that it was closed for the winter.

A. just to B. as a result C. only to D. and

60. Jack, with his dark hair and brown eyes, made an impression __________ almost everyone he met.

A. of B. on C. in D. for

61. The prices of electric appliances have __________ fallen in recent months.

A. of particular B. in particular C. for special D. specially

62. As a former headmaster, he has always been __________ on education issues and a firm supporter of traditionallearning methods.

A. outspoken B. outgoing C. outward D. outstanding

63. Improved health can lead to a __________ population.

A. largest B. larger C. biggest D. bigger

64. The businessman‟s __________ purpose was to sell the product.

A. principle B. primary C. primitive D. predominant

65. He will do everything that is __________me.

A. requiring B. requiring of C. required D. required of

66. There was always some question__________ examination.

A. with regard B. regarding to C. regard D. regarding

67. He is always helping others without expecting anything__________.

A. with return B. returning C. as a return D. in return

68. It was not considered __________ for a man to show his emotions in public.

A. probable B. possible C. proper D. problematic

69. He lives in Argentina, well beyond the__________ of the British authorities.

A. hands B. power C. reach D. scope

70. His English is better than__________.

A. me B. mine C. my D. of me

71. I always ask myself: How can the soldier bear to do this __________ day?

A. each and every B. every and each C. all these D. all this

72. She is the woman __________ he has been looking for.

A. whom B. who C. for who D. for whom

73. Her brother, __________ house we just passed, is a professor.

A. whom B. of whom C. who D. whose

74. The child dreams of __________ going to the theater.

A. nothing else B. nothing only C. nothing but D. but nothing

75. She is performing in __________ with the pianist Lang Lang.

A. company B. accompany C. companion D. accompaniment

Part IV Cloze Test (10 points)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C andD. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEETwith a single line through the center.

76 good health insurance while you are studying overseas is a real _ 77_ to protect you from common orserious diseases that can wipe out not only your savings, 78 you dreams of an education abroad.

There are often two different types of health insurance you can _ 79 _ buying: international travel insurance and studentinsurance in the country 80 you will be going. An international travel insurance policy is usually purchased in yourhome country before you go abroad. It generally covers a wide variety of medical services, and you are often given a list ofdoctors in the area where you will travel __81 may even speak your native language. The drawback might be thatyou aren't paid back for your medical 82 immediately. 83 , you may have to make all the payment and thenlater submit your receipts to the insurance company.

On the other hand, getting student health insurance in the country where you will study might allow you to only pay acertain percentage of the medical cost at the time of service, and 84 , you don't have to have sufficient cash to paythe entire bill at once.

Whatever you decide, obtaining some form of health insurance is something you should plan before you go overseasrather than waiting 85 you are sick with major medical bills to pay off.

76. A. Obtaining B. Ensuring C. Keeping D. Remaining

77. A. requirement B. demand C. necessity D. condition

78. A. and B. but C. also D. and also

79. A. think B. consider C. care D. choose

80. A. that B. which C. where D. to that

81. A. which B. that C. whom D. who

82. A. charges B. expenses C. payments D. fares

83. A. In a sense B. In simple words C. In other terms D. In other words

84. A. even though B. however C. thus D. even

85. A. till B. when C. while D. whereas


Part V Writing (15 points)

Directions: You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic “My Ways of Saving Energy”. You should base yourcomposition on the outline given in Chinese below:

1. 人类对自然资源的需求日益增大

2. 可利用的资源越来越少

3. 谈谈如何从自身做起节约能源。

Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)

1. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. C10. C

11. C 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. C

Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)

16. B 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. D 21.A 22. D 23. C 24. D25. A

26. A 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. C 32. A 33. D 34. A 35. A

Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

36. A 37. B 38. A 39. B 40. A 41. B 42. A 43. C 44. A 45. B

46. C 47. D 48. A 49. D 50. C 51. B 52. C 53. C 54. A 55. B

56. B 57. D 58. B 59. C 60. B 61. B 62. A 63. B 64. B 65. D

66. D 67. D 68. C 69. C 70. B 71. A 72. A 73. D 74. C 75. A

Part IV Cloze Test (10 points)

76. A 77. C 78. B 79. B 80. C 81. D 82. B 83. D 84. C 85. A


