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一、 单选(共计 100 分,每题 2.5 分)

1、 I suppose documentary films are the least amusing.-________________.

A. I like horror films best.

B. Yet they have great educational value.

C. Are you sure?

D. I will not see this one, then.

2、 ---Mary, can I use your computer now? ---- ___________.It doesn’ twork.

A. That’s all right

B. I’m afraid not

C. You’re welcome

D. It doesn’ t matter

3、 —Could you ask him to call me, please?______! What's your name,please?

A. Sure

B. Oh

C. Yes

D. Well

4、 – It’ s getting late. I must go now.-________.

A. Send Bob my best.

B. You’d better stay overnight.

C. Best regards.

D. The pleasure is mine.

5、 ---What a surprise! You changed your hair style. ---Yes,and another surprise. I’ m going to getmarried next Saturday.

A. Oh, sorry, I nearly forgot that.

B. Really? Congratulations!

C. How about time? I’ll be busy then.

D. That’s OK. Saturday is the most suitable day for any marriage.

6、 - Can you come down a bit?- _____________.They are on sale today.

A. It’s a real buy at that price.

B. Oh, come on!

C. No, it is impossible.

D. Please, help me.

7、 — Excuse me, do you mind if I smoke?—_______________________.

A. Yes, of course.

B. Yes, please

C. Not at all.

D. No, please don’t.

8、 - __________. It’ s very cheap. Don’ t missthis opportunity to save.- Cheap! I should say it is.

A. It is on clearance sale.

B. It is low.

C. It is cool.

D. It is costly.

9、 - What would the whole set cost?- Youcan have it for only 60 dollars down.- I can give you nomore than 50 dollars.Can you sell it for that?-___________ , You won’ t get a better buy thanthisone.

A. Sorry, please leave my stand

B. Can you buy three of them?

C. If you were me, what will do?

D. The price is moderate enough.

10、 – I’ m crazy about chocolate. Do you want one?-_________

A. It sounds great.

B. once in a while.

C. Well, it’s hard to say.

D. No. I don’t like it at all.

11、 --Can I speak to Mr. Wang, please?---- ____________

A. Who are you?

B. I’m Wang

C. Speaking

D. Are you John?

12、 ---I’ m engaged! ---__________ on your engagement!

A. Congratulations

B. Pleasure

C. Welcome

D. Cheers

13 、 David, nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you.-______________________________________.

A. What have you heard about me?

B. What do you know me about?

C. Tell me about yourself.

D. Nice to meet you.

14、 - Any development about your job-hunting?-__________________________________.

A. I haven't found one yet.

B. I am satisfied with my job.

C. My old job suits me better.

D. I like to find a highly-paid job.

15、 ________________________?—My brother is an engineer.

A. What is your brother?

B. What does your brother?

C. What job is your brother?

D. What your brother job?

16、 Hello, may I speak to Mr. Brown?—_______________________.

A. No, you can’t

B. Sorry, he isn’t in.

C. Who are you?

D. Why do you want to speak to him?

17、 -Excuse me, I did not mean to bother you.----_________________.

A. There is no problem

B. It is a pleasure

C. I did not realize that

D. That is quite all right

18、 --- Sam, would you mind if I copy the document?-----_____.

A. Of course not, go ahead

B. Yes, please

C. Of course, do as you like

D. No, you’d better not

19、 ---Marry Christmas!---___________.

A. Oh, thanks to you!

B. Happy New Year!

C. The same to you!

D. I never celebrate it!

20、 – Can you give me a discount if you I buy two of them?-___________.

A. No way.

B. Sorry, our prices are fixed

C. It is easy for you to say so.

D. What? Are you crazy?

21、 Darling, why are you so excited today?-___________________________________.

A. I happened to meet a frienD.

B. I am so happy.

C. Do you know who I met today?

D. The book is really interesting.

22、 – That’ s a beautiful song they are playing, isn’ t it?-________.

A. I know what you mean.

B. Yeah, it’s great!

C. What about you?

D. Me too.

23、 —It's very kind of you to come and see me off.________.

A. It's my pleasure

B. much better

C. Don't say it

D. No problem

24、----I must be leaving now. It'll be 3hours’ drive to get there.----_________________________

A. Good-bye.

B. Take care.

C. Take it easy.

D. What can I do for you?

25、 ---Oh dear! I’ ve just broken a window.---- ___.It can’ t behelped.

A. Never mind

B. All right

C. That’s fine

D. Not at all

26、 – Is there anywhere you’ d like to go this summer vocation?-________

A. Nowhere in particular.

B. I can’t wait to see you.

C. It’s my honor to go with you.

D. Is it expensive?

27、 - I think digital dictionaries are very useful.. -______________________________________.

A. Yes, so do I.

B. It's a good idea.

C. Neither do I.

D. I got one, too.

28、 Michael, shall we have a get together with Tom and Catherine thisweekend?-______.

A. It doesn’t matter.

B. You’re welcome.

C. Don’t you think so?

D. It’s such a good idea.

29、 —Hello, Kate! Fancy meeting you here! Working again, are you?—Yes,______,if I want topass the exams.

A. I've got to

B. no other way

C. I must do

D. I have on way

30、 — _______________________.—I have toweigh your letter first. That’ s one dollar fifteencents.

A. What’s the postage?

B. How much is the letter?

C. What do you do?

D. How are you?

31、 ---Thank you so much for the lovely evening. Jim, Frank and I hadsuch a good time.---You'rewelcome, John.

A. We spend a lot of money on it.

B. I'm afraid you didn't have a good time.

C. Just stay a little longer.

D. Thank you for coming.

32、 — __________________________?—It’ s sunny and windy.

A. What is the weather?

B. What is it today?

C. What’s the weather like today?

D. What is the sky like?

33、 —I'm going camping this weekend.________

A. Can you fish?

B. Have a good time

C. No, I'm too busy

D. Don't give up now

34、 --Would you mind if I open the window for awhile?-----__________________________

A. Of course not.

B. That is fine, thanks.

C. Yes, please go aheaD.

D. Yes, it is ok.

35、 -Would you like to order now?-----_________________________

A. I am full now.

B. But the price is so high.

C. Yes. I’d like fish and rice.

D. Thanks. It is very kind of you.

36、 ---Thank you for the wonderfulmeal.---

A. It’s not that good

B. Are you serious?

C. ’m glad you enjoyed it.

D. I’m not a good cook.

37、 —I wonder what the weather is going to be like tomorrow?_______That'sa good idea.

A. Let's look through the paper

B. Let's listen to the weather report on the radio

C. Better be care of the radio

D. Pay attention to the radio

38、 ----Do you know where I can repair myrecorder?----_______________________

A. I have bought a new one.

B. It is not expensive to repair it.

C. You use it too much.

D. Just around the street corner.

39、 ----Let’ s go to a movie after work, OK?-----________________________

A. Not at all.

B. Why not?

C. Never mind.

D. What is it?

40、 - The dishwasher looks nice. How much do you charge for it?- $1498.-It’ s ratherexpensive.________________?- If you really want it, we can give youa ten percent discount off.

A. I don’t take it.

B. Can you sell it?

C. Can’t you make it cheaper?

D. Can you pack it?

一、 单选(共计 100 分,每题 2.5 分)

1、 —It's very kind of you to come and see me off.________.

A. It's my pleasure

B. much better

C. Don't say it

D. No problem

2 、 David, nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you.-______________________________________.

A. What have you heard about me?

B. What do you know me about?

C. Tell me about yourself.

D. Nice to meet you.

3、 — Excuse me, do you mind if I smoke?—_______________________.

A. Yes, of course.

B. Yes, please

C. Not at all.

D. No, please don’t.

4、 ----Do you know where I can repair myrecorder?----_______________________

A. I have bought a new one.

B. It is not expensive to repair it.

C. You use it too much.

D. Just around the street corner.

5、 Michael, shall we have a get together with Tom and Catherine thisweekend?-______.

A. It doesn’t matter.

B. You’re welcome.

C. Don’t you think so?

D. It’s such a good idea.

6、 - __________. It’ s very cheap. Don’ t missthis opportunity to save.- Cheap! I should say it is.

A. It is on clearance sale.

B. It is low.

C. It is cool.

D. It is costly.

7、 ---Oh dear! I’ ve just broken a window.---- ___.It can’ t behelped.

A. Never mind

B. All right

C. That’s fine

D. Not at all

8、 —I wonder what the weather is going to be like tomorrow?_______That'sa good idea.

A. Let's look through the paper

B. Let's listen to the weather report on the radio

C. Better be care of the radio

D. Pay attention to the radio

9、 Hello, may I speak to Mr. Brown?—_______________________.

A. No, you can’t

B. Sorry, he isn’t in.

C. Who are you?

D. Why do you want to speak to him?

10、 —Hello, Kate! Fancy meeting you here! Working again, are you?—Yes,______,if I want topass the exams.

A. I've got to

B. no other way

C. I must do

D. I have on way

11、 — _______________________.—I have toweigh your letter first. That’ s one dollar fifteencents.

A. What’s the postage?

B. How much is the letter?

C. What do you do?

D. How are you?

12、 ---Mary, can I use your computer now? ---- ___________.It doesn’ twork.

A. That’s all right

B. I’m afraid not

C. You’re welcome

D. It doesn’ t matter

13、 – Can you give me a discount if you I buy two of them?-___________.

A. No way.

B. Sorry, our prices are fixed

C. It is easy for you to say so.

D. What? Are you crazy?

14、 — __________________________?—It’ s sunny and windy.

A. What is the weather?

B. What is it today?

C. What’s the weather like today?

D. What is the sky like?

15、 - Any development about your job-hunting?-__________________________________.

A. I haven't found one yet.

B. I am satisfied with my job.

C. My old job suits me better.

D. I like to find a highly-paid job.

16、 ---Thank you so much for the lovely evening. Jim, Frank and I hadsuch a good time.---You'rewelcome, John.

A. We spend a lot of money on it.

B. I'm afraid you didn't have a good time.

C. Just stay a little longer.

D. Thank you for coming.

17、 ----Let’ s go to a movie after work, OK?-----________________________

A. Not at all.

B. Why not?

C. Never mind.

D. What is it?

18、 - What would the whole set cost?- Youcan have it for only 60 dollars down.- I can give you nomore than 50 dollars.Can you sell it for that?-___________ , You won’ t get a better buy thanthisone.

A. Sorry, please leave my stand

B. Can you buy three of them?

C. If you were me, what will do?

D. The price is moderate enough.

19、 ---Thank you for the wonderfulmeal.---

A. It’s not that good

B. Are you serious?

C. ’m glad you enjoyed it.

D. I’m not a good cook.

20、 —I'm going camping this weekend.________

A. Can you fish?

B. Have a good time

C. No, I'm too busy

D. Don't give up now

21、 - Can you come down a bit?- _____________.They are on sale today.

A. It’s a real buy at that price.

B. Oh, come on!

C. No, it is impossible.

D. Please, help me.

22、 ---Marry Christmas!---___________.

A. Oh, thanks to you!

B. Happy New Year!

C. The same to you!

D. I never celebrate it!

23、 -Excuse me, I did not mean to bother you.----_________________.

A. There is no problem

B. It is a pleasure

C. I did not realize that

D. That is quite all right

24、 - I think digital dictionaries are very useful.. -______________________________________.

A. Yes, so do I.

B. It's a good idea.

C. Neither do I.

D. I got one, too.

25、 -Would you like to order now?-----_________________________

A. I am full now.

B. But the price is so high.

C. Yes. I’d like fish and rice.

D. Thanks. It is very kind of you.

26、 Darling, why are you so excited today?-___________________________________.

A. I happened to meet a frienD.

B. I am so happy.

C. Do you know who I met today?

D. The book is really interesting.

27、 – It’ s getting late. I must go now.-________.

A. Send Bob my best.

B. You’d better stay overnight.

C. Best regards.

D. The pleasure is mine.


28、 ---What a surprise! You changed your hair style. ---Yes,and another surprise. I’ m going to getmarried next Saturday.

A. Oh, sorry, I nearly forgot that.

B. Really? Congratulations!

C. How about time? I’ll be busy then.

D. That’s OK. Saturday is the most suitable day for any marriage.

29、 --Can I speak to Mr. Wang, please?---- ____________

A. Who are you?

B. I’m Wang

C. Speaking

D. Are you John?

30、 – That’ s a beautiful song they are playing, isn’ t it?-________.

A. I know what you mean.

B. Yeah, it’s great!

C. What about you?

D. Me too.

31、 --Would you mind if I open the window for awhile?-----__________________________

A. Of course not.

B. That is fine, thanks.

C. Yes, please go aheaD.

D. Yes, it is ok.

32、----I must be leaving now. It'll be 3hours’ drive to get there.----_________________________

A. Good-bye.

B. Take care.

C. Take it easy.

D. What can I do for you?

33、 – I’ m crazy about chocolate. Do you want one?-_________

A. It sounds great.

B. once in a while.

C. Well, it’s hard to say.

D. No. I don’t like it at all.

34、 I suppose documentary films are the least amusing.-________________.

A. I like horror films best.

B. Yet they have great educational value.

C. Are you sure?

D. I will not see this one, then.

35、 – Is there anywhere you’ d like to go this summer vocation?-________

A. Nowhere in particular.

B. I can’t wait to see you.

C. It’s my honor to go with you.

D. Is it expensive?

36、 ________________________?—My brother is an engineer.

A. What is your brother?

B. What does your brother?

C. What job is your brother?

D. What your brother job?

37、 ---I’ m engaged! ---__________ on your engagement!

A. Congratulations

B. Pleasure

C. Welcome

D. Cheers

38、 - The dishwasher looks nice. How much do you charge for it?- $1498.-It’ s ratherexpensive.________________?- If you really want it, we can give youa ten percent discount off.

A. I don’t take it.

B. Can you sell it?

C. Can’t you make it cheaper?

D. Can you pack it?

39、 —Could you ask him to call me, please?______! What's your name,please?

A. Sure

B. Oh

C. Yes

D. Well

40、 --- Sam, would you mind if I copy the document?-----_____.

A. Of course not, go ahead

B. Yes, please

C. Of course, do as you like

D. No, you’d better not


