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Book 3完成句子练习(书后两词,课文原文再现) 1. 他经常在字典里查阅。

He usually ________ it_________ in the dictionary.

2. 为什么不在笔记本上记下我们的错误呢

Why not ________ _________ our mistakes in our notebooks 3.我同意你的观点

I ________ _________you.

4. 很多学生请求一些有关提高英语的建议

Many students ________ _________ advice about how to improve their English. 5. 非常好

________ _________!

6. 我的家乡尤以它的一些大学而出名

My ______ _______ is especially ________ _________its university. 7. 他们有很多时间来得分

There's still ________ _________time for them to score.

8. 他们大声的为我们欢呼,我们会觉得更自信赢得比赛。 They ________ us_________ loudly and we feel more confident to win the game.

9. 我们都尽量早到目的是我们有时间热身。

We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to ________ _________. 10. 他住的离学校最远所以他坐地铁

He lives the ________ _________school, so he takes the underground. 11. 我不知道

I have _______ ________.

12. 在1918年毕业后,他成为了一个小学校长

After finishing school in 1918, he became a ________ _________of a primary school. 13. 想起处在危险中的大熊猫和其他的动物就很悲伤

It's sad to think of pandas and other animals


v1.0 可编辑可修改 ________ _________. 14. 我终于见到熊猫了

I saw the pandas ________ _________! 15. 想起处在危险中的大熊猫和其他的动物就很悲伤 It's sad to ________ _________ pandas and other animals in danger.

16. 很多野生动物没有安全的地方居住,因为村庄和农场正在壮大并夺走了它们的土地和森林Many wild animals don't have a safe place to live, because villages and farms are growing bigger and are ________ _________ their land and forests.


I think we all need to help animals live ________ _________. 18. 你们的钱用来照管动物们

Your money pays to ________ _________ the animals.

19. 为了保护野生熊猫,政府正建立自然公园同时开发其他的计In order to protect pandas in the wild, the government is ________ _________ mature parks and developing other plans. 20. 今年球迷俱乐部的人更少了

The __________ _________ has fewer people this year.



1. 很多学生就如何提高英语寻求建议。

Many students ________ ________ advice about how to improve their English.

2. 昨天晚上,李涛咨询了一些提高英语水平的建议。 Li Tao _________ ________ some advice about his English last night.

3. 李涛常常咨询一些提高英语水平的建议。

Li Tao often _________ ________ some advice about his English.

4. 为什么不在笔记本写下我们的错误

Why not ________ ________ our mistakes in our notebooks

5. 你应该把它们写下来。

You should __________ them ____________. 6. 昨天他把它们写了下来。

He __________ them _________ yesterday. 7. 我同意你的观点,他也同意你的观点。

I _______ _______ you and he ________ ________ you, too. 8. 我们不同意你。

We don’t __________ _______you. 9. 在字典中查找新单词是个好主意。

It’s a good idea to ________ _________ new words in the dictionary. 10. 他通常在字典里查阅。

He usually ________ it_________ in the dictionary.

11. 昨天下午他查阅了字典。

He ________ it_________ in the dictionary yesterday afternoon. 12. 玲玲犯了什么错误

What_________ did Lingling _______ 13. 下一次不要犯错误。

Don’t __________ ____________ next time. 14. 玲玲刚才犯了错。

Lingling ____________ a _____________ just now. 15. 玲玲总是犯错。

Lingling always ___________ ___________.


1. ——你周末过得怎么样 ——非常好!

——How was your weekend ——________ _________!

2. 我的家乡尤其以它的一些大学而出名。

My ________ _________ is especially ________ _________ its university.


v1.0 可编辑可修改 八上M3两词完成句子

1. 今年球迷俱乐部的人更少了

The __________ _________ has fewer people this year.

2. 全国各地有许多的球迷俱乐部。

There are _________ _________ _________ _________ all over the world. 3. 他们有很多时间来得分。

There's still ________ _________ time for them to score.

4. 他们大声的为我们欢呼,我们会觉得更自信赢得比赛。 They ________ us _________ loudly and we feel more confident to win the game. 5. 昨天多数人都在为自己喜欢的球员加油。

Most people ___________ ___________ their favourite players yesterday. 6. 她每年都会为自己喜欢的球队加油。

He always_________ ________ his favourite player when he watches the football match. 7. 我们都尽量早到目的是我们有时间热身。

We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to ________ _________. 8. 让我们先热一下身。

Let's _________ _________ a little. 9. 现在歌唱家们正在做音乐会前的练唱。

Now the singers are __________ ___________ before the concert.


1. 他住的离学校最远所以他坐地铁。

He lives the ________ ________ school, so he takes the underground.

2. 托尼住得比大明离学校更远。

Tony lives ________ ________ school than Daming. 3. 我家离学校很远,因此我乘公交车去上学。

My home is very ________ ________ the school, so I take a bus to school.


1. 我不知道。

_________ _________. 2. 我不知道这到底是什么。

I have _________ _________ what it is. 3. 在1918年毕业后,他成为了一个小学校长。 After finishing school in 1918, he became a _________ _________ of a primary school. 4. 那些校长被那些小学生惹得发怒。

Those _________ _________ were angry with the children.


1. 想起处在危险中的大熊猫和其他的动物就很悲伤。 It's sad to _________ _________ pandas and other animals _________ _________. 1. 你女儿现在很危险。

Your daughter is ________ ________. 3. 我想不出任何东西。

I can't ________ ________ anything. 4. 刚才我想出来了一个好主意。

I ________ ________ a good idea just now. 2. 我终于见到熊猫了。

I saw the pandas _________ _________! 2. 最终我抓住你了。

I caught you ________ ________.

3. 很多野生动物没有安全的地方住,因为村庄和农场正在壮大并夺走了它们的土地和森林。

Many wild animals don't have a safe place to live, because villages and farms are growing bigger and are _________ _________ their land and forests. 5. 带走她有的所有东西。

________ ________ everything she has. 6. 我很难过,因为他拿走了我的书包。

I was sad because he ________ ________ my bag. 4. 我想我们都需要帮助动物们和谐的生存。

I think we all need to help animals live _________


v1.0 可编辑可修改 _________. 7. 让我安静地写!

Let me write ________ ________! 5. 你们的钱用来照管动物们。

Your money pays to _________ _________ the animals.

8. 你要好好照顾自己。

You ________ ________ yourself. 9. 每天是她的奶奶在照看她。

Every day her grandma _________ _________ her. 6.为了保护野生熊猫,政府正建立自然公园同时开发其他的计划。

In order to protect pandas in the wild, the government is _________ _________ _________ _________ and developing other plans. 10. 如今, 最大的自然公园熊猫在中国是在四川。 Nowadays, the biggest _________ _________ for panda in China is in Sichuan. 11. 我们正在建立一个基金。

We are _________ _________ a foundation. 12. 五年前你创建了那个地方。

You _________ _________ that house five years ago.



