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Part 1 writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essaybased on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of theincreasing use of the mobile phone in people’ s life and then explain the consequencesof overusing it. You should write at least IW words but no more than 180 words.

People are crossing the street looking at their cell phones and using walkingsticks in order to see.









Part 2 Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

Section A

Directions : In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 longconversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be askedabout what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken onlyonce. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must readthe four choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) , and decide which the best answer is. Thenmark the corresponding letter o" Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡 1 上作答。

1. A) Go to a place he has visited. C) Consult a travel agent.

B) Make her own arrangements. D) Join in a package tour.

2. A) They are on a long trip by car. C) They are used to getting up early.

B) They are stuck in a traffic jam. D) They are tired of eating out at night.

3. A) He is a person difficult to deal with. C) He is unwilling to speak inpublic.

B) He dislikes any formal gathering. D) He often keeps a distance from others.

4. A) Work in another department. C) Recruit graduate students.

B) Pursue further education. D) Take an administrative job.

5. A) He would not be available to start the job in time.

B) He is not quite qualified for the art director position.

C) He would like to leave some more time for himself.

D) He will get his application letter ready before May 1.

6. A) Cleaner. B) Mechanic. C) Porter. D) Salesman.

7. A) Request one or two roommates to do the cleaning.

B) Help Laura with her term paper due this weekend.

C) Get Laura to clean the apartment herself this time.

D) Ask Laura to put off the cleaning until another week.

8. A) A problem caused by the construction. C) The building project they areworking on,

B) An accident that occurred on the bridge. D) The public transportationconditions, heard.

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just

9. A) To look for a job as a salesperson. C) To place an order for some products.

B) To have a talk with Miss Thompson. D) To complain about a faulty appliance.

10. A) The person in charge is not in the office.

B) The supplies are out of stock for the moment.

C) They failed to reach an agreement on the price.

D) The company is re-cataloguing the items.

11. A) 0743, 12536 extension 15.

B) 0734, 21653 extension 51.

C) 0734, 38750 extension 15.

D) 0743, 62135 extension 51.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A) Since he found a girlfriend. C) Since he began to exercise regularly.

B) Since he took to heavy smoking. D) Since he started to live on his own.

13. A) He is getting too fat. C) He doesn' t eat vegetables.

B) He smokes too much. D) He doesn’ t look well at all.

14. A) They are overweight for their age. C) They are still in their earlytwenties.

B) They are respectful to their parents. D) They dislike doing physicalexercise.

15. A) To quit smoking. C) To find a girlfriend.

B) To reduce his weight. D) To follow her advice.Section B

Directions : In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At questions.

Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question,

must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) . Thenmark corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡 1 上作答。

Passage One

Questions 16 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A) They have destroyed several small towns.

B) They will soon spread to San Francisco.

C) They have injured many residents.

D) They are burning out of control.

17. A) They have been hospitalized.

B) They have got skin problems.

C) They were choked by the thick smoke.

D) They were poisoned by the burning chemicals.

18. A) It failed because of a sudden rocket explosion.

B) It has been re-scheduled for a midday takeoff.

C) It has been canceled due to technical problems,

D) It was delayed for eleven hours and thirty minutes.

19. A) They made frequent long-distance calls to each other.

B) They illegally used government computers in New Jersey.

C) They were found to be smarter than computer specialists.

D) They were arrested for stealing government information.

Passage Two

Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

20. A) Peaceful, C) Generous.

B) Considerate. D) Cooperative

21. A) someone dumped the clothes left in the washer and dryer.

B) Someone broke the washer and dryer by overloading them.

C) Mindy Lance' s laundry blocked the way to the laundry room.

D) Mindy Lance threatened to take revenge on her neighbors.

22. A) Asking the neighborhood committee for help.

B) Limiting the amount of laundry for each wash.

C) Informing the building manager of the matter.

D) Installing a few more washers and dryers.

Passage Three

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

23. A) She is both a popular and highly respected author,

B) She is the most loved African novelist of all times.

C) She is the most influential author since the 1930, s.

D) She is the first writer to focus on the fate of slaves.

24. A) The Book Critics Circle Award. C) The Pulitzer Prize for fiction.

B) The Nobel Prize for literature. D) The National Book Award.

25. A) She is a relative of Morrison' s. C) She is a skilled storyteller.

B) She is a slave from Africa. D) She is a black woman.

Section C

Directions : In this section' you will hear a passage three times. When thepassage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.

When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blankswith the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for thethird time, you should check what you have written.

注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡 1 上作答。

Many college students today own personal computers that cost anywhere from $ 1000 to perhaps $ 5 000 or more. 26, it is not uncommon for them topurchase 27costing another several hundred dollars. Twenty years ago,computers were 28, but they were very large and extremely expensive. Few, ifany, 29 purchased computers for home use. Over the years, the price of the "guts"of a computer —its memory 一 has declined to less than a thousandth of the priceper unit of memory that prevailed twenty years ago. This is the main reason whycomputers cost so much less today than they used to. Moreover, 30improvementshave made it possible to 31memory circuitry that is small enough to fit intothe portable personal computers that many of us own and use. 32, as the priceof computation has declined the average consumer and business have spent more onpurchasing computers.33 , improved agricultural technology, hybrid (杂交) seeds, 34animalbreeding, and so on have vastly increased the amount of output a typical farmer canproduce. The prices of goods such as meats and grains have fallen sharply relativeto the prices of most other goods and services. As agricultural prices have fallen,many households have decreased their total expenses on food. Even thoughthe 35of a product purchased generally increases when its price falls, totalexpenses on it may decline.

Part3 Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You arerequired to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a wordbank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before asking yourchoices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark thecorresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through thecentre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.

To get a sense of how women have progressed in science, take a quick tour ofthe physics department at the University of California, Berkeley. This is a storiedplace, the 36of some of the most important discoveries in modern science---starting with Ernest Lawrence’ s invention of the cyclotron (回旋 加速器) in 1931.A generation ago, female faces were 37and, even today, visitors walkingthrough the first floor of LeConte Hall will see a full corridor ofexhibits 38the many distinguished physicists who made historyhere, 39all of them white males.But climb up to the third floor and you’ ll see a 40display. There, amongthe photos of current faculty members and students, are portraits ofthe 41head of the department, Marjorie Shapiro, and four other women whoseresearch 42everything from the mechanics of the universe to the smallestparticles of matter. A sixth woman was hired just two weeks ago. Although they' restill only about 10 percent of the physics faculty, women are clearly a presencehere. And the real 43 may be in the smaller photos to the right: graduate andundergraduate students, about 20 percent of them female. Every year Berkeley sendsits fresh female physics PhDs to the country' s top universities. That makes Shapirooptimistic, but also 44"I believe things are getting better, " she says, "butthey' re not getting better as 45as I would like. "

注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。

A) circumstance F) different K) presently

B) confidence G) exposing L) rare

C) covers H) fast M) realistic

D) current I) honoring N) site

E) deals J) hope O) virtually

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statementsattached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose aparagraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer thequestions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

Is College a Worthy Investment?

A) Why are we spending so much money on college? And why are we so unhappy aboutit? We all seem to agree that a college education is wonderful, and yet strangelywe worry when we see families investing so much in this supposedly essential good.Maybe it' s time to ask a question that seems almost sacrilegious (大不敬的) : isall this investment in college education really worth it?

B) The answer, I fear, is no. For an increasing number of kids’ the extra timeand money spent pursuing a college diploma will leave them worse off than they werebefore they set foot on campus.

C) For my entire adult life, a good education has been the most important thingfor middle-class households. My parents spent more educating my sister and me thanthey spent on their house, and they' re not the only ones. . . and, of course, for anincreasing number of families, most of the cost of their house is actually the costof living in a good school district. Questioning the value of a college educationseems a bit like questioning the value of happiness, or fun.

D) The average price of all goods and services has risen about 50 percent. Butthe price of a college education has nearly doubled in that time. Is the educationthat today’ s students are getting twice as good? Are new workers twice as smart?Have they become somehow massively more expensive to educate?

E) Perhaps a bit. Richard Vedder, an Ohio University economics professor, says,‘. I look at the data, and I see college costs rising faster than inflation up tothe mid-1980s by 1 percent a year. Now I see them rising 3 to 4 percent a year overinflation. What has happened? The federal government has started dropping money outof airplanes. " Aid has increased, subsidized (补贴的) loans have become available,and "the universities have gotten the money. " Economist Bryan Caplan, who is writinga book about education, agrees: "It’ s a giant waste of resources that will continueas long as the subsidies continue. "

F) Promotional literature for colleges and student loans often speaks of debtas an "investment in yourself. " But an investment is supposed to generate incometo pay off the loans. More than half of all recent graduates are unemployed or injobs that do not require a degree, and the amount of student- loan debt carried byhouseholds has increased more than five times since 1999. These graduates were toldthat a diploma was all they needed to succeed, but it won' t even get them out ofthe spare bedroom at Mom and Dad' s. For many, the most visible result of their fouryears is the loan payments, which now average hundreds of dollars a month on loanbalances in the tens of thousands.

G) It’ s true about the money—sort of. College graduates now make 80 percentmore than people who have only a high-school diploma, and though there are no preciseestimates, the wage premium (高出的部分) for an outstanding school seems to be evenhigher. But that’ s not true of every student. It' s very easy to spend four yearsmajoring in English literature and come out no more employable than you were beforeyou went in. Conversely, chemical engineers straight out of school can easily makealmost four times the wages of an entry-level high-school graduate.

H) James Heckman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist, has examined how thereturns on education break down for individuals with different backgrounds andlevels of ability. "Even with these high prices, you’ re still finding a high returnfor individuals who are bright and motivated, " he says. On the other hand, "if you’re not college ready, then the answer is no, it' s not worth it. " Experts tend toagree that for the average student, college is still worth it today, but they alsoagree that the rapid increase in price is eating up more and more of the potentialreturn. For borderline students, tuition (学费) rise can push those returns intonegative territory.

I) Everyone seems to agree that the government, and parents, should berethinking how we invest in higher education—and that employers need to rethinkthe increasing use of college degrees as crude screening tools for jobs that don’t really require college skills. "Employers seeing a surplus of college graduatesand looking to fill jobs are just adding that requirement, " says Vedder. "In fact,a college degree becomes a job requirement for becoming a bar-tender. "

J) We have started to see some change on the finance side. A law passed in 2007allows many students to cap their loan payment at 10 percent of their income andforgives any balance after 25 years. But of course, that doesn' t control the costof education; it just shifts it to taxpayers. It also encourages graduates to chooselower-paying careers, which reduces the financial return to education still further."You’ re subsidizing people to become priests and poets and so forth, " says Heckman."You may think that' s a good thing, or you may not. " Either way it will be expensivefor the government.

K) What might be a lot cheaper is putting more kids to work. Caplan notes thatwork also builds valuable skills 一 probably more valuable for kids who don’ tnaturally love sitting in a classroom. Heckman agrees wholeheartedly: **People aredifferent, and those abilities can be shaped. That’ s what we’ ve learned, and publicpolicy should recognize that. "

L) Heckman would like to see more apprenticeship-style (学徒式) programs, wherekids can learn in the workplace—learn not just specific job skills, but the kindof "soft skills, " like getting to work on time and getting along with a team, thatare crucial for career success. "It’ s about having mentors (指导者) and havingworkplace-based education, ” he says. "Time and again I’ ve seen examples of thiskind of program working.

M) Ah, but how do we get there from here? With better public policy, hopefully,but also by making better individual decisions. ‘‘Historically markets have beenable to handle these things, ” says Vedder, "and I think eventually markets willhandle this one. If it doesn' t improve soon, people are going to wake up and ask,‘Why am I going to college?"

注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。

46. Caplan suggests that kids who don' t love school go to work.

47. An increasing number of families spend more money on houses in a good schooldistrict.

48. Subsidized loans to college students are a huge waste of money, accordingto one economist.

49. More and more kids find they fare worse with a college diploma.

50. For those who are not prepared for higher education, going to college isnot worth it.

51. Over the years the cost of a college education has increased almost by 100%.

52. A law passed recently allows many students to pay no more than one tenthof their income for their college loans.

53. Middle-class Americans have highly valued a good education.

54. More kids should be encouraged to participate in programs where they canlearn not only job skills but also social skills.

55. Over fifty percent of recent college graduates remain unemployed or unableto find a suitable job.

Section C

Directions : There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followedby some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choicesmarked A) , B) , C) and D) . You should decide on the best choice and mark thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.

A recent global survey of 2 000 high-net-worth individuals found that 60% werenot planning on a traditional retirement. Among US participants, 75% expected tocontinue working in some capacity even after stepping away from full-time jobs. "Manyof these people made their wealth by doing something they' re passionate (有激情的) about, " says Daniel Egan, head of behavioral finance for Barclays Wealth Americas."Given the choice, they prefer to continue working. " Barclays calls these people“nevertirees” .

Unlike many Americans compelled into early retirement by company restrictions,the average nevertiree often has no one forcing his hand. If 106-year-old investorIrving Kahn, head of his own family firm, wants to keep coming to work every day,who' s going to stop him? Seventy-eight-year-old Supreme Court Justice Ruth BaderGinsburg’ s job security is guaranteed in the Constitution.It may seem that these elderly people are trying to cheat death. In fact, theyare. And it’ s working. Howard Friedman, a professor at UC Riverside, found in hisresearch that those who work hardest and are successful in their careers often livethe longest lives. "People are generally being given bad advice to slow down, takeit easy, stop worrying, and retire to Florida, " he says. He described one studyparticipant, still working at the age of 100, who was recently disappointed to seehis son retire.

"We' re beginning to see a change in how people view retirement, " says GeorgeLeeson, co-director of the Institute of Population Ageing at Oxford. Where onceretirement was seen as a brief reward after a long struggle through some miserablejob, it is now akin (近似) to being cast aside. What Leeson terms "the Warren Buffetteffect" is becoming more broadly appealing as individuals come to "view retirementas not simply being linked to economic productivity but also about contribution. "Observers are split on whether this is a wholly good thing. On the one hand,companies and financial firms can benefit from the wisdom of a resilient (坚韧的)chief. On the other, the new generation can find it more difficult to advance—an argument that typically holds little sway to a nevertiree.

注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。

56. What do we learn about the so-called “nevertirees” ?

A) They are passionate about making a fortune.

B) They have no choice but to continue working.

C) They love what they do and choose not to retire.

D) They will not retire unless they are compelled to.

57. What do Irving Kahn and Ruth Bader Ginsburg have in common?

A) Neither of them is subject to forced retirement.

B) Neither of them desires reward for their work.

C) Both cling to their positions despite opposition.

D) Both are capable of coping with heavy workloads.

58. What is the finding of Howard Friedman’ s research?

A) The harder you work, the bigger your fortune will be.

B) The earlier you retire, the healthier you will be.

C) Elderly people have to slow down to live longer.

D) Working at an advanced age lengthens people’ s life.

59. What is the traditional view of retirement according to the passage?

A) It means a burden to the younger generation.

B) It is a symbol of a mature and civilized society.

C) It is a compensation for one' s life-long hard work.

D) It helps increase a nation’ s economic productivity.

60. What do critics say about "nevertirees"?

A) They are an obstacle to a company’ s development.

B) They lack the creativity of the younger generation.

C) They cannot work as efficiently as they used to.

D) They prevent young people from getting ahead.

Passage Two

Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.

When we talk about Americans barely into adulthood who are saddled withunbearable levels of debt* the conversation is almost always about student loan debt.But there’ s a growing body of evidence suggesting that today’ s young adults arealso drowning in credit-card debt-and that many of them will take this debt to theirgraves.

More than 20% overspent their income by more than $ 100 every single month.Since they haven’ t built up their credit histories yet, it' s a safe bet that theseyoung adults are paying relatively high interest rates on the resulting credit carddebt.

Although many young people blame "socializing" as a barrier to saving money,most of them aren’ t knocking back $ 20 drinks in trendy (时尚的) lounges. They’re struggling with much more daily financial demands.

To a disturbingly large extent, the young and the broke are relying on creditcards to make it until their next payday. This obviously isn’ t sustainable in thelong run, and it’ s going to put a huge drag on their spending power even after theyreach their peak earning years, because they’ ll still be paying interest on thatbottle of orange juice or box of spaghetti (意式面条) they bought a decade earlier.A new study out of Ohio State University found that young adults are accumulatingcredit card debt at a more rapid rate than other age groups, and that they' re slowerat paying it off. "If what we found continues to hold true, we may have more elderlypeople with substantial financial problems in the future’ " warns Lucia Dunn,professor of economics at Ohio State. "If our findings persist, we may be faced witha financial crisis among elderly people who can’ t pay off their credit cards. "Dunn says a lot of these young people are never going to get out from undertheir credit card debt. "Many people are borrowing on credit cards so heavily thatpayoff rates at these levels are not sufficient to recover their credit card debtby the end of their life* which could have loss implications for the credit cardissuing banks, "

注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。

61. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A) Many young Americans will never be able to pay off their debts.

B) Credit cards play an increasingly important role in college life.

C) Credit cards are doing more harm than student loans.

D) The American credit card system is under criticism.

62. Why do young people have to pay a higher interest on their credit card debt?

A) They tend to forget about the deadlines.

B) They haven' t developed a credit history.

C) They are often unable to pay back in time.

D) They are inexperienced in managing money.

63. What is said to be the consequence of young adults relying on credit cardsto make ends meet?

A) It will place an unnecessary burden on society.

B) It will give them no motivation to work hard.

C) It will exert psychological pressure on them.

D) It will affect their future spending power.

64. What will happen to young adults if their credit card debt keeps accumulatingaccording to Lucia Dunn?

A) They will have to pay an increasingly higher interest rate.

B) They may experience a financial crisis in their old age.

C) Their quality of life will be affected.

D) Their credit cards may be cancelled.

65. What does Lucia Dunn think might be a risk for the credit card issuing banks?

A) They go bankrupt as a result of over-lending.

B) They lose large numbers of their regular clients.

C) Their clients leave their debts unpaid upon death.

D) Their interest rates have to be reduced now and then.

Part 4 Translation (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passagefrom Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

中国结(the Chinese knot) 最初是由手工艺人发明的, 经过数百年不断的改进, 已经成为一种优雅多彩的艺水和工艺。 在古代, 人们用它来记录事件, 但现在主要用于装饰的目的。 "结"在中文里意味着爱情、 婚烟和团聚。 中国结常常作为礼物交换或用作饰品祈求好运和避邪。 这种形式的手工艺(handicraft) 代代相传, 现在已经在中国和世界各地越来越受欢迎。










写作导航: On the Overuse of the Mobile Phone

第 1 段: 描述图片, 概述生活中出 现过度使用手机的现象

Having a cell phone in hand and at the ready, growing increasing dependent ontheir mobile phones

第 2 段: 详细介绍过度使用手机 产生的不良后果

trigger many health problems

an Immediate threat to their Iife, health and pro property less chance offace-to-face interactions

第 3 段: 进行总结, 并提出建议

use them appropriately and rationally


On the Overuse of the Mobile Phone 【1】 As is shown in the picture, having amobile phone in hand and at the ready is the default mode while walking on the streets.【2】What this cartoon symbolically reveals is that people nowadays, especially youngpeople, are growing increasingly dependent on their mobile phones.【3】 It is true that the mobile phone has brought great convenience to people' slife. However, just as is illustrated in the picture, the overuse of it may leadto several bad consequences. 【4】 To begin with, there is evidence that long-termexposure to electromagnetic radiation may trigger many health problems, such asinsomnia, headaches and even cancers.【5】In addition, when people immerse themselvesin the mobile phone, they tend to pay less attention to their surroundings, posingan immediate threat to their life, health and property. 【6】 Last but not least,excessive use of mobile phones means much less chance of face-to-face interactionswith the people who populate their real lives.【7】 In conclusion, while mobile phones have contributed a lot to making ourlife more convenient, we should use them appropriately and rationally.

【1】 开门见山, 对图片进行简单描述。

【2】 点明图片揭示的现象,

【3】 点出手机对人们生活的积极影响。

【4】 【5】 【6】 分三点阐明过度使用手机 对人们生活的消极影响。

【7】 总结全文:使用手机要适度。

Part 2 Listening Comprehension

Section A

1. W: I’ d like to take a trip to Florida for my spring break. Can you giveme any idea where to go?

M: I could tell you about the places I visited, but I think you’ d better look

up a travel agency to help the arrangement.

Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

C) 【精析】 请求建议题。 女士想去佛要里达度假, 想请 男士给点建议; 男士说可以给她介绍他曾经去过的 地方, 但最好的办法还是女士亲自找一家旅行社来 帮自己安排行程。由此可知, 男士建议女士咨询旅行社代理人。

2. M: I' m really tired of driving at night, even though the traffic seems fine.

W: I see. Let' s stop for some food and then find a motel nearby, so we canstart early tomorrow.

Q: What do we learn about the speakers?

A) 【精析】 细节推新题。 对话中男士抱怨他厌倦了夜 间开车, 女士表示理解, 并建议找一家附近的汽车 旅馆休息, 明天一早再出发。 由此推测, 他们正在开车长途旅行。

3. M: Jeff' s got a lot of good ideas. Do you think he is willing to come tothe meeting?

W: Oh, I think he' d be glad to come, but what' s difficult is getting the guyto speak before a large crowd.

Q: What does the woman imply about Jeff?

C) 【精析】 细节推断题。 对话中男士担心 Jeff 是否乐 意来会场出主意, 问女士意见,女士说 Jeff 应该愿 意来, 但问题在于很难让 Jeff 在公众面前讲话。 由 此推测, Jeff 是一个不喜欢拋买露面、 在公共场合 发言的人。

4. W: I hear you are leaving the company and going back to school this year.

M: Yes. I' ve enrolled in a graduate program in Public Administration.

Q: What is the man going to do?

B)【精析】 行动计划题。 女士听说男士要离开公司重 回学校, 男士肯定了这种说法, 并说自己要去攻读 公共管理专业的研究生。 由此可知. 男士下一步的 打算是继续学习深造。

5. W: Have you applied for the art director position?

M: No, I’ d like to. But the job starts on the first of May and I wouldn’t be available until June.

Q: What does the man mean?

A) 【精析】 语义理解题。 女士询问男士是否中请了艺术总监一职, 男士回答说他没有,原因是他六月份 才有空而这份工作需要五月一日入职。 由此可知, 男士因力无法按时入职而没有申请艺术总监这一 职位。

6. W: Will my car be ready by the end of the day?

M: It should be. I’ ll call if there are any problems. We are open until 6: 00.

Q: What is probably the man’ s job?

B) 【精析】 推理判断题。 女士询问自己的车今天能否 修好, 男士说应谈可以完工, 若有问题会打电话告 知女士。 由此推测, 男士正在为女士修车, 故男士 的职业是修理工。

7. W: I have a big paper due Monday, but I promise Laura we, d clean the apartmentthis weekend. What am I going to do?

M: Why don’ t you just see if Laura can wait for a week or two?

Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

D) 【精析】 请求建议题。 对话中女士左右为难, 一方面她要完成论文, 另一方面还答应Laura—起打扫公寓; 男士建议她问问 Laura 是否能等一两周后再打扫公寓, 由此可知, 男士建议女士和 Laura 商量一下, 看能否将打扫公寓推迟一两周。

W: Construction on the bridge has really slowed the traffic.

M: I know. Since they started working* the time it takes me to get to work hasdoubled.

Q; What are the speakers talking about?

A)【精析】 综合理解题。 对话中女士抱怨建桥一事影 响了交通, 男士表示认同, 因为他上班路上花费的 时间因此加倍了。 由此可知, 他们谈论的话题是桥 梁建设造成的交通问题。

Conversation One

W: Sales department. Can I help you?

M: Oh, yes. I hope so. My name is Kings Bruce of GPF Ltd. (9) We need somesupplies for our design office.

W: I see. What sort of things are you looking for, Mr. Kings Bruce?

M: Well, first of all, we need one complete new drawing board.

W: Well, in the standard range, we have the D044, and the D045 models.

M: Oh, what’ s the difference between them?

W: Well, the D045 has the mending system and it does cost slightly more asa result.

M: So what is the total price?

W: For the D045, it is 387 pounds 50 pence.

M: And does that include value added tax?

W: Oh, yes.

M: Can you tell me how long it takes to deliver?

W: I can’ t give a definite date now I’ m afraid, because it depends on theother orders we have to get out. But it will certainly be within three weeks.

M: OK, now we also want some drawing pens, ink and correction fluid, and somedrawing paper.

W: (10) Ah, now the lady who deals with drawing office supplies isn’ t herethis morning I’ m afraid. But I could ask her to give you a ring this afternoon ifyou like.

M: Oh, yes. Thank you.

W: What is your telephone number?

M: It is Redding. (11) That is code 0734, 21653-51.

W: OK, I will get Miss Thompson to ring you this afternoon. Now would you like

me to place an order for one D045 drawing board?

M: Yes, please. You’ ve been most helpful. Goodbye.

W: Goodbye.


9. What’ s the man’ s purpose in making the telephone call?

C) 【精析】 目的原因题。 对话开头女士便说自己是销售部, 这是典型的接听电话用语。男士自报家门后 说要为他的设计室订购一些物品。

10. Why can’ t the man order the other drawing office supplies right now?

A) 【精析】 目的原因题。 对话中女士为男士提供了

两种型号的両板, 并给出报价; 之后男士又咨询了 关于賊笔、 墨水、 修正液和 M 纸的情况, 女士说负 责此类产品的工作人员不在, 但可以代为转达让 她给男士回电话。 由此推测,男士之所以无法订购其他相关物品是因为相关产品负责人不在办公室。

11. What’ s the man' s telephone number?

B)【精析】 信息明示题。 对话末尾女士让男士留下 电话号码, 男士留下的号码是 0734,21653 转 51。

Conversation Two

W: I’ m so worried about Mark these days. (12) Ever since he moved into hisapartment, he has been losing weight. He really doesn' t look well at all.

M: He should try to gain some weight. He is probably not eating enough.

W: Well, anyway, how is Tim these days?

M: Tim? Oh, Tim has been worried, too. (13) He is really getting much too fat.He needs to lose about 75 pounds now.

W: That’ s a lot of weight to lose. What does Tim eat?

M: I really don’ t know. But I am sure he is eating too much cake and candy.

W: Well, did I tell you Mark doesn’ t eat any meat now? He only eats vegetablesand fruit.

M : That’ s probably why he is so thin. Does he smoke?

W: Does he smoke? About two packs of cigarettes a day. That’ s my son, a smokingvegetarian.

M: En, if he stops smoking, he would gain weight. I know he would. Tim put ona lot of weight when he stopped smoking.

W : Does Tim play any sports?

M: (14) Play sports? Oh, my! I keep telling him, "Tim, dear, you really needto get some exercise. ” And you know what he does? He just gets angry.

W: (14) I know Mark doesn’ t take exercise, either.

M: Did you tell him?

W: Of course, but you know what it is like being a mother of a 13-year-old boy.They just don’ t think they need your advice anymore. (15) I wish Mark could finda nice girlfriend to relax and have fun with. I heard Tim has a girlfriend at last.That’ s wonderful.


12. When did Mark start losing weight according to the woman?

D) 【精析】 事实细节题。 对话开买, 女士表达了对 Mark 的担忧, 因为自从 Mark 搬进公寓之后, 他 一直都在变瘦, 而且他现在的身体状况不太好。

13. Why is the man worried about Tim?

A) 【精析】 目的原因题, 对话中女士问及 Tim 目前 的状况, 男士表达了他的担优, Tim实在太胖了, 他需要减掉 75 镑左右。

14. What did Mark and Tim have in common?

D) 【精析】 细节推断题。 在谈到运动的话题时, 男士 说他时常劝说 Tim 锻炼身体, Tim非但不听而且 还因此生气; 女士说 Mark 也不喜欢运动, 故 Tim 和 Mark 两人的共同点是不喜欢运动。

15. What is the woman' s wish for Mark?

C)【精析】 事实细节题, 对话末尾女士诉说作为一个 13 岁男孩的母奈的难处, 她希望Mark 能找个好 女朋友.

Section B

Passage One

Good afternoon. This is Diane Martinet with the midday news on KALF. (16) Firesin California continue to burn out of control, and several small towns in the forestsnear San Francisco are still in danger. One of the greatest dangers to the 500firefighters, however, comes not from the fires, but from poison plants in the forest.(17) Many firefighters have got skin problems after touching the plants, and at leastthree have had to go to the hospital for treatment for their skin problems.NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Agency, today announced in Floridathat the next space shuttle mission has been canceled. The mission was scheduledfor an 11:30 a. m. takeoff on Tuesday. (18) However, the flight has been canceledbecause of problems with the spaceship’ s central computer system. NASA techniciansnoticed the computer problems during last-minute checks.

Seven teenager computer specialists have been arrested by police in New Jersey.(19) After taking an advanced computer course at school, the seven boys, all fromPrinceton, New Jersey, illegally obtain top-secret information from governmentcomputers in Washington. They also started to use their home computers to accesstelephone networks.

In New York, the value of the dollars stayed the same today. But in Tokyo, thedollar fell dramatically. At the end of the day, it was worth 83 yen, compared to88 yen yesterday.

16. What does the midday news on KALF say about fires in California?

D)【精析】 细节辨认题。 短文开始提到第一则新闻, 加利福尼亚森林火灾的火势尚未得到控制。

17. What do we learn about many of the firefighters?

B) 【精析】 细节辨认题。 第一则新闻提到, 500 名消防员参与了灭火工作, 然而给消防员带来伤害的 并不是大火, 而是森林里有毒的树木, 许多消防员 因接触了这些树木而引起皮肤疾病。

18. What do we learn from the news about the space shuttle mission?

C) 【精析】 细节推断题。 短文提到的第二则新闻是美 国航空航天局因宇宙飞船的中央计算机系统出了故障而取消了航天任务。 由此可知, 由于技术问 题航天任务被取消。

19. What do we learn about the seven boys in New Jersey?

D) 【精析】 细节辨认题。 短文后半部分提到第三则新闻, 七个精通电脑的孩子因为从政府电脑中非法获取高端机密信息而被逮捕。

Passage Two

(20) When you live in an apartment building, where only wall separates you fromyour neighbors, everyone needs to be considerate of each other. That’ s not whathappened in my apartment building. Someone was always leaving the clothes in thewashers and dryers in the laundry room. I got tired of running up and down the stairsto see if the clothes had been removed, so I could start my own one. Obviously someoneelse got tired, too. (21) Because one day, someone took clothes from the washer anddryer, and dumped them in the corner. This act started a battle of letters postedon the wall of the laundry room. The first letter was from Mindy Lance who was reallyangry that her clothes had been removed from the washer and dryer, and dumped. Shethen threatened to dump everybody else' s clothes she herself found in the washerand dryer. Mindy Lance’ s letter enraged other residents and they posted the lettersto her. Eventually, Mindy began to behave properly but hard feelings remained.(22) The problem couldn' t have been resolved better. If residents had informed thebuilding manager> she then could inform all residents that the clothes should beremoved from the washers and dryers within 50 minutes after their wash is done. Thosewho refuse to obey might not have their leases renew. That could be a fare consentsolution. Neighbor problems may sometimes seem inevitable, but it’ s important toresolve them fairly.

20. What does the speaker think residents in an apartment building need to be?

B) 【精析】 观点态度题。 短文一开始就提到住在同 一个公寓里的邻居需要相互体谅。

21. What started a battle of letters in the laundry C) room?

A) 【精析】 细节辨认题。 短文提到同住在一个公寓 的邻居对某些人的行为不满, 有一天有人把放在 洗衣机和供干机里的衣服拿出来扔到了墙角, 这引起了衣服主人的不满, 于是人们把不满写在洗 衣间的墙上, 开始了一场骂战.

22. What does the speaker think might be a better way to resolve the problem?

C)【精析】 事实细节题。 短文最后提到了这场骂战 的结果 t 有人把事情反映给楼管员,楼管员制定了 使用洗衣设备的相关规定和处罚办法. 说话者认 为这一做法公道, 是解决此类争端的良策。

Passage Three

In today’ s class, we' ll discuss Toni Morrison' s novel Beloved. As I’ m sureyou all know, (23) Morrison is both a popular and highly respected author and it’s not easy to be both. Born in 1931, Morrison has written some of the most touchingand intelligent works on the African-American experience ever written by anyone.

And yet to call her an African-American writer doesn’ t seem to do her justice. Inmany ways, she’ s simply an American writer and certainly one of the best. Belovedis a truly remarkable work. It was recommended for nearly every nature literary class,including the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award, andit in fact won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1988. (24) Morrison herself isdistinguished for having won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1993. What makesBeloved unique is the skillful sure way in which Morrison blends intensely personalstorytelling and American history, racial themes and gender themes, the experienceof blacks with the experience of all people everywhere, the down-to-earth realityof slavery with the sense of mysterious spirituality. We will be paying specialattention to these themes as we discuss this work and I’ m particularly interestedin your views on the relative importance of grace and gender in this book. (25) Isit more important that Sethe, the main character is black, or that she is a woman?Which contributes more to her being? What does Morrison tell us about both?


23. What do we learn about Toni Morrison?

A) 【精析】事实细节题。 短文一开始提到本节课的内 容是讨论托妮•莫里森的作品《宠儿》 , 并首先介绍说莫里森是一位深受欢迎和爱戴的作家。

24. What honor did Toni Morrison receive in 1993?

B) 【精析】 事实细节题。 莫里森一生中赢得了许多荣誉, 其中 1993 年她获得了诺贝尔文学奖。

25. What does the speaker tell us about Sethe, the main character, in Morrison’s novel Beloved"!

D)【精析】 事实细节题。 短文末尾部分提到莫里森小 说里的主人公 Sethe 是一位黑人妇女。

Section C

26. In addition

【精析】 语义推断题。 句子主干结构完整, 此处填 入衣示递进关系的单同或短语。 結合录音填人 In addition, 意力"此外"。 .

27. software

【精析】 句意推断题。 结合空格前的 purchase 可 知, 此处应填人名词作宾语。 结合录音填人 software, 意为"软件"。

28. available

【精析】 句意推断题。 此处应该填人形容词, 与 were 构成系表结构。 结合录音填人available, 意 为” 可用的, 可得到的"。

29. individuals

【精析】 句意推断题。 此处应该填入名词形式作主语。 结合录音填入 individuals. 意为"个人"。

30. technological

【精析】 修饰关系题。 此处应该填入形容词, 修饰 名词 improvements。 结合录音填入technological, 意 为"技术的"。

31. manufacture

【精析】 句意推断题。 结合空格前的 to 可知, 此处 应该填人动词形式。 结合录音填人manufacture, 意为"生产"。

32. In short

【精析】 语境推断题。 句子主干结构完整, 此处应 该填人具有总结意义的单词或短语。结合录音填 人 In short, 意为"筒而言之"。

33. By contrast

【精析】 语义推断题。 句子主干结构完整, 此处应 该填人具有承上启卞意义的单词或短语。 结合录 音填人 By contrast, 意为"比较而言"。

34. scientific

【精析】 并列关系题。 此处应该填人形容词, 修饰 名词短语 animal breeding。 结合录音填人 scientific, 意为"科学的"。

35. quantity

【精析】 句意推断题。 结合空格后的 of a product 推测, 此处应该填人名词构成常用搭配。 结合录音填入 quantity, 意为"数量"。

Part 3 Section A Reading Comprehension


想要了解女性在科学上取得了怎样的进步, 就去快速地逛一下加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的物理系 吧。 这是一个很有名的地方, 是一些现代科学最重要的发现的诞生地最早的是 1931 年 Ernest Lawrence 发明的回旋加速器。 那时候, 女性的面孔还很少见。 即便是现在,游客走遍勒孔特大厅 一楼, 会看到整个走廊里都是纪念这些创造历史的著名的物理学家的展览, 而这些人几乎全部都是白人男性。

但爬上三楼, 你会看到一个不一样的展览。 在那里展出的在职教职工和学生的照片中,有现任系主任 Marjorie Shapiro 女士和另外四位女士, 她们的研究从宇笛力学到最小的物质颗粒, 可请是无所不包. . 就 在两周前, 系里聘请了第六位女士。 尽管她们只占物理系教职工的 10%, 但很明显她们已不可小觀。 真 正的希望也许在于右边那些小一点的照片:研究生和本科生, 他们中有 20%是女性。 每年, 伯克利都将它 新人学的女物理博士生送往国内顶尖大学。 对此, Shapiro 的态度很乐观也很现实, 她说我认为事情正 在好转, 但是并没有像我想要的那样快地好转。 "

36. 【考点】 名词辨析题。

N)【精析】 空格前面是定冠词 the, 后面是介词 of, 因 此空格处需要填人名词。 根据空格前的 a storied place 和句意可知, 空格处填入的词意思应与 "place"相似。 结合备选名词可知, site"场所, 地点"符合题意。

37. 【考点】 形容词辨析题。

L)【精析】 空格前面是 be 动词 were, 因此空格处应 填入形容词或名词作表语。 结合空格后的内容可知, 勒孔特大厅一搂物理学家的展览中, 全部都是白人男性。 而空格所在部分介绍的是 a generation ago, 再根据"female faces", 可知这里 说的是女性人数少。 结合备选项可知, rare"稀少的"符合题意, 故为答案。

38. 【考点】 动词辨析题。

I) 【精析】 分析句子结构可知, 空格前 visitors. . . exhibits 部分句子结构完整,空格前面是名词 exhibits, 后面是名词短语 the many distinguished physicists, 因此空格处应填分词形式。 再结合句 意可知, 展览应当是为纪念这些人而举办的, 由此 确定本题答案为 honoring"纪念

39. 【考点】 副词辨析题。

o) 【精析】 空格前的句子结构完整, 空格后是 all of them white males, 由此可以推断, 空格处应填副词, 结合上下文可知, 这里说的是女性物理学家人数少, 男性多, 再结合备选项可知 virtually"几乎, 差不多"符合题意, 故为答案。

40. 【考点】 形容词辨析题。

F) 【精析】 空格前是冠词 a, 后面是名词 display, 因 此空格处应填形容词。 结合上下文可知, 文章第 一段末句讲的是一楼的情况(大部分是男性) , 本 段讲三楼的情况(很多女性) , 因此三搂的展览和 一楼的是不一样的, 因此本题答案为 different"不 同的"。

41. 【考点】 形容词辨析题。

D) 【精析】 空格前是定冠词 the, 后面是名词短语 head of the department, 因此空格处应填形容词。 the head of the department"系主任"本身意思就 是完整的, 所以填人的形容词应当是对其身份的更准确的描述, 结合备选项可知, current"当前的" 符合题意, thecurrent head of the department 意 为"现任系主任"。

42. 【考点】 动词辨析题。

C) 【精析】 空格前是 whose research, 空格后是 everything from. . . to. . . , 因此空格处应填人及物动词, 作 whose 引导的定语从句的谓语。 结合备选动词可 知 covers"包含"符合题意, 故为答案。

43. 【考点】 名词辨析题。

J) 【精析】 空格前是 the real, 后面是 may be, 因此空 格处应填名词。 上文提到, 教职人员中有 6 位女 性, 下文则指出, 学生中女性的比例占到 20%, 由 此可以推测, 空格所在句表达的是女学生的数量 才是真正的希望所在, 由此确定本题答案为 hope "希望"。

44. 【考点】 形容词辨析题。

M) 【精析】 分析句子结构可知, 空格所在句是"make sb. +fl. "的结构, 因此空格处应填人形容词。 由 空格前的 but 可知, 填入的形容词应与 optimistic 意思相对, 再结合备选形容词可知, realistic"现实 的, 实际的"符合题意, 故为答案。

45. 【考点】 副词辨析题。

H) 【精析】 空格前是 not getting better as, 空格后是 as I would like, 可知此空格处应填入副词。 上文提到, 她的态度既乐观又实际, 所以她认为事情正在好转, 但没有像她想要的那样好转, 结合备选副词可知, fast"快速地"符合题意, 故为 H 答案。

Section B



A) 为什么我们要花那么多钱上大学? 为什么我们对此闷闷不乐? 我们似乎都认为接受大学教育是令人高兴的, 但奇怪的是, 当看到很多家庭为这个通应能带来好处的大学教育投资很多时, 我们忧心忡忡。 或许是时候提出一个看似大不敬的问题了: 对大学教育的投资真的值得吗?

B) 恐怕答案是否定的。 (49) 越来越多的年轻人把额外的时间和金钱花在追求大学文凭上, 这样导致了他们比刚进人校园时更拮据。

C) (53) 我成年时期, 接受良好的教育已成为中产阶级家庭最重要的事情。 我的父母在我和妹妹身上的教育花费要多于家庭开支, 然而这样做的不止他们„„当然, (47) 对于越来越多的家庭来说, 大部分的家庭开支实际上就是住在一个好学区的成本。 (53) 质疑大学教育的价值似乎有点像质疑幸福或乐趣的价值。

D) 商品和服务的平均价格上涨了大约 50%。(51) 但-与此同时大学教育成本却增加了近一倍。 是今天 学生接受的教育比以前的好两倍吗? 是新工人比之前的聪明两倍吗? 还是他们的教育成本更昂贵了呢?

E) 或许有点吧。 俄亥俄大学的一位经济学教授 Richard Vedder 说:“我查阅了资料,发现大学教育成本的增长快于 20 世纪 80 年代中期通货膨胀每年 1%的增长速度。 现在它们的年增长速度比通货膨胀高 3%〜4%。 发生了什么? 联邦政府已经开始用飞机撒钱。 "救助增多了, 补貼贷款已发放大学 得到了资金"。 (48) 经济学家 Brvan Caplan 正在写一本关于教育的书, 他认为只要补贴继续发 放, 资源的巨大浪费就将一直持续下去。 "

F) 对大学和学生贷款的宣传材料通常将债务描述为"对自己的投资"。 但是投资应当是能够创造收入 偿还借款的。 (55) 但是现在一半以上的举业生处于待业状态或者从事一些并不需要学历的工作, 而 从 1999 年开始, 家庭学生贷款的数额已增长了 5 倍多。 这些毕业生曾被告知, 他们只需一个学位就 能获得成功, 但是如今这样的学位连 it 他们摆脱对父母的依赖都没能实现。 对于很多人来说, 四年 大学生活带给他们的最明显的结果就是標还贷款,他们面对着数以万计的贷款余款, 平均每月要偿还几百美元。

G) 关于钱的认识, 在某种程度上是正确的。 现在大学毕业生的收入比只有高中文凭的人的高出 80%; 虽然没有精确的估駕, 名校毕业生收入高出的部分似乎还要高。 但这并非对任何学生都适用。 花四 年的时间读英国文学专业很容易, 而毕业之后很可能还没有上大学之前好就业。 相反, 化学工程师 大学一毕业的工资几乎是一个高中毕业的初学者的 4 倍。

H) 诺贝尔经济学奖获得者 James Heckman 曾做了这样一项研究:对于不同背景和能力水平的人而言, 教育回报是如何分配的。 他指出: "尽管上大学的费用很高, 对于那些聪明、积极主动的人而言, 回报 还是很大的。 "(50) 另一方面如果你役有准备好上大学, 答案就是否定的, 不值得。 "专家们倾向于认为, 对于普通学生而言, 上大学还是使得的, 但是他们也认为教育成本的迅速增长也正在吞噬着越来越多的潜在收益。 对于处于临界点的学生而言, 学费的增长可能会将这些回报变成负值。

I) 似乎大家都同意政府和家长应当重新审视如何投资高等教育, 雇主需要重新考虑越来越多本不需要 大学能力的工作将大学学位作为粗略筛选的工具这一趋势雇主发现大学毕业生数量过剩, 指望他们能填补岗位空缺, 于是增加了这样的要求, "Vedder 如是说。 "实际上,大学文凭已经成了当酒保的职位要求。 "

J) 我们已经开始看到财政上的变化。(52) 2007 年通过的一项法律允许学生将他们的贷款偿还额控制 在他们收人的 10%以内, 并且在 25 年后免除所有余款。 但是当然该法律并不控制教育的成本, 只是 把它转移到了纳税人身上。 这一法律还鼓励毕业生选择低收人职业,从而进一步降低了教育的金钱 回报率。 Heckman 说你在资助人们成为牧师、 诗人等。 你也许会认为这是一件好事, 或许不会。 " 对政府而言, 不管哪一种方式, 代价都是高昂的。

K) 低成本促使更多的年轻人选择工作。 (46) Caplan 指出, 工作同样培养有价值的技能——对于那些天生不爱坐在教室里学习的年轻人来说, 或许更有价值。 关于这一点, Heckman完全同意人与人 是不同的, 人的能力是可以塑造的。 这就是我们所了解的, 公共政策应该意识到这点。 "

(54) Heckman 乐意看到更多的学徒式项目, 这祥孩子可以在工作中学习--不只是学习专业工作 技能, 同时也可以学到类似"软技能"的东西, 比如准时上班、 与团队相处融洽等, 这些对事业成功是 至关重要的。 "这是有指导者和工作场所的教育他指出, "我看到很多这样的项目取得了成效。 "

M) 啊, 但是我们怎样到达那一步呢? 希望通过公共政策的改善, 当然也得个人作更好的决定。"从历史来看, 市场能解决这些事情 Vedder 说所以我认为市场也能最终解决这个问题。如果情况无法很快得到改善, 人们就会开始反思' 为什么我要去上大学? ’ ”


46. 【定位】 由题干中的 kids who don’ t love school go to work 定位到 K) 段第二句。

K)【精析】 细节归纳题。 K) 段第一句指出年轻人选择工作的原因, 第二句 Caplan 指出,工作同样培养有价值的技能对于那些天生不爱坐在教室里学习的年轻人来说, 或许更有价值。 题干是对 原文中 Caplan 的观点的总结, 因此答案为 K) 。

47. 【定位】 由题干中的 An increasing number of families 和 good school district定位到 C) 段第二句。

C) 【精析】 同义转述题。 C) 段介绍了作者自己家的 情况。 定位句提到, 对于越来越多的家庭来说, 大 部分的家庭开支实际上也就是住在一个好学区的成本。 由此可知, 题干是对原文中 for an increasing number of. . . a good school district 的 同义转述, 因此答案为 C) 。

48. 【定位】 由题干中的 a huge waste of money 定位 到 E) 段最后一句。

E)【精析】 细节推断题。 E) 段主要描述大学教育成本 的增长速度之快及助学贷款。 定位句中 Caplan 指出, 只要补贴继续发放, 资源的巨大浪费就将一直持续下去, 题干中 a hugewaste of money 与原文中的 a giant waste of resources 相对应, 因此答案为 E) 。

49. 【定位】 由题干中的 fare worse 和 college diploma 定位到 B) 段最后一句。

B) 【精析】 细节推断题。 定位句指出, 越来越多的孩子把额外的时间和金钱花在追求大学文凭上. 这样导致他们比刚进人校园时更拮据。 题干中的 fare worse 对应原文中的leave them worse off than they were, 因此答案为 B) 。

50. 【定位】 由题干中的 not prepared for higher education 和 not worth it 定位到 H) 段第三句。

H) 【精析】 细节推断题。 H) 段主要分析了教育所带 来的回报, 提到了适合上大学和不适合上大学的 两类人。 定位句指出, 对没有准备好上大学的人来说, 所带来的回报并不多,所以上大学对于这类人来说是不值得, 题干中 not prepared for higher education 对应原文中的 not college ready, 因此答案为 H) 。

51. 【定位】 由题干中的 the cost of a college education 和 100%定位到 D) 段第二句。

D)【精析】 细节推断题。 D) 段作者主要分析大学教育成本的增长问题, 开头提出商品和服务的平均 价格上涨了 50%, 接着指出, 大学教育成本却增加了近一倍。 题干中的increased almost by 100%与 原文中的 nearly doubled 相对应, 因此答案为 D) 。

52. 【定位】 由题干中的 A law passed 和 one tenth of their income 定位到 J) 段第二句。

J) 【精析】 细节辨认题。 由定位句可知, 2007 年通过 的一项法律允许学生将他们的贷款偿还额控制在 他们收人的 10%以内, 并且在 25 年后免除所有余款。 题干中 no more thanone tenth of their income 对应原文中的 at 10 percent of their income, 因此 答案为J) 。

53. 【定位】 由题干中的 Middle-class, highly valued 和 a good education 定位到

C) 段第一句和最后一句。

C) 【精析】 细节推断题。 C) 段主要分析了美国中产阶层对教育的态度, 即他们将教育摆在特别重要的位置, 质疑大学教育的价值似乎有点像质疑幸 福或乐趣的价值。题干是对定位段的总结, 因此答案为 C) 。

54. 【定位】 由题干中的 programs, job skills 和 social skills 定位到 L) 段第一句。

L) 【精析】 细节推断题。 定位句指出, 学徒式项目可以让年轻人在工作中学习不只是学习专业工作技能, 同时也学到"软技能"的东西, 比如准时上班、 与团队相处融洽等, 这些对事业成功是至关重要的。 题干中 not only job skills but also social skills 对应原文中的 learn not just specific job skills, but the kind of "soft skills, "因此答案为 L) 。

55. 【定位】 由题干中的 fifty percent 和 unemployed 定位到 F) 段第三句。

F)【精析】 细节推断题。 F) 段主要分析了学生的就 业情况。 定位句提到, 现在一半以上的毕业生处 于待业状态或者从事一些并不需要大学学历的工作, 题干中 Over fifty

percent of recent college graduates 对应原文中 More than half of all recentgraduates, 因此答案为 F) 。

Section C

Passage One


最近一项由 2 000 位高净值客户参与的全球范围的调查发现, 60%的人并未打算正常退休。参与此项调查的美国人中, 75%的人希望从全职工作退休之后能尽其所能继续工作。(56) "这些人当中有很多是通过去做自己感兴趣的事情来获取财富的, "美洲巴克莱财富行为财务主管 Daniel Egan 说如果能自由选择, 他们更愿意继续工作下去。 "巴克莱把这些人称为"永不退休者"。

与很多根据公司规定不得不提前退休的美国人不同, 对"永不退休者"来说, 没人能强迫他们退休。 (57) 现在 106 岁的投资家 Irving Kahn 是家族企业的老总, 如果他想坚持每天到公司上班, 谁会阻止他呢? 《美国宪法》 保证现年 78 岁高龄的最高法院法官 Ruth BaderGinsburg 的工作安全。

这些老年人似乎是正在尝试逃避死亡。 事实确实如此, 并且这也的确起到了一定的作用。 (58) 加州大学河滨分校的教授 Howard Friedman 的研究表明, 工作最努力和事业上有所成就的人通常活得最长。 "人们通常被建议要慢下来, 放轻松, 不要着急, 然后退休去佛罗里达, 这种建议其实不好, "他说。 他还描 述了一位受调查者. 尽管 100 岁的高龄但仍然坚持工作, 最近看到自己的儿子退休感觉很失望。

牛津人口老龄化研究所主任 George Leeson 说我们发现人们对待退休的态度开始发生变化。 " (59) 过去, 人们曾认为退休是他们在某个令人痛苦的工作岗位上长期奋斗后的即时奖励, 而现在人们认为 退休与被遗弃类似。 随着人们开始意识到"退休不仅仅是简单地与经济生产力相联系, 而且也关乎贡献 Leeson 提出的-沃伦•巴菲特效应"也越来越流行。(60) 关于这是否完全是一件好事情, 评论家们各持己见。 一方面, 企业和金融公司可以受益于坚韧的领导人的智慧。 另一方面, 下一代人要想进一步发展会更加困难, 但是这一点对于一个"永不退休者"来说 影响不大。


56. 【定位】 由题干中的 so-called "nevertirees" 定位到第一段第三至五句。

C)【精析】 细节椎断题。 由定位句可知, 有些人是通 过做自己感兴趣的事情来获取财富的, 如果能自 由选择, 他们更愿意继续工作下去。 巴克莱把这 些人称为"永不退休者"。由此可见, 永不退休者喜欢他们的工作. 选择不退休, 故答案为 C) 。

57. 【定位】 由题干中的 Irving Kahn 和 Ruth Bader Ginsburg 定位到第二段第二、三句。


A) 【精析】 细节推断题。 第二段首句提到, 没有人能 强迫"永不退休者"退休, 接着定位句指出, 没有人 会阻止 Irving Kahn 去上班,《美国宪法》 保证法官 Ruth Bader Ginsburg的工作安全。 换言之, 他们 的共同点就是没有人强迫他们退休, 故答案为 A) 。

58. 【定位】 由题干中的 Howard Friedman' s research 定位到第三段第四至六句。

D) 【精析】 细节推断题。 由定位句可知, Howard Friedman 的研究发现, 工作最努力和事业上有所 成就的人通常活得最长。 也就是说, 老年人工作 能够延长寿命, 故答案为 D) 。

59. 【定位】 由题干中的 traditional view of retirement 定位到第四段第二句。

C) 【精析】 事实细节题。 由定位句可知, 过去人们曾 认为退休是他们在某个令人痛苦的工作岗位上长期奋斗后的即时奖励。由此可见, 传统的观点认 为退休是对人们长时间努力工作的一种补偿, 故答案为 C) 。

60. 【定位】 由题干中的 critics 定位到最后一段。

D) 【精析】 观点态度题。 定位段指出, 下一代人要想 进一谈发展会更加困难, 但是这一点对于一个"永不退休者"来说影响不大。由此可见, 评论家们认 为"永不退休者"阻碍了下一代人的发展, 故答案为 D) 。


(61) 当我们谈论那些刚剛步入成年而义负债累累的美同人的时候, 我们的谈话内容几乎全部是学生 的贷款。 但是, 越来越多的证据显示, 今天的年轻人也陷人了信用卡债务的泥潭之中 很多人将会把这个债务直接带进坟墓。

超过 20%的人每个月会超支 100 多美元。 (62) 因为他们还没有建立起信用记录, 但可以肯定的是, 这些年轻人在为产生的信用卡债务支付相对较高的利息。尽管很多年轻人责备"社交"是阻碍他们存钱的一个因素, 但是他们大多数人并没有在时尚的酒吧豪 饮 20 美元的酒, 而是在与更多的日常开支作斗争。

(63) 令人不安的是, 年轻人和身无分文的人在很大程度上都依赖信用来维持生计, 直到下次发工资。 从长远看, 这样的做法很明显不会长久, 会严重影响他们的购买力, 即使是赚钱最多的时候, 因为他们仍然 在为早在十年前买的那瓶澄汁或那盒意大利面条支付利息。

(64) 俄亥俄州立大学的一项新研究发现, 与其他的年龄群体相比, 年轻人积累信用卡债务的速度要更快, 而他们的偿还能力比较弱。 俄亥俄州立大学的经济学教授 Luda Dunn 警告说如果我们的发现仍然被证明是正确的话, 我们将来可能会有更多的老人面临巨大的财务问题, 那些不能偿还信用卡的老年人可能会面临财务危机。 "

(65) Dunn 说, 这些年轻人中的许多人永远也无法从信用卡债务中走出来。 "很多人从信用卡里大量地借钱, 但按照他们的偿还能力, 到死也不足以偿还信用卡债务, 这将潜在地导致信用卡签发银行的损失"。


61. 【定位】 由题干中的 the first paragraph 定位到第 一段。

A) 【精析】 主旨大意题。 定位段通过学生贷款引出年轻人的信用卡债务。 最后一句“今天的年轻人也 陷入了信用卡债务的泥潭之中„„很多人将会把 这个债务直接带进坟墓。 ”点明了文章主题。 由此可见, 很多年轻人永远都偿还不完他们的债务, 故答案为 A) 。

62. 【定位】 由题干中的 pay a higher interest 定位到 第二段第二句。

B) 【精析】 事实细节题。 定位句明确指出因为年轻 人还没有建立起信用记录, 但可以肯定的是这些年轻人在为产生的信用卡债务支付相对较高的利 息。 "故答案为 B) 。

63. 【定位】 由题干中的 relying on credit cards 定位到 第四段。

D) 【精析】 事实细节题。 定位段明确指出年轻和身无分文的人在很大程度上都依赖信用卡维持生计, 直到下次发工资。 从长远看, 这样做法很明显不会长久, 会严重影响他们的购买力。 "由此可见, 年轻人依靠信用卡维持生计将影响他们将来的购买力, 故答案为 D) 。

64. 【定位】 由题干中的 Lucia Dunn 和 accumulating 定位到倒数第二段。

B) 【精析】 事实细节题。 定位段明确指出与其他的年龄群体相比, 年轻人积累信用卡债务的速度要更快„„如果我们的发现仍然被证明是正确的 话, 我们将来可能会有更多的老人面临巨大的财务问题, 那些不能偿还信用卡债务的老年人可能会面临财务危机。"由此可见, 如果年轻人的信用 卡债务持续积累, 等他们年老的时候可能会遭遇财务危机, 故答案为B) 。

65. 【定位】 由题干中的 credit card issuing banks 定位到最后一段。

C) 【精析】 事实细节题。 定位段明确指出"很多人从信用卡中大量地借钱, 但按照他们的偿还能力, 到死也不足以偿还信用卡债务, 这将潜在地导致信用卡签发银行的损失。 "由此可见, Dunn 认为客户到死也没偿清债务可能会对信用卡签发银行构成风险, 故答案为 C) 。

Part 4



The Chinese knot, originally invented by the craftsmen, has become an elegantand colorful art and craft over hundreds of years' improvement. In ancient times’it was used to record events, but nowadays it is mainly functioning as decorations."Knot" signifies love, marriage and reunion in Chinese.

Often used as gift exchangesor decorations, the Chinese knot is believed to bring good luck as well as ward offevil spirits. The handicraft has been passed down from one generation to anotherand now is gaining popularity both at home and abroad.

1. 第一句的句子主干是:中国结已经成为一种优雅多 聪的艺术和工艺。 "最初是由手工艺人发明的"可 以译作后置定语补充说明"中国结经过数百年不断的改进"可译力时间状语。 "不断的改进"可以减译"不断的", 直接译为 improvement, 因力"不断 的"是一个加强气的词; "一种优雅多彩的艺术和 工艺"中的"优雅多彩的"可以用 elegant and colorful 来表示。

2. 第四句中"作为礼物交换或用作饰品"是为了"祈求 好运和避邪", 因此可译为 Oftenused as gift exchanges or decorations, the Chinese knot is believed to bring goodluck as well as ward off evil spirits.

3. 最后一句中, 句子的重心在后面, 因此可以选择弱 化处理成 being passed downfrom one generation to another, 也可以将其处理成两个并列结构 has been passed downfrom one generation to another and now is gaining. . . , 为使句子结构更清晰, 第二种译法更佳。 此外这种形式的手工艺"就是指中国结这种手工艺, 故可直接译为 The handicraft.


