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分享 时间: 加入收藏 我要投稿 点赞


Private Const totaltime = 30

Private sum As Long, nt As Long

Private Sub Command1_Click() '结束按钮


End Sub

Private Sub timer1_timer()

If Timer - nt > totaltime Then

Timer1.Enabled = False

MsgBox "时间到!!!"

Text1.Text = "您一共打中 " & sum & " 只地鼠,继续努力!"

End If

Dim i As Long

For i = 0 To 8: Picture1(i).Picture = LoadPicture: Next i


i = Rnd * 8

Picture1(i).Picture = Image1.Picture

End Sub

Private Sub picture1_click(Index As Integer)

If Not (Picture1(Index).Picture Is Nothing) Then

sum = sum + 1

Label1.Caption = "已经打中 " & sum & " 只地鼠!"

End If

End Sub


Dim allnum As Integer, oknum As Integer '定义变化次数 打中次数

Private Sub a_Click()

Timer1.Interval = 1000 '新手

End Sub

Private Sub b_Click()

Timer1.Interval = 700 '达人

End Sub

Private Sub c_Click()

Timer1.Interval = 500 '老手

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

If Command1.Caption = "继续" Then

Timer1.Enabled = True

Label2.Caption = "运行中..."


Timer1.Enabled = True '时间启动

allnum = 0 '变化次数初始为0

oknum = 0 '打中次数初始为0

Label2.Caption = "运行中..."

End If

Command1.Enabled = False

Command2.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Timer1.Enabled = False '暂停

Label2.Caption = "暂停中..."

Command1.Caption = "继续"

Command1.Enabled = True

Command2.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Unload Me '结束

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Timer1.Enabled = False '时间不启动

allnum = 0 '变化次数初始为0

oknum = 0 '打中次数初始为0

End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_Click(Index As Integer)

If Picture1(Index).Visible = True Then

Picture1(Index).picture = Src.Picture1.picture '击晕图显示

oknum = oknum + 1 '打中次数+1

End If

End Sub

Private Sub tc_Click()

Unload Me '退出

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Text1.Text = oknum & "/" & allnum '打印得分

allnum = allnum + 1 '变化次数值+1

For i = 0 To 23

Picture1(i).Visible = False '地鼠消失



Picture1(Int(Rnd() * 23)).Visible = True '随机函数控制地鼠图片显示

End Sub



Private Sub Form_Load() Dim temp As Integer Randomize

temp = Int(Rnd * 3) + 1

Form1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\打地鼠\picture" & temp & ".jpg") WindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\打地鼠\Heaven's Devils.wma" End Sub

Private Sub Label1_Click() Form2.Show Form2.num = -1 Form1.Hide

WindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = ""

Open "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\打地鼠\primary.dat" For Append As #1 '写操作 Close #1

Open "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\打地鼠\intermediate.dat" For Append As #2 Close #2

Open "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\打地鼠\advanced.dat" For Append As #3 Close #3 End Sub

Private Sub Label2_Click() End End Sub


Dim allnum As Integer, oknum As Integer '定义变化次数 打中次数 Public num As Integer '判别是否第一次开始游戏 Dim flags1 As Boolean '判别文件是否保存 Public flags As Boolean '判别是否播放声音 Private Sub countine_Click() pause.Enabled = True Timer1.Enabled = True countine.Enabled = False WLXZ.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub exit_Click() Dim X As Integer Dim tt As Integer

X = MsgBox("是否真的退出?", vbYesNo, "退出游戏框")

If X = 6 Then

tt = MsgBox("退出游戏之前,是否保存", vbYesNo, "保存提示") If tt = 6 Then

If flags1 = True Then End Else

If Timer1.Interval = 1000 Then

Open "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\打地鼠\primary.dat" For Append As #1 '写操作

Print #1, Text1.Text + " " + Format(Date, "M/d/yy") Close #1

ElseIf Timer1.Interval = 500 Then

Open "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\打地鼠\intermediate.dat" For Append As #2

Print #2, Text1.Text + " " + Format(Date, "M/d/yy") Close #2 Else

Open "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\打地鼠\advanced.dat" For Append As #3

Print #3, Text1.Text + " " + Format(Date, "M/d/yy") Close #3 End If End If End If End End If End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load() Form4.Check1.Value = 1

WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.stop countine.Enabled = False pause.Enabled = False WLXZ.Enabled = False

Form5.Top = Form2.Top + 700 Form5.Left = Form2.Left flags1 = False flags = True End Sub

Private Sub help_Click() Form3.Show End Sub

Private Sub new_game_Click() num = num + 1 Dim t As Integer

If (num > 0) Then

t = MsgBox("新游戏开始之前,是否保存", vbYesNo, "保存提示") If t = 6 Then

flags1 = True

If Timer1.Interval = 1000 Then

Open "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\打地鼠\primary.dat" For Append As #1 '写操作

Print #1, Text1.Text + " " + Format(Date, "M/d/yy") Close #1

ElseIf Timer1.Interval = 500 Then

Open "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\打地鼠\intermediate.dat" For Append As #2

Print #2, Text1.Text + " " + Format(Date, "M/d/yy") Close #2 Else

Open "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\打地鼠\advanced.dat" For Append As #3

Print #3, Text1.Text + " " + Format(Date, "M/d/yy") Close #3 End If End If End If

Call Form_Load

allnum = 0 '变化次数初始为0 oknum = 0 '打中次数初始为0 Timer1.Enabled = True pause.Enabled = True WLXZ.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub options_Click() Timer1.Enabled = False Form4.Show

WLXZ.Enabled = False countine.Enabled = True End Sub

Private Sub pause_Click() Dim r, g, b As Integer Timer1.Enabled = False countine.Enabled = True pause.Enabled = False WLXZ.Enabled = False

Form5.Top = Form2.Top + 700 Form5.Left = Form2.Left Form5.Show


