Book8 Leon 1: Ping-pong and Basketball
1能听说读写pign-pong, basketball, shorts, T-shirt, sport, runners,能听说读soccer, either..2.能用“What sports do you play?”及答语“I play„„ ”进行问答对话。3.能用英语表达“有什么东西”和“要买什么”。教学重点:目标1、2 教学难点:目标2、3 教具学具:生词卡片、运动卡片、兵乓球等实物 教学流程:
一、Cla opening and review 1,Greeting.2.用“What’s your favourite _____”熟悉学生的爱好。
二、New Concepts 1.出示乒乓球、羽毛球、篮球、足球等实物,学习badminton, ping-pong, soccer, basketball.Ping-pong is a sport.Basketball is a sport, too.Ping-pong and bdsketball are sports.2.出示运动卡片,提问“What sports do they play?”学生加以回答。学生走到学生中,指名回答“What’s your favourite sport?”
4、教师走在学生中间说:“I always wear a T-shirt, shorts and runners to play ping-pong.(在说runners 的同时,拿出相应的图片,让学生加在理解)指几名学生加以提问“Do you have a T-shirt? Do you have any runners? Do you have any ping-pong balls?”让学生加以回答。提问并回答完后教师说:“That’s okey.We can buy some runners, a T-shirt and some ping-pong balls.并且以”What do you need to buy?”提问,找些学生回答。
6、游戏:把学生分成两组进行游戏“Gue words game.(1)A组学生在纸上写出自己最喜欢的运动。(2)B组学生问A组学生“What’s your favourite sport?”A生回答:“Gue!”B生开始猜,猜对A生手中卡片所写内容时,A组学生把纸片交给B组学生。等B组全猜完时,教师看B组的用时,A、B两组学生交换角色,重新开游戏,用时短的一组获胜。
三、Cla closing 1.Tell your mother and father what you have learn today.2.What’s your favourite sports?
BOOK8 Leon 2: At the sports Store
1、能听说读写need, any, or三个生词。
2、理解“some ,any ,”二词用法上的不同。
3、让学生掌握并熟练运用“I need„„” “Do you have any„„?” “Do you want this/these or that/those ? ” “ How much are they?”
4、通过购物的情境练习,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点:1、2、3 教学难点:3 教具学具:课件 教学流程:
一、Cla opening and review.1、如果你去商声或超市看到过哪些商品,你能用英语把你看到的说出来吗?
二、New Concepts.1、播放课件,学生看手回答问题。(1)这是什么地方?
(3)认真听,购物时最常用的几句话是什么?根据学生的回答,学习生词need, any, or.举例说明some和any的区别。I have some ping-pong balls.Do you have any ping-pong balls?板书学生提出的购物常用句子。I need some ping-pong balls.Do you have any runners?Do you want these balls or those balls?How much are they?
3)学生汇报自己的购物情况.I need a ________.I bought ________.三.Cla closing.Let's have a chant.Wearing , wearing,What are you wearing? Shirt, T-shirt.I'm wearing a shose.Buying, buying,What are you buying? Runners, balls ,I'm buying basketballs.板 书 设 计
Leon 2: At the Sports StoreI need some ping-pong balls.Do you have any runners? Do you want these balls or those balls? How much are they?
BOOK8 leon3: At the Gym
教材分析: 本课是冀教版小学英语六年级下册第一单元第三课.本节以体育馆为课堂,通过实际运动和操作,区分catch, hit, throw三个动词,使学生在动中学,乐趣无穷.学生分析:
1.会听说读写throw, catch, hit, heavy, light.能听说读net.2.能根据各种体育动作,简单地说出相对应的英语.教学重点:
1、2 教学难点:目标2 教具学具:篮球,乒乓球 教学流程:
一、Cla opening and review.1.以“What's your favourite sport?” 提问,让学生们试说出自己喜爱的运动。(对于不会的单词,可以用动作表示。)
2.Can you play basketball? Can you play ping-pong ball? Are you ready to paly basketball? Are you ready to learn ping-pong?老师以不同的问题提问不同的学生,吸引学生的注意力.然后以 Let's go!带学生到体育馆去.二、New Concepts.1、老师做抛球的动作,边做边说:“I'm throwing the basketball.“反复说两次,让学生跟自己拼读throw.学生们拿起篮球,边做抛的动作边说:“Throw, throwing.I'm throwing the basketball.”
2、一学生把球传到老师手中,老师说:“I'm catching the basketball.”反复两次,让学生跟自己拼读catch.学生两人为一组,互相传球,拿到球的一方就说:“I'm catching the basketball.”
3、老师走到乒乓球台前,用拍子打乒乓球,边打边说:“I'm hitting the ball,I'm hitting the ball to Li Ming.”让学生跟自己拼读hit。学生两人一组打乒乓球,边打边练习说:“I'm hitting the ball to......”老师在巡视过程中,如发现不会打的同学打到了自己的手,伺机教学:“Poor xx, you hit your hand!”
4、老师一手拿篮球,一手拿乒乓球,教学 heavy和 light。老师说:“The basketball is heavy.The ping-pong ball is light.”把篮球交给一名学生,老师手指篮球说:“Throw the basketball at the net,please.“教学net。
三、Cla Closing: 集合学生,面对面站成两排,听老师的口令做出相应的动作,练习巩固throw, hit 和catch。板书设计: Leon 3: At the Gym I'm throwing the basketball.I'm catching the basketball.I'm hitting the ball to Li Ming.BOOK8 leon 4: Where Did You Go?
1、能听说读写bought, taught, thought.2、复习巩固以前所学的四种时态,能能够正确地进行听说读写。
3、学会唱“What did you do?” 重点:目标1、2、3 难点:目标2 教具学具 录相机,投影仪,录音机 教学流程
一、Cla opening and review.1、投影出示一些单词,让学生说出它们的过去时,和将来时。其中包括buy , teach, 和think.(由于这三个词的过去时以前没有接触过,所以暂时放到一边)
2、对话练习。老师提问一些问题让学生回答。(1)What did you do yesterday?(2)What are you going to do tomorrow?(3)Do you usually......?每个问题找几个同学回答。
二、New Concepts.继续看复习题1中留下的未知项,即buy , teach, 和think三个词的过去时如何改写。老师将这三个词的过去时添加上去,教学生如何读,并反复拼写,加以识记。并共同找到bought, taught, thought三个词语在书写和发音方面的共同点和不同点,便于学生比较和掌握。
2、阅读练习。要求学生自学课文第一部分,然后回答以下几个问题:Where did Jenny and Li Ming go?What did Jenny do?What did Li Ming do?What did Jenny do?学生读完后,共同交流学习成果,老师加以总结.3、根据课文第二部分的内容,设计一些时态填空,让学生试着自己填写。(1)They usually ______(teach)each other a sport.(2)Jenny ______(go)to the park tomorrow.(3)Danny alwys _______(think)he can catch the ball.(4)This morning , Jenny and Li Ming______(buy)some things at the store.(5)They _______(teach)each other a sport yesterday.(6)Danny ______(think)he could hit the ball.4、学唱“What did you do?”学会后,将学生分成两组对唱,一问一答。
三、Cla Closing.师生齐唱:“What did you do?”结束课堂。板 书 设 计 Leon 4: Where Did You Go? What did you do? teach---taught buy---bought think---thought
BOOK8 leon 5: A Basketball Game
教材分析 本节是冀教版小学英语六年级下册第一单元第五课.本节以一场篮球比赛为主题,通过观看录相等方式,让学生在玩中学,乐趣无穷.学生分析
1、能听说读写player, game, team, win 和lose.学会 jump up等短语。
2、能听明白在比赛中一些简单的指示,用win 和lose.表示比赛的结果,以及比赛中分数的表示等。重点 目标1、2 难点 目标2 教具学具 录相机 教学流程
一、Cla opening and review.做游戏“Charades“以复习学生在前面已掌握的表示职业的词汇。
这些词有:teacher,clerk, cashier,waitre, waiter, bus driver等。
二、New Concepts.1、为学生播放一段篮球比赛的实况录相。先为学生介绍比赛的双方,引入新词:player, team和game.在讲解这三个新词时,可引学生利用对比的方法,总结字母发音的规律。
三、Cla closing.老师向同学们提出希望,希望同学们在课下多做这样的比赛活动,用于练习巩固本节所学内容。板 书 设 计
Leon 5: A Basketball Game This is a basketball game.This is blue team.This is orange team.It's 78 to 78!The blue team win!The orange lose.leon 6: Who Won?(BOOK8)
本课是冀教版小学英语六年级下册,第一单元第六课.本节主要是Li Ming和Jenny回忆昨天观看比赛的情况.主要是学习用过去时表达已发生的事情.学生分析
1、能说听读写won 和lost。
3、培养学生敢于表达自己的勇气和勇于改错的精神。重点 目标
1、2 难点 目标2 教具学具 投影 教学流程
一、Cla opening and review.用投影出示几个句子,用“What's wron?”游戏的形式来复习学过动词的过去时,进行时和将来时结构。
1、I am wash the dishes.2.I see him yesterday.3.I go to the park tomorrow.二、New Concepts.1学生自学课文。要求画出不理解的词语或句子。学生提出来不懂的地方,老师加以解答,学习win和lost的过去式。
3、对话练习。老师提问:“What” did you do yesterday?“给学生一定的时间思考后,把学生分成几组,每个学生在本组内说一说昨天都做了什么,其他同学负责评定,指出句子出现的错误,老师巡回指导,最后,本组选派一名代表,向全班同学说一说。
4、写话练习。根据刚才回答的What” did you do yesterday?“,吸取其他同学的长处,改正自己的不足,把这些内容写成一段话。
三、Cla Closing.要求学生把自己写的短文交上来,老师课下批改。板 书 设 计 Leon 6: Who Won? win--won lose--lost What did you do yesterday?
leon 9: Always Eat Breakfast!(BOOK8)
教材分析 本课是第二单元的第一课,本单元的标题是:Good health to you!本单元的每一课都是围绕这一标题展开的,教给学生怎样养成好习惯。第9课从两幅生长不一样的植物导入,使学生认识到健康身体对我们有好处,来设计句型How often do you ?----times a 重点培养学生养成良好的饮食习惯和应用能力。学生分析
1、能听说读写单词:healthy, strong, weak, sick, week,health.并且能区分 healthy strong weak sick 四个单词的意思知道哪两个作反义词比较合适。
2、会正确使用句型:How often did(do does)somebody do something? times a 能听懂good for you和bad for you
重点 目标
1、2、3、4 难点 目标
1、2 教具学具 录音机、单词卡片、小黑板 教学设计
1、用“Never Never”游戏来复习频度副词和星期的名称。
2、复习时间短语的表示法at 7:00 at 7:15in the morning in the afternoon on Monday on Teacher’s Daytomorrow=next day yesterday=last day
1、介绍healthy, strong, weak, sick,health让学生理解其意思,知道health是healthy的名词形式。(1)师作出很强壮的样子,利用形体动作和表情让学生理解strong, healthy,并且说:I am healthy and strong.让学生跟着学,且跟读(I am healthy and strong.)
(2)接着师做出咳嗽的样子并且说:I am sick and weak.让学生跟读。(3)让学生根据刚才的句子再看看书上的两幅图自己说说是怎样理解healthy strong weak sick最后教师纠正。
2、介绍good for you和bad for you用汉语直接告诉学生这两句话的意思,并且告诉学生good和bad是一对反义词。
3、介绍单词week 出示单词卡Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday,把这些单词卡贴在黑板上说:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday make a week.师:I sometimes wash dishes.并且在一周的两天下面画“√”,然后自问自答:How often do I wash dishes?----Two times a week.把How often写在黑板上,师:I sometimes wash clothes.并且在一周的一天下面画“√”,找一个学生与自己对话,让学生问自己回答,介绍once a week.三、利用教科书与录音带
1、注意本课的短语once a week.哪位学生找到它?我们要说once a week,而不能说one time a week.2、注意教科书复习了早餐食物的名称。
1、同桌两读课文。其中一名学生strong and healthy,另一名扮作weak and sick,两人用上这四个词作对话练习,并且找两组同学演示。
2、想想以前学过的课文是怎样问早餐吃了什么编排对话的,在本课用上how often编排对话。最后也找两同学演示。
1、I eat breakfast 7:30 the morning.A.in, at B.at, in C.at, on D.on, at()
2、breakfast is good for you.A.Eat B.Eats C.Eating D.Eatting()
3、----do you eat porridge----Every day.A.How much B.How many C.How about D.How often()
4、What do you eat supper? A.to B.on C.in D.for()
5、I don’t know.A.how to learn English B.how do learn EnglishC.how learn English D.how English learn
Leon10: Always Brush Your Teeth!(BOOK8)
本课是第二单元的第二课,本课从健康导入,出示了一些新的时间副词和动词。句型上主要是对第一课出现的How often句型进行复习,培养学生的英语仿写能力,锻练学生英语应用的能力,培养学生良好的卫生习惯。学生分析
1、能听说读写:after ,before , teeth, face, brush, comb, wake up.2、能熟练的用How often做对话。
重点 目标
1、2、4 难点 目标
2、4 教具学具 录音机、生词卡片 教学设计
1、唱歌曲“In the bathroom”,复习“洗刷”及身体部位的词汇。
2、复习一般现在时和现在进行时。Jenny puts on her clothes.Jenny is taking off her clothes.二、新授
1、学习单词:teeth, face, brush, comb, wake up 学生对单词:teeth, face, brush, comb并不陌生,他们在前几册书中已经见到并且使用过这些单词,就在刚刚唱过的儿歌中也出现过这些单词。教师用自己的牙齿和脸来演示teeth, face.教师做出刷牙的动作让学生理解brush,再拿一个梳子演示comb.虽然对于wake up有点陌生教师还可以用做动作的方法来教学这个词组。并且告诉学生它的近义词组是:get up反义词组是:go to bed
2、学习单词:before, after在黑板上方横排画三只表来演示before, after.三只表指向不同的时间。中间的表指向10:00图下写上,第一只表指向9:55图下写上before 10:00,第三只表指向10:05图下写上after 10:00,教师站在相应的表下面表演并说出如下的句子:
At 10:00, I want to go to bed.Before I go to bed, I brush my teeth.After I go to bed, I go to sleep.让学生根据教师做的句子也做三个类似的句子。
Leon11: This Is Good for You!
本课介绍了bones, muscles, skin,教给学生怎样才能保持一个健康的身体,介绍各种对身体有益的食物,具体介绍许多水果。对句型“What is your favourite ?”进行复习,引入新句型“For strong you need.”重点培养学生良好的饮食习惯。学生分析 本课只有第一部分中有新知识相对来说内容较少,但与学生息息相关,提高了学生的学习兴趣,学生能充分利用学到的知识。设计理念
1、能听、说、读、写:bones, muscles, skin, body认识strawberry和melon
2、能熟练运用:What is your favourite ? For strong you need.3、理解课文内容,熟读课文。
5、能够用英语简单说出自己的爱好,这些爱好对自己有什么帮助。重点 目标
1、2、5 难点 目标
2、5 教具学具 录音机、实物、卡片、小黑板 教学设计
1、This is 和These are 教师指着一本书问:What is this? 找一名自告奋勇的学生回答:This is a book.教师又指着一些书问:What are these? 学生回答:These are books.教师拿出许多水果的卡片问学生:What is your favourite fruit? 学生看图回答:My favourite fruit is banana.2、拿出各种食物的卡片,复习以前学过的一些水果和蔬菜。
1、新单词:bones, muscles, skin, body, strawberry, melon.用自己的皮肤和肌肉来演示skin和muscles.用一些实物来演示bones和body用卡片向学生们讲解strawberry和melon
2、打开书自己读课文第一部分,理解课文内容,在课堂上翻译,不准确的地方教师给予帮助。着重讲解For you need 教师拿出一张苹果的卡片,对学生说:For healthy skin you need apples.鼓励学生也说出类似的句子,自告奋勇的学生可以到台前来拿着卡片对学生们说出句子,对说的同学,不管学生说的怎么样都要给予鼓励。
3、教师拿着卡片(看着书或拿着实物)对学生们说My favourite fruit is apple.Because apple is good for my skin.还可以说同桌两人一起看着书上的图片也做同样的句子,看哪两个同学做的好,多找几组同学在课堂上演示,对于演示的学生要多给予表扬。
三、利用录音机教师放录音机让学生跟读,读完后让学生回答问题(出示小黑板):What does healthy body need?What is your favourite fruit/ meat/ vegetables?What do you do to be healthy?
2、用所给单词的适当形式填空。Good food(make)your body healthy.Would you like some(fish)?What is(you)favourite fruit?This is(a)apple.I(show)my picture to you now.五、结束课堂。板书设计
Leon11: This Is Good for You!
1、bones, muscles, skin, body, strawberry, melon.2、For _____ you need ______.For healthy skin you need apples.For healthy body you need good food.3、What is your favourite fruit? Why? My favourite fruit is apple.Because apple is good for my skin.Leon12:Eat Your Vegetables!(Book8)
本课教材教给学生要养成吃蔬菜的好习惯,课文对“how often”句型进行复习,教给学生如何把自己的生活习惯制成图表,检查自己是否有一个好的饮食习惯。学生分析
1、能听说读写:cabbage, onions, peas, vegetables, days, month, year
2、能熟练地运用“you need ”和“how often”句型
3、能帮自己的朋友做图表检查是否有良好的饮食习惯。重点 目标
1、2 难点 目标2 教具学具 卡片、录音机、小黑板 教学设计
1、巩固记忆:cabbage, onions, peas这三个单词学生并不陌生,出示卡片让学生熟悉下这三个单词
2、合作探究师拿着白菜的卡片问学生:This is cabbage.What colour is cabbage?一名自告奋勇的学生回答:It’s green.教师再多拿几张蔬菜卡片说:These are vegetables.You need to eat vegetables for a healthy body.So I want to know how often you eat vegetables.Who wants to tell me.教师一边说着一边在黑板上画图表。
师:How often do you eat vegetables?生:Everyday.师:Very good!It’s good for you.How often do you eat cabbage?生:Twice a day.师:Good!Fourteen times a week„„(师边听边填表)How often do you eat peas and onions?生:I eat peas twice a month.I don’t like onions.师:这位同学的习惯非常好,希望你们都能像他一样有一个健康的身体,除了这些问题以外还可以问一些其他的问题。例如:play sports, brush your teeth, comb your hair, take a shower, wash your face 等等,并且帮你的朋友制成图表看看你的朋友是否有一个好的习惯,下面我们一起看课文。
三、放录音,学生跟读,听完后学生回答问题,(听完后出示小黑板)How often does Danny eat peas? Does Danny like cabbage more than peas? What does Danny need to eat for a healthy body?
2、为下列问句选择合适的答语()What is your favourite fruit?()How often do you go to school a week?()When do you wake up everyday?()What do you do before supper?()What are you doing, Jenny? A.I’m combing my hair.B.I go to school five times a week.C.Bananas.D.I wake up at 7:00 in the morning.E.I often do my homework.五、结束课堂
1、能听说读写:minutes, hours, exercise, ride a bike, walk, run, play ping-pong
2、掌握:Sixty minutes make an hour.What is exercise? 并且学会动词短语做主语的表达方法。How many minutes do(does)exercise
3、培养学生养成锻炼身体的好习惯。重点 目标
1、2 难点 目标2 教具学具 录音机、卡片、小黑板 教学设计
1、制作一个钟表演示器,演示不同的时间,让学生回答:What time is it ?复习怎样表达时间。
2、教师做出各种不同的动作,让学生回答:What are you doing?
1、讲解新单词:minutes, hours用一个钟表演示器演示:minutes和hours的概念,告诉学生hour单词特殊,第一个字母不发音,一小时用:an hour来表示。让学生回答:How many minutes make an hour?
2、讲解exercise及新课找四到五名自告奋勇的学生来台演示exercise,让每位自告奋勇的学生(悄声告诉他们所做的动作)表演一种动作,要求全班学生猜他们在做什么,且引导如下对话:师:Look!They are exercising!(指着每位自告奋勇的学生说)Riding a bike is exercise.Walking is exercise.Running is exercise.What else is exercise?(指着下一位同学)Playing ping-pong is „„生:Exercise.师:Right!(指着最后一名自告奋勇者)And playing football is„„生:Exercise.师:Very good!教师请同学们下去后问学生:Who knows what else exercise is?自告奋勇者1:Jumping is exercise.„„师:对,这些句子都是动词做主语的,这时的动词需要变成现在分词形式,那么到底锻炼多少时间为合适呢?我们一起来看课文吧!
三、利用录音机放录音带学生跟读,放完第二部分后暂停。读完课文后让学生回答如下问题(出示小黑板):How much exercise do you need?How many minutes does Danny exercise?Does Danny need more exercise?
四、教学儿歌并结束课堂 教师放录音带,先让学生听歌的节奏,接着老师打着拍子一句一句地教学生唱儿歌。板书设计
1、minutes hours Sixty minutes make an hour.2、exercise Riding a bike is exercise.Walking is exercise.Running is exercise.Playing ping-pong is exercise.3、教学儿歌
Leon14:Work Hard!
1、能听说读写:high, low, homework, reach, bend
2、复习句型:How many minutes do you ?
重点 目标
1、2、4 难点 目标2 教具学具 卡片、录音机、小黑板 教学设计
2、复习时间名词把卡片: minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years按顺序贴在黑板上,找一名自告奋勇的学生背出它的顺序,然后让学生闭上眼睛打乱顺序再让其排列顺序并读出单词。再找几名自告奋勇的学生说出它们之间的关系,开始的时候可以先提示一下例如:Sixty minutes make an hour.Twenty-four hours make a day.二、新授
1、讲单词:high, low用动作来演示high和low的概念。利用学生们熟知的物体,将它们举高然后举低。
2、直接告诉学生homework, reach, bend这些单词的意思。
3、把全班学生分成四人一组讨论课文内容,最后全班订正。检查学生理解情况:What should we do at school?What should we do at sports?What should we do at home?Does Kim work hard?How many minutes a day dry the dishes?
()Reach!Bend!A.high, short B.tall, short C.tall, low D.high, low()Have fun your friends.A.to B.for C.with D.of()Help the house.A.clean B.cleaning C.cleans D.cleaned
How, minutes, day, a , many, do, dry, dishes, the, you I, make, lunch, my, always, before, go, school.五、结束课堂。板书设计 Leon14:Work Hard!
1、high low homework bend reachReach high!Bend low!
2、What should we do at school? What should we do at sports? What should we do at home? Does Kim work hard? How many minutes a day dry the dishes? Leon 17 Summer Is Coming(BOOK8)
1.本课的教学内容选自冀教版小学六年级英语八Unit3的一课。本单元Li Ming、Danny尽情享受夏季的各种活动,并且讨论他们的暑期计划。
2本课课文主要学习below ,cloud, flowers ,gra, leaves几个词汇。.3.通过Li Ming、Jenny谈论夏天趣事的对话,让同学们学会用简单的语言描述四季,描述夏天的活动,表达自己的乐趣、爱好。学生分析 1.班内学生已经有一定的英语基础,具备了一定的听、说、读、写能力,但是也出现了不同水平的分层现象。
2.通过学习课文中的对话,学生了解夏季活动的表达方法,3.学习英语词汇并运用到自己的生活中,从而培养学生的综合能力。重 点
1、2、3 难点
2、3 教具学具 录音机、四季图片,单词卡片,一些夏季活动卡片 教学流程
1、T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello!Teacher T: Are you ready for English cla? S: Yes.2.T:How many seasons are there in a year ? S:„ T: How’s the weather in the seasons ?(老师出示卡片)S:„..3.T:Cla, In the different seasons , the trees are different ,too, What happens to trees? S:„„.(小组讨论,并请代表回答)T: That’s right,But which seasons do you like ?.S1: I like „„ „„..S2„ „„S3„„S4„„„.T: Ok, Who knows Jenny and Li Ming like ? Let’s go to look them now, Ok? S: Ok ,Let’s go.二、自主学习
1、出示单词卡片学习词汇: swim skip sandals sky lie gra(在学习词汇的过程中可采用以下方法增强趣味性:读词由“快”到“慢”,或相反;由“强”到“弱”或相反。反复练习单词的读音,最后通过整体读、单个读、整排读小组读等多种方式拼读单词。)T:In summer,What can we do ? S:„„。
T:Ok,Let’s look Li Ming and Jenny, what do they like to do ?
T:First,listen to the tap and answer the questions “(1)What does Jenny like to do in summer ?(2)What does Li Ming like to do in summer ? 3.并且请你注意回答时的人称变化 T:Question(1)?
S1:She likes to „ S2: She likes to„ S3: She likes to „ 并且请你注意人称变化 T:Question(2)?
S1:He likes to „ S2:He likes to„ S3: He likes to „ T:Now,talk about your self in your groups。
1、出示图片,给学生提出问题:What do you like to do in winter ?(在这段中学生通过自己的爱好自由发挥,老师注意纠正其错误)S1:I like to „..in winter.S2:I like to „.In winter.S3:„„..S4:„„..2、T: Which seasons do you like ?.Why? Talk about in groups.S1:I like „ Because„..S2:„ „„
Leon 18 Let’s Go Swimming!(BOOK8)
教材分析 1.本课的教学内容选自冀教版小学六年级英语八Unit3的一课。
2.本课主要学习关于游泳的相关知识,通过Jenny 与Danny的对话学习相关词组。
学生分析 班内学生在学习完17课后,已经对本单元的内容有所了解了,学习起来不是那么困难了。设计理念
1.语言知识、语言技能方面本课要求学生学习词汇swimming pool , swimsuit 及与游泳相关的知识。2.情感态度、文化意识方面了解Danny游泳池里学游泳的故事,并继续学习相关知识。3.学习策略方面锻炼学生讲述一件简单的事的口语表达能力。.重 点
1、2、3 难点 3 教具学具 三张关与游泳的张贴画、录音机、卡片、课件 教学流程
一、Greeting: T: Good morning ,everyone.S: Good morning ,teacher.创设问题情景
T:What happens to trees in the different seasons? S1: „S2: „
T: Which seasons does Jenny like ? Why? S: Summer.Because„„.T: You are right.But does Li Ming like summer ? S: Yes.Because„..T : which sports do you like in summer ? S1: I like „..S2: I like „..S3: I like swim.T: Well done.Now , let’s go swimming!
T: Where is it ? S: The swimming pool(游泳池)T :Who went to swimming pool the before ? S1: I went to the swimming pool last year.T:What do you wear to swim ? S: Swimsuit.T: All right ,let’s look who come to the swimming pool ? 教师根据画面提出问题:
(1)What else can you swim ?(2)What else can you wear ?
(3)What else can you swim ? S1: „...S2: „„S3: „„
2、教师装做游泳并向学生询问问题,T: When we swim , what will we wear ? S: Swimsuit.T: Now ,look at Jenny and Danny,(出示Jenny和Danny 在游泳池的课件)
T:(1)Where is Jenny and Danny ?(2)Does Jenny swim?(3)Does Danny’s arm hurt ?(4)Danny doesn’t come into the pool ,Why ? S1: „„..S2:„„„.S3: „„..S4: „„„
五、当堂训练假如你是Jenny,请模拟教Danny游泳的情景。冀教版小学英语第8册教案(19-25)UNIT 3 Leon 19 Let’s Go to the Park!(BOOK8)
2.本课主要学习夏天的运动-----放风筝,并通过Li Ming、Danny的对话及叙述复习过去时。学生分析
重 点
1、2、3 难点 3 教具学具 录音机、风筝,树卡片,词汇卡片,课件 教学流程
一、Greeting and Review 设问题情景
T: I’m very happy now.Why? Do you know? Because I flew a kite yesterday, I want to know what did you do yesterday ? S1: I went to the „.S2: I „ T:Cla,Who can fly a kite ? S:I can.T: That’s right.This is a kite , please show us how to fly S:„„..(学生上台表演)(老师可讲解一些有关风筝的知识,)T:Cla,Do you like to fly a kite? S:Yes, we do.T: Me too.And where do you like to fly a kite ? S1: I like to go to „.S2„
T: Ok, today I want to take you to see Danny and Li Ming, Where are they? What happened to them ,Let’s go.Ok?S: Ok ,Let’s go.二、自主学习
听录音,T:In the park , What can we do ? S:„„.T:Now,Let’s look Li Ming and Danny, what do they do ?
2、Questions(1)How’s weather that day?(2)What do Li Ming’s and Dannys kite look like?”S1:„..S2:„„.(并且请同学叙述时注意时态的变化?)
Leon 19 Let’s Go to the Park!Questions(1)How’s weather that day?
(2)What do Li Ming’s and Danny’s kite look like Leon20 Tomorrow We Will Work and Play(BOOK8)教材分析
3、本课课文主要复习be going to 句型,学习将来时---will的用法。
3.学习策略方面学会将英语知识与生活结合起来,用英语表达生活,从而培养学生的综合能力。重 点
1、2、3 难点
2、3 教具学具 课件,图片,卡片, 话筒。教学流程
T:Let ’ s begin our cla。Hello,boys and girls!S: Hello,teacher!T:How are you ? S:Fine,thank you。And you? T:I ’ m fine, too。
T: What are they doing ?(出示跳绳卡片)S: They are skipping.T: Are you like skipping?S1: „„„„S2: „„..T: After school I am going to skip.(老师板书)what are you going to do after school? S1: I am going to „„„..S2: „„„„„S3: „„.T;What are Danny ,Jenny ,Li Ming going to do on Saturday? Do you know? We are going to learn Leon 20!
1、T: After school I will skip.I will read a book.(老师板书)What will you do after school ? S1: After school I will „„..S2: I will „„„..S3: „„„„.S4: „„„„„
1、出示词组(play sports、read a book、help your mother and father、listen to the radio)卡片
T: What will you do tomorrow ? Will you play sports ?(在学习这段课文时注意勾出动词词组play sports、read a book、help your mother and father、listen to the radio 并提示学生计划以后的事情要用将来时的表达方式,)学生仿照老师,以同桌为单位,作比赛游戏,比一比哪组同桌说的好,说的好的得一颗星。)出示卡片T: Look at them ,How do they feel ? S: They are happy.T: In this picture , what will they do on Saturday? S: They will „„„.T: Do you like to do this ?S: Yes.I want to go to the park ,too.T: Me too.T: Let’s go with them.2、出示课件F: What will Danny do in the park?(在这段中学生通过自己读课文回答老师问题)S1:Danny will look at the beautiful flowers。S2:He will „ S3: „„..四、整合拓展在知道了Danny 想摘花以后,教师再次提出问题Will he pick the flowers?(学生再次通读课文,教师出示相应情景的课件,通过课件的提示使学生更好的理解课文内容)S1: Yes, he will.T:If you see that ,What will you do ?Talk about in groups.S1:I will „ S2:„
1、你当小记者教师让学生扮演小记者,采访别人星期天打算干什么,例如:What will you do tomorrow ? Will you „„„„? What will you do(时间 / 地点)/„„„..(在这一部分中,要让同学们自由发挥,但也要考虑到部分学困生的实际情况,对个别同学可以适当降低要求,如借助书只表演一部分或教师出示相应情景的图片提示,这样会大大增加他们学习英语的自信心)
2、可以让学生说一说自己的周末计划 板 书 设 计 Leon20 Tomorrow We Will Work and Play
1、After school I am going to skip.what are you going to do after school?
2、After school I will skip.I will read a book.What will you do after school ?
3、What will Danny do in the park?
leon 21 Summer Holiday
1.Be able to use “will” to answer variable reality questions.2 “Last summer, what did you do?” and “what will you do for the summer holiday ?” are the best two questions.3.The next expands students’ minds and activate atmosphere.学生分析
1.Summer holiday is fun to play for the students.2.Each of them loves to talk about it.They hope to learn it.3.It’s not easy to use “will” and “past tense” freely.Teacher will help them complete the correct sentences.设计理念
1.Use some pictures and words cards to talk about the questions.2.Introduce the differences about the last summer.Choose the best one.3.Tell your clamates the plan that you will do for the summer holiday.教学目标
1.What did you do last summer„?.I went to „„ 2.W hat will you do for the summer holiday?I will „„ 3.I like to do „„ / I like doing „„ 重 点 Aim 1, 2, 难点 Aim 3 教具学具 Some pictures, word cards, flashcards.教学流程
一、Cognitive Entry Test.1.Free talk 2.Revision“What did you do last night?” I did/watched„ “What will you do tomorrow?” I will„
二、Present Aims(课中认定,逐个达标)1.Show some pictures or real object.Help Students to answer “What did you do last night?”(Aim1)2.Draw Jenny and Liming on the Bb and say, “what will they do for the summer holiday?”(Aim2)3.Look at the flashcards and listen to the tape then ask: “Does she like„?”(Aim3)
三、Guide to Aims.Aim 1 Show some pictures about summer holiday to your students.The sky is blue the tree is green.The sun is shinning the flowers are beautiful.Do you like summer holiday? What did you do last summer? Encourage Ss to talk about each other.Note to use the past tense.Ss answer: I went to „„ I saw „„/I stayed home „.../ I watched „„Choose the best one to answer.Look at the test.What did Jenny do last summer? Was she happy? Aim 2 Do you like ocean? Why? Because the ocean is blue, the sky is sunny.The wind is blowing the water.Look at the texts.Answer the questions.A: What will Jenny do for the summer holiday? B: She will „
A: What will Li Ming do for the summer holiday? Talk about your plan that you will do for the summer holiday.Let Ss to practice in pairs.For example:A: What will you do for the summer holiday? B: I will „Aim 3:Tell the differences about “I like to do „/ I like doing „” A: Does Jenny like„?B: Yes, She does.She likes swimming „ A: Does Li Ming like„?B: Yes, he does.He likes to play soccer „ Aim test: What will you do for the summer holiday? 板书设计What did you do last summer?I went to a lake with my grandmother.2 What will you do for the summer holiday?I will like doing / I will like to do„
leon 22What Will You Do At The Beach?(BOOK8)
1.Be able to use will freely is the important.2The conversation about the beach absorbs students attention.Student hopes to say more sentences with will to expre owns’ wish..3.The song is the best teaching way.学生分析
1.Students have no chance to play on the beach.They want to know about the beach.2.The atmosphere at leon will be activity.3.Thacher will master the chance to help Ss to say and to sing with will.设计理念Use some pictures, flashcards to know about the beautiful beach.2 If you go on a trip to the ocean.What will you do on the beach? Talk about the question each other Choose the best one.3 Listen to the radio and sing a song 教学目标
1.Beach, sand and ocean.2.What will you do at the ocean?I will lie on the beach / I will„.3.3.Let’s sing a song 重 点 1, 2 难点 3 教具学具 Some pictures ,flashcards, real objects ,radio 教学流程
一、Cognitive Entry Test.1.Free talk 2.Revision Ask: Do you like summer holiday? Ss: Yes I do.“What will Jenny do for the summer holiday?
二、Present Aims 1.Show some pictures or real objects to know about ocean.(Aim1)2.Draw Jenny on the Bb and say, What will Jenny do at the ocean?(Aim2)3.Look at the flashcards and listen to the tape and sing.(Aim3)
三、Guide to Aims Aim 1.Show some pictures or read objects to Ss.Summer holiday is funny.Ocean is beautiful.What can you see in the pictures? I can see„Show the students the new words “sand/ salty/ lie” Use the real objects.Use your hand to touch the sand.How do your feel? It’s soft.It’s fun to lie on the beach.Look at the picture ,What is Jenny doing ? She is lying on the beach.The ocean is blue.Do you want to taste?Sugar is sweet.The ocean is salty.Why? Because there is some salt in it.Aim 2.The ocean is beautiful.If you go on a trip to the ocean.What will you do? Talk about it.Make a dialogue with two students.Look at the flashcards and listen to the tape.What will Jenny do the ocean? She will „ Jenny makes a sand animal.What does it look like? It look like „ Play a game: Let two students to use sand to make some animals.Who is the fastest? Who is the best one? Aim 3 Listen to the tape and Let’s sing a summer songNote the words “deep”.Explain: The ocean is deep and blue.四 Test.What about the ocean ? What will you do at the ocean? 板 书 设 计
A: What will you do at the ocean? B: I will lie on the beach.I will make things with the sand.Leon 25 Buying Gifts
本课以复习WILL引导的将来时为主,以及How, How many, How far, How much 的应用。学生分析
1,学会Souvenir, flag, every, surprise.2,掌握How, How many, How far, How much 的用法。3,学会Will引导的将来时。重点 1 2 3 难点 2 3 教具学具 录音机 教学流程
Step 1, Learn new words.1,Let students listen to the audiotape carefully and find new words.2,Teacher collects the words that the students find.。Teacher writes them on the blackboard and teaches.3,Then listen again and repeat after the radio.Step 2, Use the students book and audiotape.1,Listen again and try to translation。.Know the paage mean.2,Learn the Future Tense with “Will”Teacher gives the examples, according the examples to write the sentences.For examples: They will go to Beijing.We will learn English..3,Learn “how, how many, how far, how much”Teacher gives the examples and let students try to find how to use them.For examples: How will they go? How many students are there in your cla?—Fifty How far is it from Beijing to Shijiazhuang ?---About three hundred kilometers.How much is it ?----Ten Yuan.Step3,Check for understanding.The students do some exercises.____ are they ? Five Yuan.____ books do you have ? Eight books.____ is it ? Two kilometers.____ will they go home? By bike.板书设计 Leon 25 Buying Gifts 1, souvenir , flag , every, surprise.2, how, how many , how far, how much.3, will + 动词原形
Leon 26 Looking at pictures
本课以围绕Li Ming整理行李时发现的旧照片为主要内容,以复习过去时为主。学生分析
2、识记remember, forget, find---found.3、熟读课文,理解内容。重 点 1,2,3 难点 2,3 教具学具 Radio , tape 教学流程
一、Step 1, Learn new words.教师装作忘记,而后又想起某物体的英语名称。
例如,装作忘记怎样说w.indow和door。教师利用手势和面部表情让学生看明白意思。指着物体引导进行如下对话,师:What is this ? I forget how to say it in English.I forget.say it , please, cla.全班: I forget.教师:
Oh!I remember.It is a _____.I remember.Say it , please , cla.全班: I remember.教师:(指着另一个物品)I forget what this is.(对着一名学生)What is this ? Do you remember ? 全班: It is a ____.师:Oh, yes!You remember.Now I remember , too.Step 2, Use the students books and the tape.复习刚刚学过的故事。李明准备好要回在中国的家。本课中,他正在做什么?他和詹妮在谈论什么? 1,听录音,试理解课文。2,再来一遍,找学生翻译。
3,找出问题答案并总结句子所用的时态及写法。He is packing his things.现在进行时:be + 动词ing.He talked about pictures.过去时:动词变过去式(be 动词变过去式)
Step3, Practice.课前让学生准备几张卡片。向同伴展示一张 Do you remember this ?如果对方有这张卡片,便回答Yes, it is a _____.并收起这张卡片。如果没有,对方回答No, I forget.Step4, Practice in cla.用所给的词的正确形式填空。
1、Look at ___(this)pictures.2、I have much work _____(do).3、Li Ming taught me ____(play)ping----pong.4、It is 7:50.Let’s walk ____(quick)to school.5、Jenny wants(go)to the parkStep
6、Hmoework用学过的过去式写一段话,不少于四十个单词 板 书 设 计
Leon 26 Looking At Picturesremember forget find----found
Leon27 I Remember
1,会用自己的话描述每一图片。2,熟读课文,理解内容。3,学会英文歌。重点 1 2 3 难点 1 教具学具 图片 录音机 教学流程
Step 1, ReviewShow the pictures and review the known knowledge.Step2 , Introduce.1, Teacher takes out the pictures of this paage and put them on the blackboard.2, let students look at them and say something about these pictures.3, Find a volunteer to say in cla.For example : Danny and Jenny went to the department store , they wanted to buy Christmas gifts.They saw S anta and asked Santa for Christmas gifts.4,Play the game with one group of volunteer in front of the whole cla.5,Variation : Divide the cla into small groups.Say something to your friends.Step 3, listen 1,listen to the tape , try to understand this paage.2 ,listen again, try to remember the important parts.Step4, learn a new song.Listen to the tape and learn how to sing it.Come and sit down beside me , my friends.Do you know that I mi only you „„„
Step5, Practise.Call sb read this leon.板书设计
Leon 27 I Remember 1.Do you remember ? 2.Sing a song.Leon 28 A party for Li Ming
1,利用单词卡片,教学单词 2,利用问题,理解课文。3,照例子写对话。
三维教学目标 1,熟读课文,理解内容。2,学会begin, late ,early.3,学会电话邀请朋友及家人,并会应用。重点 1 2 3 难点 2,3 教具学具 图片 录音机 单词卡片 教学流程 Step 1, Review.Teacher shows the pictures.Review the known knowledge.Step 2, Study key concepts.1, Show new words cards , and use the body---language, let the students know the words means.then listen to the radio, learn how to say.2, Listen again.And answer the questions.Try to understand this leon.(1), Whose party ?(2), Who invites to the party ?(3), When is the party ?(4), What time does the party begin ? 3, Practise.Read the dialogue , then make up a new dialogue about learning a new skill.Encourage the students to use as much vocabulary as poible.Such as: A: Would you„„„? B: Sure!When„„..? A: Tomorrow.B: What time„„„„? A: At _____.B: Great!A: See you tomorrow.Step 3, Check for understanding.Do some exercises.板书设计
Leon 28 A party for Li Ming 1, begin, late , early.2, would you ? , when ? Leon 29 Surprise!教材分析
1.学会cake, cookies, ice cream, sugar, someone, bowl, flour, oil, salt。2.熟读课文,理解文意。学会守时,守约的良好习惯。3.通过练习掌握重点。重 点 1,2,3 难点 1,3 教具学具 录音机,磁带,小黑板 教学流程
一、Step 1, Review..Ask some questions about Leon 28, check the known knowledge.二、Step 2, Study key concepts.1.Use the student book and radio.Listen to the radio ,let students find the new wordsListen again , learn new words.Then read them together.Look at the pictures about the words in this leon.And try to know the words means.Ask questions and try to find the answers.Know the paage.1,Dose Liming know the party ? 2,Who will bring Liming home? 3,What are Danny and Jenny making for the party ? 4,What do they need to make cookies ? 5,What do the cookies have on it ? 6,How many people are there in the party ?Step3,Practise.Play a game such as Go Fish” or“Memory Card” 板 书 设 计 Leon 29 Surprise!New words: cake , ice cream, sugar, someone, bowl, flour, oil , salt.Leon 30 Good—bye!
课文以Danny和 Janny在机场送李明回国为内容,蕴涵着依依不舍的真情在里面。学生分析
1,熟读课文,理解内容。2,在阅读中体会孩子间伟大的友谊。重点 1,2 难点 1 教具学具 Radio , tape, pictures 教学流程
“Step 1, Review.Show the pictures ,review the known knowledge.Step 2, Use the student book and audiotape.Let the students listen to the radio carefully.Play “Living picture” : Volunteers in the cla play people in the story.They must do the text describe.Before you start the game.You need to aign a role to each student in the game.You can give the students names.the teacher also needs ti aemble some objects you want the players to use.Play the game with one group of volunteers in front of the whole cla.Variation : Divide the cla into small groups.Each with a set of players to play the game with all the groups at the same time.Step 3, Learn a new song.Listen to the tape and sing it after the radio.Step 4, Check for understanding.Do some exercises about this leon.板书设计 Leon 30 Good---bye!1, At the airport2, let’s sing a song.
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