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篇一:计划书的英语说法 篇一

Business Plan

篇二:计划书英文 篇二

Phone Agency Company Negotiation Plan


Our company :

Our company was established on April 20, 2000, mainly engaged in mobile voice, data,

IP telephony and multimedia services. In addition to providing basic voice services, it also offers mobile phone sales agents, IP phones and other value-added data services, with "Global", "M-Zone", "Shen Zhou Xing" and other well-known customer brands.

Opponent company :

Samsung Group is South Koreas largest conglomerate, has sales outlets in many countries and regions, businesses involved in electronics, finance, machinery, and many other fields, in the international market highlights prowess.

2、 Theme

Cooperate with each other to obtain, at a reasonable price to buy 5000 mobile phone, customized technical guidance and after-sales service and reasonable time.

3、 Team members

Leader:Gao Tiaoqin Main negotiator:Yan Bin

Assist negotiator:Huang Mengmeng Legal advisor:Jia Miao

Financial advisor:Gao Tiaoqin

Analysis of opponent negotiating team members

Guo Xvru:good reaction force(Leader, Assist negotiator) Chen Jiali:calm(Legal advisor)

Zhao Yajing:strong observation ability(Financial advisor) Zhang Najuan:good at debating(Main negotiator)

4、 Negotiation situation analysis

Our advantages :

1) Good operating performance and great development potential

2)As a buyer, we have the initiative in the choice of cooperation companies.

The opponent’s advantages:

Tough brand strength , multi-service network。

Our disadvantages:

Since the machine is customized contracts, time-consuming, it is difficult to profit in a short time.

The opponent’s advantages:

Initial negotiations with us,not familiar with the market.

5、 Negotiation goals

1)。The highest goal: Opponent company can allow us to take installments, with the lowest price to buy.。

2)。Acceptable goal:Establish long-term partnership, cooperation and win-win。 3)。The lowest goal:Price cannot be higher than the market price

6.Negotiation agenda:

To reach the opponent company on June 25, for a period of two days。 The first day (visit, preliminary negotiations) 9:00-10:00 visit the Samsung mobile phone company 10:00-11:00 visit the major sales outlets

15:00-16:00 sales staff of opponent company introduce mobile phone sales, preliminary negotiations related matters The next day.

9:00-10:00 subject of negotiations we proposed. 10:00-11:30 accept each other hospitality. 14:00-16:00 reach final negotiations. 21:00 left.

7.Negotiation strategies

1、 Start negotiating strategies

2、 By using negotiation, positive language to make a statement, make each other feel good for ones own, so that negotiations commence negotiations in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere.

3、 Interim Strategy and Analysis negotiations

(1) Highlight the advantages of a buyers market:

(2) When we make the appropriate concessions, remember to request return.

(3) Using diversionary tactics to deal with opponent’s strategies,our main goal is to achieve low-cost purchase.

(4) Emphasize the success of our agreement to the other benefits of both hard and soft at the same time, if the other party fails implied agreement with us will be a huge loss.

8、 Emergency plan

1、 How to handle a deadlock during negotiations.

Strategies: First impasse main topic set aside, first discuss some minor issues. When necessary permissions to use the limited number of strategies and tactics to wait and see.

2、 If negotiations to find each other really well, but there is still room for bargaining on price. How will we hold.

Response: For the price we must adhere to the bottom line not to give way, first with large quantities of orders made chips hold each other, if the other party is not willing to make concessions on price, we can ask each other to provide better on the other side of the original price, excellent after-sales service to ensure that the interests of the company.

篇三:计划书英文 篇三

In applying for a student visa and in the process, often will be asked to write a study plan ( study plan ), many foreign friends often not clear study plan and personal statement ( personal statement ) difference and style of writing, the author has long been engaged in student writing, due to the combination of their own experience, introduce the learning program the writing of the book.

Generally the study plan can be submitted to fall into two categories, both to the embassy for visa, or apply for admission to the school is by the. To apply for school programs from the essence and the personal statement is the same type of instruments, about the school application category learning plan can refer to a personal statement of the article, this article mainly introduces the submission of the embassy visa with a study plan.

Europe and the United States, especially immigrants from countries, such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other countries for international student visa time are often asked to provide learning plan, learning through plan to convince the visa officer to know your background, choose to study professional motivational conditions, select the country for foreign students, and a clear future study schedule, occupation purpose and reason, audits of your other materials to decide whether to send you the visa studying abroad, so learning plan is a key document.

In general, the learning plan needs to include the following contents:

1si-mp-le descriptions of their learning experience, professional background and working experience;

2 descriptions of their further study motives and why to choose the country, the University and the professional;

3 detailed study schedule;

4 introduction of foreign funds required and sources;

5for future occupation goal elaboration, returned to reason.

Study plan on the style and structure of the article and the personal statement is very different, do not need too much personal and emotional description, but should be clear and si-mp-le structure, tight logic, the facts clearly related arguments were strong, credible, returning reason to be very full, and absolutely not and the applicant"s other material contradiction. On the study plan in document writing, can and other sites to get help.

As a result of the embassy staff every day to deal with a large number of documents, so learning plan must not write too long, generally should not exceed 800 words, and a preferably only one paragraph, paragraph before adding titles, such as My Choice of University of Toronto in Canada, My career objective, in order to the embassy staff to you a content of the central idea of stick out a mile. Your pa-pe-r should be very legible, cannot let the embassy staff from your text" mining" you" potential" content.

Study plan is the emphasis of future occupation plan and returned to reason, through this part of the embassy to tell you to go to the country after the students, are able to your occupation development good help, and there is a credible argument for returned. Although the requirement study plan country often is a country of immigrants, but as a result of your visa application for study, so the study plan must eliminate any of your immigration tendency. Reasons for returning to be with your personal background and family circumstances give a reasonable explanation, has many years of experience as a businemanager to obtain New Zealand master"s of BusineAdministration program admission, then clarifies his occupation goal is to return to China to become a Multi-National Corporation of high level managers, and he in China for many years of accumulated customer resources and social ring is a very valuable asset, this is very tough and reasonable a reason. Of particular note is, study plan concerning the reasons for returning to the place of facts, not arbitrarily invent, at work, in this pa-pe-r the authors encountered by customers due to。

篇四:英文版商业计划 篇四


1: Company Overview

2: products, services and industry introduction

3: the competitive advantage of the product or service 4: industry or market

5: basic business model

6: Studio development plan (goals)

7: planned use of funds

8: Competition and Risk

9: production and management

10: service mode

11: Service and operate the facility

12: availability

13: key technical personnel

14: Market Analysis

15: Marketing and Sales

16: Research and Development

17: enterprise content management

18: Directors and officers

19: salary system and R & D expenses

20: Profit and investment proposals

一:Company Overview

Muz studio network services, Internet intermediaries nature's studio, located in Moscow , contact telephone number is 0123456789, was established in May 1, 2013, Contact: Chen.

Muz network studios for web services, providing Moscow Chinese investors demand information collection and collation, is to provide service studio.

二:products, services and industry introduction

1, the site's development will bring in advertising revenue, but not the main source of income, website development when immature (less than 200 registered companies) charge; Website Development mature (more than 200 registered companies), the initial price will be $ 100 per month, according to market conditions will not fall below the minimum $ 20 (small ads), the highest not expected to exceed $ 500 per month.

2, the main source of income for sales escrow payment card direct revenue. Website Development immature (more than 200 registered companies) services provided as a free, Web Development mature (more than 200 registered companies), each company's average service fee will not be less than 50 dollars per month.

三:The competitive advantage of the product or service

Major competitors for the Chinese-language newspaper, wide coverage has now occupied the entire Moscow Chinese market, mainly on the future development of the newspaper more fresh content driven advertising, advertising is a major business expansion in Moscow Chinese way, the newspaper printing costs and cost of sales are higher than the network.

For technical reasons, the newspaper can not provide a convenient supply and demand information online self, newspaper companies inconvenient for customers in a timely manner will release their products to the newspaper's Web site for the timely release.

Muz network services provided are: to facilitate online customers with timely communication, supply and demand information dissemination and gathering. In the pay period of service, customers can easily publish their products online, with online easy way to the emergence of supply and demand information, the site will occupy part of the supply and demand of advertising newspaper advertising market share, which is Muz network development provides a good space.

四:Industry or market

Supply and demand information network in Moscow's famous self-help websites almost none.

Muz site is supply and demand of the Moscow region's first self-help Chinese site, which make up the majority of Chinese investors in Moscow Russian master deficiencies.

五:Basic business model

Muz studio set up in the domestic site server maintenance by the members of the studio in Moscow. Website provides information includes: the Internet to find local characteristics in line with the information Moscow by Moscow, Russian media finished article. Then transferred to profit stage, using from zero from a way that will fully meet the profitability requirements.

六:Studio development plan (goals)

1) Recent Development Goal (1 year), and gradually increase visibility, within a year, will extend its influence to the whole Moscow Chinese, free service can achieve their goals.

2) long-term development goals (2-3 years), measures for the smooth conduct of fees, charges start from zero and gradually achieve profitability; For subsequent competitors compete effectively compete for capital for professional software development capabilities with an accumulated during the year popularity.

七:Planned use of funds

Staff costs start from the second half of the first year $ 100 $ 500 x 5 =

Transport costs in the first year $ 100 x 10 = 1000 $

The first year of internet access 50 x 10 = 500 $ $

First year of the advertising costs 50 $ x 10 = 500 $

$ 500 the first year of Dedicated Server

Total 3000 $

八:Competition and Risk

operating a variety of business , education agents and

Newspaper sales as the main source of income comes from its main competitive pressures the company's newspaper ads and website advertising , but its Web site technology is weak , on the site less competitive pressure generated , Muz Alibaba website will rely on similar but not the same service system overcome its pressure generated due to technical deficiencies 。

九:Production and management

Start early, active pull some customers to join the site and take the initiative to help them publish their products free of charge to Muz website, accumulated pre-demand information, this part of the main supply and demand information obtained through other media, in the maintenance base, and with attentive service win the trust of their Website. To maintain the link between the company and the effort to get feedback, recording as many cases of successful trading, posted to the website to encourage other companies to join.

Ready to start charging; preparation phase, the level of support in accordance with each company, Delta card payment web services, and to ensure that existing registered companies allow access for some time, and can publish their information.

Start charging when facing new companies charge a small service fee will not exceed $ 50 per month. Then have registered for the better efficiency of the company, started by family service fee.

十:Service mode

Technically site is relatively mature, the process of updating the website for technical talent requires less maintenance on the website within the company has the talent can be improved in the pre-free maintenance. Website development stage, and each company will remain frequent and regular home telephone contacts and maintain good relations with these.

十一:Service and operate the facility

Website can be updated at any one computer can access the Internet to complete, a key part of the technical maintenance also just have a computer with Internet access company will be completed. Customers are also in use on their computers via the Internet to complete.


As part of the network services industry does not need to produce the desired type of industry supply channels. For the technical side, the studio itself is involved in personnel Moscow State University Department of Computer Science students can independently complete the program maintenance, and some key part of the source code for developers to solve domestic outsourcing, you need a small amount of Flash ad production staff, the cheap domestic professionals through outsourcing solution.

十三:Key technical personnel

The studio itself is a founder and technical personnel, Chen planned and implemented major work sites, Liu Jie also have a website production experience, Mark familiar Website preparation of the code, the three will serve as key management, will also be in contact business fully play its role. There are some technical maintenance workshop led by domestic Ni Zhengdong do certain aspects of maintenance, including the source code of dressing. Content on the website, will hire part-time staff updates, a non-technical work, staff costs depending on income distribution, the total staff costs around 100 dollars each month.

十四:Market Analysis

Analysis of Chinese investors in Moscow market needs of user groups is self-employed commodities get more local buyers, mature after Muz can help meet this demand, the demand for the laws and regulations related to consulting, the company registered in Moscow , identity authentication, ticket purchase, as well as the guidance of Moscow life, etc., Muz Website advantage by virtue of the site to meet those needs.

User group for the Chinese investors in Moscow, a small part of Moscow students. As low operating costs, the Russian general consumption level is high, the low level of domestic consumption, the use of domestic production staff and network operating costs in Moscow localized network services operating Chinese demand, profitability becomes possible, and the profit margin is higher.

十五:Marketing and Sales

Service charges fees for the purchase of the studio way passwords printed recharge card or studio personnel door service fee approach. Recharge card printing, will be outsourced to Moscow phone card sales network, using its already mature sales network prepaid card sold will achieve long-term goals to charge high user groups, user groups independently buy cards enjoy the service.

After-sales service

Door service including large companies use someone to help guide, small and medium companies to achieve active telephone guidance, individual users to give some answers online, all customer information through the Website set up registration information database to obtain the client company, the initiative will bring customers to a customer service friendly enjoy the service experience.

十六:Research and Development

The generation of new services for the development of a new network service program, the old program to upgrade services and new program development, one needs an annual $ 200 per year. Future network service program will continue to improve, and now outsourced coding in the case of funds can hire specialized technical backbone for the studio, and outsource more domestic program design studio to complete the new program requirements.

Part of the network management program research tasks will guide the completion of the studio, the studio future earnings 30% will be used to support new service development.

十七:Enterprise content management

Senior management - information update section, business and service department, technical development and maintenance department, sales department.

Information update section: two contract workers hired to complete the number of updates, released after examination.

Business and Service Department: salesman turns provide on-site services and contact the business, demand for part-time workers 10 people, in accordance with the quantity of business to receive bonuses.

Technology Development and Maintenance Department: studio executives to work for both technical maintenance personnel.

Sales: the executives and outsourcing specialized marketing agency is completed.

十八:Directors and officers

Director Chen has veto power 22 years studying at the Moscow State University, Department of Computer Science has five years of experience in the production Website, participate in the planning Muz Business Network.

Liu Jie, director of veto 22 years studying at the Moscow State University Department of Computer Science has

Making personal website experience, the ability to modify the website code, participate in the planning Muz Business Network.

Mark Board veto 21 years studying at Moscow State University Philosophy

Department website production has basic knowledge, familiar with html language, common planning Muz Business Network.

十九:Salary system and R & D expenses

Remuneration system and R & D expenses (personnel, equipment, facilities, research, office expenses, etc.)

Founder of the studio executives who, within a year before the site is not income will not leave, do not receive remuneration. Outsourcing tasks estimated expenditure does not exceed $ 200 each, employing an average of 50 dollars per person per month, six months after the employees need to be flexible Flash authoring a person, information updating a person, salesman a person.

Research and development expenses (personnel, equipment, facilities, research, office expenses, etc.)

Server rental fee $ 500

Staff costs: six months after the first year, $ 100 per month

3 computers: each worth $ 1,000 (existing)

Office space: $ 350 per month (can not)

Transportation fee: $ 50 per month

Internet: USD 50 per month

Selling expenses (channels, marketing costs, etc.): $ 600 the first year, the second year of 2400 dollars

二十:Profit and investment proposals

the first year of negative profit $ -3,000

The second annual profit 7800-4800 = 3000

The third annual profit 21600-4800 = 16800

The fourth annual profit 36000-4800 = 31200

(Market development in accordance with the expectations envisaged development)

Funding gap: 3000 USD:

Invested $ 3,000, accounting for 10% stake out of the way for the sale of shares at any time.

Loans up to $ 3,000 loan 3 years, the return of 3600 dollars, no equity.

篇五:计划书英文 篇五

Product introduction:

Multifunctionalelectronic entertainment module is based on advanced connect and display technology, there s a smallwireless in each module and every module can combine together by specialviscidity surface material. Every module includes different function such asmusic, video, phone, print, camera, game, etc. It’s fashion and flexible to use.

Traditional or direct marketing channel:

I think direct maketing channel will be more coincident with our situation. Next three reasons will support my opinion.

1、 Traditional ways will require many stores, we don’t have enough money to set up these stores.

2、 Our product is innovative, mostly consumers of this product will suit to modern direct retailing.

3、 Direct retailing is more efficient. People can buy the product anywhere as long as they can use the internet. On the contrary, only people near the store can buy our product if we chose traditional way. Maketing online:

We have many reasons to chose this maketing channel.

1、 It’s very convinient.Because online shop can open twenty hours, people can buy our product at anytime.

2、 It reduces number of traditional middlemen, so it can save much of our cost.

3、 Goods online is more cheap when compared with goods in the real store.So we can sell much more our product.

篇六:计划书英文 篇六

英语商业计划书(Business Plan)











第一讲:概述(executive summary)




In 20xx, ABC Corporation was created to.。.

Now, ABC Corporation is at a point where…


For many years people have…

The condition of the industry today is such that…


We have just completed the development of S30 – a novel

and proprietary construction tool

Compared to competitive products, our s30 can…


Our objective, at this time, is to propel the company into a

prominent market position. We feel that within 5 years ABC

Corporation will be in a suitable condition for further

expansion, an initial public offering or profitable acquisition.

To accomplish this goal we…


Our management team consists of 5 men and women

Whose backgrounds consist of 10 years of marketing with…


The fundamental thrust of our marketing strategy

consists of…


In 5 years we will have… and our investors will be

able to…


ABC Corporation enjoys an established track-record of

excellent support for our customers. Their expressions of

satisfaction and encouragement are numerous, and we

intend to continue our advances in the…

第二讲:现状分析(present situation)



The marketplace has been stagnant for 2 years. We are

poised now to…


The present stage of S30 is in the design stage.


Our current product line is…


Current prices are… and profits are…


Current customers are using our… for…


We have service centers, retailers, manufacturer’s



Most of our management is in place, however, we require a

production manager to complete our team.


Current cash available is…。




The primary objectives of our organization are to:





Based on a XXX% market share for our XXX product by

20xx, we estimate our return on investment to be XXX%。


Last Year This Year Next Year


$ Volume

Unit Volume

% Increase/Decrease

Share of Market

Gross Profit


Fully Burdened

Marketing Expenses


Sales Promotion

Trade Allowances



Other objectives we have set for ourselves include XXX.

We expect to replace (competitive/existing products or

services) by XXX% by 20xx.

We plan to add XXX (retailers, distributors, service centers)

per month/year and we will have a total of XXX (retailers,

distributors) by 20xx.









Of the XXX people who make up the development staff,

there are XXX founders who hold the following positions:

XXX, President

XXX, Vice President of Finance

XXX, Vice President of Marketing

XXX, Vice President of Sales

XXX, Vice President of Engineering

XXX, Vice President of Research

XXX, Vice President of Operations

XXX, Director of Marketing

XXX, Manager XXX Development

XXX, Corporate Attorney


XXX, President

XXX Degree, University of XXX

XXX’s professional experience includes many different

areas in the XXX industry.


(Company) development team recognizes that additional

staff is required to properly support marketing, sales,

research, and support functions.

第五讲:产品分析(the product/service)



















This capability for XXX is a unique feature enjoyed by

(Company) and our customers.


Our product(s) is protected under the following:


Regarding cost savings (product/service) will save our

customers money in terms of XXX.


Completed tests have shown that XXX (results)。


XXX is another powerful feature. This includes XXX.

XXX saves a tremendous amount of time when XXX.

第六讲:市场分析(market analysis)



It is easy to understand why the principal buying motives

are XXX because XXX.

篇七:英文留学计划书 篇七

I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXi autonomous region, in 20xx。 I am still studying in high school now, because I was not enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently, I have a dream to study abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.

First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world. Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which I think is more reasonable for me. Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with the climate of the South of China. Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.

As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education. If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education, I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.

My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute for about a half year in New Zealand. Then, I will study specialized curriculums on preschool education.

I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all high school curriculums. Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income, so they will support me to finish my study. After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value. 出国留学计划




篇八:计划书的相关短语: 篇八

1. We asked business developers to put up an alternative business plan.


2. And what economic plan would be without its executive summary?


3. A formal proposal is required for admission to a research degree.


4. Outside of teaching, Peace Corps volunteers are required to create'secondary projects. "

在教学以外, 和平军团的志愿者还被要求去写 “ 中级计划书 ”.

5. Arnie has just presented his business plan to Sabine, a venture capitalist.


6. A business plan is ideally a concise, interesting, 25 - to 30 - page document.

一份理想的商业计划书应该是简洁明了, 引人关注, 篇幅为25到30页的文件。

7. Finally, the business plan needs to be spruced up and made presentable.

最后, 必须让商业计划书整洁美观、拿得出手。

8. How to become a person of influence. A Personal - Best Leadership Development Plan.

如何成为一个有影响力的人。 一份个人最佳领导能力提升计划书。

9. Checksmall print - Established locations require fund companies to issue a detailed prospectus.


10. Prepare proposals for selection panel meetings and note panel recommendations and decisions.


11. Does company able to provide valuation report and business plan?


12. Instead, offer constructive criticism and give him another pass at the proposal.

相反, 你应该给予建设性的批评,让他对这份计划书再过一遍。

13. Attached please find the draft product plan for your review and comment.


14. It forces you to identify your ( and your company's ) strengths and weaknesses.

商业计划书促使你找出自身 ( 以及你的公司 ) 的优势和弱势。

15. Here is a leaflet giving full particulars of the plan.


篇九:计划书的英语说法 篇九

Plan book


