D) try on 试穿,耍弄,玩弄(花招等)
eg. It is no use trying such tricks on with us. 对我们耍这种花招是没有用的。 ~ a coat 试穿一件上衣 4.答案:A
译文:他看到发动机失灵了的飞机坠落到大海里。 解析:A) fail vi./vt./n. 失败,不及格,中断,衰弱,失灵 eg. ~ in an examination 考试不及格 ~ in health 健康状况下降
I ~ed in persuading him. 我没能说服他。
One of the plane’s engines ~ed. 飞机的一个发动机失灵了。 The patient’s heart ~ed. 病人的心脏停止了跳动。 B) fade vi./vt./n. 凋谢,退色,变暗,逐渐消失 eg. ~ away 消失,;离去
The sound of the motorboat faded away in the distance. 汽船的声音在远处逐渐消失。 C) faint adj./n./vi. 虚弱的,怯懦的,眩晕的,压抑的
eg. a ~ glow 微弱的亮光 a ~ hope 一线希望 fall into a dead ~ 昏倒 ~ at the sight of blood 见到血晕了过去 D) fire n./vt./vi. 着火,发光,点燃
eg. ~ a house 放火烧屋 ~ dry leaves 点燃干树叶 5.答案:B
译文:白天天气很热,但夜里温度急速下降。 解析:A) decrease vi./vt. 减少,减小
eg. ~in number 数目减少 ~sb.’s wages 减少某人的工资 B) drop n./vt./vi. (价格温度等)下降,滴落,掉下 eg. chocolate ~s (球形)巧克力糖 A ~in temperature 温度下降
A ~of thirty feet from the window to the groud 窗口到地面的30英尺距离 ~one’s eyes 垂下两眼
C) descend vi./vt. 下来,下降,下倾,降低身份,堕落 eg. ~from a hill 从山上下到平地 ~from a car 下车 D) reduce vt./vi. 减少,缩减,降服,使降职 eg. ~pain 减少疼痛 ~pressure 减小压力 ~the production costs 降低生产成本
1.The old couple invited many guests to a grand dinner to ___ their silver wedding anniversary. A) welcome
B) congratulate C) exclaim D) celebrate
2.They travelled to Spain by the most ___ route. A) easy B) direct C) straight D) unique
3.What he said just now had little to do with the question ___ discussion. A) on B) in C) under D) at
4.He said that very clearly so that nobody was in any ___ about what was meant. A) doubt B) wonder C) question D) consideration
5.The headmaster had been trying for years to ___ money for a new science block. A) arise B) raise C) lift D) arouse 答案解析: 1.答案:D
译文:这对年迈的夫妇邀请了很多客人来赴盛宴以此纪念他们的银婚周年纪念日。 解析:A) welcome adj./int./n./vt. 受欢迎的,欢迎
eg. The publication of that novel is warmly ~d by the readers. 那部小说的出版受到读者的热烈欢迎。
B) congratulate vt. 祝贺
eg. ~ sb. on/upon sth. 为某事向某人祝贺 C) exclaim vi./vt. 惊叫,大声说
eg. She exclaimed at the beautiful view. 她对这美丽的景色感到惊奇。 D) celebrate vt./vi. 庆祝,祝贺,颂扬
eg. ~ a victory 庆祝胜利 ~ sb.’s birthday 为某人过生日 2.答案:B
解析:A) easy adj./adv. 容易的,安逸的
eg. a situation ~ to handle 容易对付的局面 an ~ life 安乐的生活 B) direct adj./adv. 径直的,直截了当的 eg. a ~ train 直达列车 ~ dealings 直接交易 as a ~ result of sth. 直接由于某事的缘故 be kept out of ~ sunlight 不受阳光直接照射
C) straight adj./adv./n./vt. 直的,笔直的,整齐的,率直的 eg. a ~ road 直路 a ~ back 挺直的背 D) unique adj./n. 独一无二的,独特的
eg. The problem is by no means ~ to this region. 这问题决不是这个地区所独有的。 3.答案:C
译文:他刚才所说的和正在讨论的问题有一点关系。 解析:under discussion 在讨论中
eg. Your suggestion is still under discussion. 你的意见还在讨论中。 4.答案:A
译文:他说的很清楚,所以没有人拿不准他的意思。 解析:A) doubt vt./vi./n. 怀疑,不信 eg. in ~ 感到怀疑的,拿不准的,不确定的
When in doubt about the meaning of a word, consult a dictionary. 拿不准词义时,查查词典。
B) wonder n./vi./vt./adj. 惊异,奇观,感到好奇,非凡的
The ivory work is a ~ of delicate workmanship. 这件象牙雕刻是手艺精巧的珍品。 I ~ at his doing that. 我对他那样干感到惊讶。 C) question n./vt./vi. 文题,询问,怀疑
eg. It cannot be ~ed but the new method is superior to the old one. 新方法比旧方法好,这是毫无疑义的。
D) consideration n. 考虑,要考虑的事,体贴,照顾,报酬,补偿 eg. show ~ for sb. 关心某人
in ~ of 考虑到,由于,作为对……的酬报 5.答案:B
译文:校长多年以来一直在尽力为新科学大楼筹集资金。 解析:A) arise vi. 起身,上升,形成,出现,引起 eg. ~ from the chair 从椅子里站起来
B) raise vt./vi./n. 筹集,提高 ~ funds 筹集资金 ~ a loan 贷一笔款 C) lift vt./vi./n. 提起,举起,提高
eg. ~ a pail of water from the ground 把一桶水从地上提起来 ~ weights 举重 D) arouse vt./vi. 唤醒,激起
eg. ~ sb. from sleep 唤醒某人 ~ the masses 唤醒民众(激起情绪)
1.He looked for a table to sit down at, but they were all ___. A) served B) resorted C) reserved D) preserved
2.It is very difficult for us to ___ all the debts in such a short period of time. A) accumulate B) gather C) collect D) assemble
3.Attendances at football matches have ___ since the coming of television. A) dropped in B) dropped down C) dropped off D) dropped out
4.The President is visiting New York ___ the trade talks. A) in contrast with B) in connection with C) in consequence of D) in accordance with
5.The ___ lawyer made a great impression on the jury. A) protecting B) guarding C) defending D) shielding 答案解析: 1.答案:C
译文:他想找个桌位坐下,但是它们都被预订了。 解析:A) serve vt./vi./n. 为……服务,上菜
eg.~ one’s country 为国效力~ time ( a sentence ) 服刑~ sb. with the tea 为某人上茶~ as an interpreter 担任译员 B) resort vi./n 求助,凭借,胜地
eg.~ to force 诉诸武力~ to all kinds of methods 采取一切办法 a place to which he is known to~ 人们知道的他常去的地方 have~ to sb. 求助于某人
C) reserve vt./n. 储备,保留,保存
eg. All rights (are)~d. 版权所有
The first three rows are~d for children. 前三排是留给孩子们的。 ~ seats in a theatre 向剧院订座 D) preserve vt./vi./n. 保护,保存,防止
eg.~ forests 保护森林~ one’s eyesight 保护视力~ order 维持秩序 2.答案:C
译文:对我们来说在这么短的时间里收集所有的欠款是很困难的。 解析:A) accumulate vt./vi. 堆积,积累,积聚 eg. Snow~d to a depth of five feet. 积雪厚达5英尺。 ~ funds for 为……积累资金
B) gather vt./vi./n. 使聚集,搜集,采集,积聚
eg. The kindergartener~ed the children round her. 幼儿园阿姨把孩子们聚集在她周围。
C) collect vt./vi./adj./adv./n. 收集,采集,募集,使振作 eg.~ stamps 集邮
D) assemble vt./vi. 集合,聚集,收集,装配
eg. Thousands of people~d in a stadium. 成千上万人在一个体育场内集会。 3.答案:C
译文:自从有了电视,到现场看球赛的人就渐渐少了。 解析:A) drop in ( on sb. ) 顺便走访(某人)
eg. Would you drop in on us tomorrow evening for a chat? 你明晚有便来(和我们一起)谈谈好吗? B) drop down 倒下,顺着(河流等)漂下
C) drop off 逐渐离开,散去,逐渐减少,睡着,让……下车 D) drop out 掉落,掉出,退出,隐退
eg. One of his teeth had dropped out. 他的一颗牙掉了。 4.答案:B
解析:A) in contrast with/to 与……形成对比,与……截然不同
B) in connection with 与……有关,关于,(公共交通工具)与……衔接(或联运) C) in consequence of 由于……的缘故
D) in accordance with 与……一致,按照,依据
eg. We acted ~your wishes. 我们是按照你的愿望办事的。 5.答案:C
译文:辩护律师给陪审团留下了很深的印象。 解析:A) protect vt. 保护
eg. ~ natural resources 保护自然资源 B) guard n./vt./vi. 保卫,守卫,看守,监视