any hardship in fulfilment of his duties. (他愿意迎向困难去履行他得职责。) establishment 建立,建设。Accomplishment (顺利) 完成:It was a great accomplishment to finish the house cleaning in two days. (两天内打扫完这栋屋子是件很了不起的事。)
1. The finance minister has not been so _____ since he raised taxes to such a high level. A. popular B. well-known C. favorable D. preferable [答案] A. popular.
[注释]popular 此处意为“ (=liked and admired) 受爱戴的, 有名声或声望的”。 2. It is wrong for someone in such a high _____ in the government to behave too badly in public. A. situation B. position C. employment D. profession [答案] B. position.
[注释]position 此句中指“地位” (不可数, 有时加不定冠词), 如:1) She was a woman of high position. 2) a high (low) position society.
3. We all knew from the very _____ that the plan would fail. A. outcome B. outset C. income D. output [答案] B. outset.
[注释] outset 开端, 开始, from the very outset (从一开始) 。outbreak爆发, 发生。outcome结局. income 收入。output 产量。
4. He looked rather untidy as there were two buttons _____ from his coat. A. loosing B. losing C. off D. missing [答案] D. missing.
[注释]missing 缺少的; a book with some missing pages. (缺页书) 。 5. Lawyers often make higher _____ for their work than they should. A. bills
B. charges C. prices D. costs
[答案] B. charges.
[注释]make charges for对......收 (费) ; 索 (价) 。charge也可以用作动词, 表示“收费, 索价”, 如:1) We don’t charge anything for that. (对此我们不收费。) 2) How much do you charge for a haircut? (理个发要收多少钱?)
1.After a quick ___ at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance. A) glance B) glimpse C) gaze D) stare
2.Mary was given the first prize by the ___ of judges. A) panel B) cabinet C) appointment D) harmony
3.I caught a ___ of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street. A) vision B) glimpse C) look D) scene
4.Children are very curious ___. A) at heart B) on purpose C) in person D) by nature
5.During the war she always kept a ___ of tinned food in the house. A) load B) substitute C) reserve D) conservation 答案解析: 1.答案:A
译文:医生迅速看了一眼病人,然后叫了救护车。 解析:A) glance vi./n. 一瞥,扫视,擦过,掠过
eg. ~at one’s watch 看一下表 ~one’s eyes down the page 双眼扫过一页 take/give a ~at 对……粗略的看一下 B) glimpse n./vt./vi. 一瞥,一看
eg. a ~at Shanghai 上海一瞥 catch/at a ~of 瞥见…… C) gaze vi./n. 凝视,注视,盯
eg. ~at the fire 盯着炉火 ~into the distance 凝眸远眺 Stand high and ~far 站得高看得远
D) stare vi./vt./n. 盯,凝视,目不转睛的看,惹眼,显眼 eg. ~at sb. 盯着某人 ~into the distance 凝视远方 2.答案:A
译文:经由专家组评判,玛莉获得一等奖。 解析:A) panel n. 陪审团,专门小组
eg. a foreign aid ~援外问题专门研究(或顾问)小组
a ~of experts 专家小组 interview a consumer ~访问一组有代表性的用户 B) cabinet n.adj. 橱,柜,内阁
eg. a filing ~公文柜 a ~council 内阁会议 a Cabinet Minister 内阁大臣,阁员 C) appointment n. 任命,约会,家具,设备
eg. the ~of a proper person to an office 任命一个适当的人担任某个职务 take up an ~上任 make/fix an ~with sb. 与某人约会 D) harmony n. 协调,一致,和睦,平静
eg. be in ( out of ) ~with 与……(不)协调 live in ~和睦相处 3.答案:B
译文:出租车消失在街角之前我瞥了它一眼。 解析:A) vision n./vt. 视力,看见,目光,梦幻,想象
eg. beyond sb.’s ~在某人视力以外 the ~of a poet 诗人的想象力 a man without ~没有远见的人 B) glimpse n./vt./vi. 一瞥,一看
eg. a ~at Shanghai 上海一瞥 catch/at a ~of 瞥见…… C) look vi./vt./n. 看,留神,一瞥
eg. May I have a ~at it? 让我看一看好吗? D) scene n. 一段情节,景象,景色 eg. at the ~of the accident 在事故现场 4.答案:D
解析:A) at heart 在内心里,实际上,本质上 B) on purpose 为了,故意地
eg. He came here ~to discuss it with you. 他到这儿来是要与你讨论这事的。 Do sth. ~故意做某事
C) in person 亲自,直接,当面 eg. He will come ~. 他将亲自来。 You may ask him ~. 你可以亲自问他。 D) by nature 天生地,出于本性地 5.答案:C
译文:战争期间,她总是在房间里储存些罐头食品。 解析:A) load n./vt./vi. 担子,负荷,装载
eg. a tree weighed down by its ~of fruit 树枝被累累果实压弯的树 a ~of taxation 赋税的重压
B) substitute n./vt./vi./adj. 代替,取代
A milk ~prepared from soybeans 用大豆做的代乳品 C) reserve vt./n. 储备,保留,保存
eg. in ~被留待后用,被留出备用 the gold ~黄金储量 D) conservation n. (资源)保护,(艺术品)保存 eg. the ~of soil and water 水土保持
1.Their ___ grew longer as the afternoon went on. A) shadows B) shades C) shapes D) shallows
2.Before he left for his vacation he went to the bank to ___ some money. A) pull B) pick C) gain D) draw
3.He ___ his childhood memories for the material of most of his stories. A) turns on B) works on C) draws on D) tries on
4.He saw the plane crash into the sea when its engines ___. A) failed B) faded C) fainted D) fired
5.It is hot in the day-time but the temperature ___ sharply at night.
A) decreases B) drops C) descends D) reduces 答案解析: 1.答案:A
解析:A) shadow n./vt./vi./adj. 阴影,影子,变暗,幻影,暗示 eg. The willow’s ~ falls on the lake.垂柳的影子倒映在湖面上。
in the ~ of a tree 在树荫下 a ~ over one’s happiness给幸福蒙上阴影 B) shade n./vt. 阴凉处,阴暗,细微差别,微量,愁容
eg. There is not enough light and ~ in this picture. 这幅画的明暗色调不够明显。 under the ~ of a tree 在树荫下 C) shape n./vt./vi. 形状,样子,幻象
eg. A vague ~ appeared through the mist. 雾中出现一个模糊的形象。 rocks of various ~s 各种形态的岩石 in good financial ~ 经济情况好 D) shallow adj./n./vt./vi. 浅的,薄的,肤浅的
eg. a ~ dish 浅底盘 a ~ man 浅薄的人 ~ talk 肤浅的谈话 2.答案:D
译文:他度假之前去银行取了些钱。 解析:A) pull vt./vi./n. 拖,拉,牵
eg. Pull the door open. Don’t push it. 把门拉开,不要推。 B) pick vt./vi./n. 捡起,挑选
eg. Pick what suits you. 适合你的就拿吧。 C) gain vt./vi./n. 获得,赢得,增加
eg. ~ still greater successes 获得更大的成功 ~ a battle 打胜仗 D) draw vt./vi./n. 拉,拖,取款,引起
eg. ~ one’s salary 领取工资 ~ sb.’s attention 吸引某人注意 3.答案:C
解析:A) turn on 开,把……对准,依靠,取决于,使产生兴趣
eg. The trip turns on whether it will be fine tomorrow. 这次旅行取决于明天是否天晴。 ~ on the radio 开收音机 ~ charm 一下子显露魅力
B) work on 继续工作,不断工作,做(某人)工作,设法说服,影响 C) draw on 吸收,利用,向……支取,引诱,鼓励 eg. ~ one’s knowledge of the law 利用自己的法律知识 ~ sb. at 30 days’ sight 见票30天后向某人支取