S3B-1 Molecular Mechanisms of Axonal Sprouting
李松林; LI Xiao-kun; S.Thomas Carmichael
【期刊名称】《《神经药理学报》》 【年(卷),期】2018(008)004
【摘要】Stroke is the leading cause of long-term disability in adult.However,there is a limited and spontaneous process of repair and recovery after stroke.In stroke patients,this recovery is associated with re-mapping of sensory and motor functions in peri-infarct and connected
models,stroke induces new connections to form in the same peri-infarct areas,by a process termed axonal sprouting.The process of axonal sprouting after stroke involves three key steps for an adult cortical neuron:stroke sends a signal to adjacent neurons(a trigger),which activates a gene expression program(transcription factor),and the neuron then initiates axonal growth through the brain(extracellular signaling or adhesion proteins).We previously shown that the mechanisms of cell injury and neuroprotection differ between aged and young adults after stroke and that in a mouse model of stroke,axonal sprouting in motor and premotor cortical circuits after stroke is causally associated with motor recovery.These studies identify axonal sprouting as an important cellular target in promoting enhanced recovery post-
S3B-1 Molecular Mechanisms of Axonal Sprouting Post-Stroke