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1、《城堡》1997年澳大利亚,英文名:The Castle.故事发生在墨尔本,工人阶级克莱根一家住在机场附近邻着高压线的贫民区中,过着贫穷但还幸福的生活。直到有一天他们接到通知,因机场扩张需要拆除他们的房子,需要他们搬往别处。敦厚的一家之主达瑞尔坚信“一个人的房子就是他的家,他的城堡”。拒绝了机场的要求。并召集了邻里一起挡在推土机的前面。官司一直打上了法庭,因为准备不足。一审他们败诉了,却因此结识了热心的退休宪法专家劳伦斯,在这位老人的帮助下,他们坚持一层层的上诉,终于在最高法院打赢了这场官司,一家人保住了自己的“城堡”。 A Melbourne family is very happy living where they do, near the Melbourne airport (according to Jane Kennedy, it's 'practically their back yard')。 However, they are forced to leave their beloved home, by the Government and airport authorities. 'The Castle' is the story of how they fight to remain in their house, taking their case as far as the High Court 2、《死囚168小时》 Dead Man Walking (1995) :苏珊。萨兰登奥斯卡奖作品。Dead man walking 是一个术语,当死囚走出牢房要执行死刑的时候,监狱看管人员会说一句“Dead man walking',表示这个死囚将要走上他的最后一段

人生旅程了。这是一部改编自修女海伦。普雷金的真实故事的死刑电影,。她应死刑犯马修,庞谢特的要求开始跟他通信,后来又到监狱去探望他,逐渐成为他的心灵寄托对象,也发掘出马修杀害一对年轻恋人的不寻常真相。面对村人的愤怒和受害人双亲的悲痛,海伦以最大的勇气要求他们的谅解和饶恕马修的罪孽。本来一直不肯悔改的马修在行刑前终于突破心防真诚忏悔,安心地走向死亡线。Starring Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn. A well told story of a nun (played by Susan Sarandon) who visits and cares for a prisoner on death row (played by Sean Penn)。 The movie raises important questions about the ethics of the death penalty versus the impact of crime on victims and their families and spirituality and forgiveness.

3、《甘地传》 Gandhi (1982) :年轻的律师甘地在南非旅行时,目睹了同胞所受的欺凌,决心为维护同胞的权利而斗争。回国后,甘地提倡非暴力政策,并到全国旅行,赢得贫苦人民的信任和爱戴。虽然屡遭挫折,他还是坚持用绝食等手段迫使英国政府同意印度独立。在印度和巴基斯坦发生冲突时,甘地再次绝食,使秩序得以恢复。但此后不久,甘地却遇刺身亡。本片获得当年奥斯卡最佳影片。Starring Ben Kingsley and a cast of thousands. Directed by Richard Attenborough. An epic story of the life of Mahatma Gandhi who

started as a lawyer in South Africa and who end up liberating India from British domination through his policies of non-violence.

4、《东京审判》(2006)Dongjing Shenpan:中国法律影片,高群书导演。1946年3月20日,受中国国民政府的委任,作为远东国际大法庭的中国法官,梅汝璈飞抵东京。大审判终于开庭了,中国的审判团遭受了种种挑战和挫折,面对各国法官们的偏见与刁难,中国法官和检察官们与他们斗智斗勇,克服了对美国法律不了解的种种不利因素,在庭审辩论中取得了上风。日本右翼势力派刺客行刺梅汝璈,肖南得知后,立即赶往告知,最终挫败了刺杀计划。最后的审判到来了。远东国际大法庭做出判决,以东条英机为首的七名战犯被处以绞刑。

March,20th,1946,dispatched by Chinese National Government,as the Chinese judge of Far-East International Court, Mei Ru'ao flies over to Tokyo. The great adjudgement finally begins.China encounters challenges from judges all over the world.Japanese right-wing plans to assasinate Mei,which is known later by Xiao Nan and therefore fails. At last the adjudgement is made,seven war criminals are sentenced to gallows.


Reversal of Fortune.一位富豪被控谋杀妻子,一切证据都对他十分不利,陪审团认为罪名成立,将被判刑。他不服上诉,並延请一位法律教授出庭辨护,法律教授通过严密的调查分折,将一审有罪的判决推翻。

a brilliant professor of law Alan Dershowitz is hired by wealthy socialite Claus von Bulow to attempt to overturn his two convictions for attempted murder of his extremely wealthy wife.

6、《民事诉讼》 A Civil Action (1998) :又名“禁止的真相”“公民行动”,获得当年奥斯卡提名,著名律师电影,约翰。特拉沃尔塔主演,是由畅销作家强纳森哈尔的名作《民事诉讼》改编,为一真实故事。


建本人说:“那是个无底洞,所有接近它的人都必须接受它的考验,它考验你的认知、信念、选择,迫使你检验自我的价值,真理的必要性,这是此案最迷人之处。”Jan Schlittman (Travolta) agrees to represent eight families whose children died from leukemia after two large corporations leaked toxic chemicals into the water supply of Woburn, Massachusetts, even though the case could mean financial, and career suicide for him.A well told story based on Jonathan Harr's book of a true story involving a class action lawsuit against environmental polluters that involves multiple ups and downs including the potential bankruptcy of the lawyer (played by John Travolta) handling the case.

7、《一条名叫旺达的鱼》1988年7月7日美国,英文名A Fish Called Wanda.在伦敦的一所公寓里,肯、奥托和乔治正在策划抢劫价值连城的钻石,乔治的美国情人旺达也参与其中。肯有点口吃,酷爱小动物,还喜欢养鱼,并且给他最喜欢的一条鱼起名“旺达”。奥托作为旺达的哥哥,深知肯的心思,所以处处与他作对。 他们在作案时尽管气氛很紧张,但却有惊无险,钻石顺利到手。但在他们作案后撤离现场时,有一位老妇人认出了乔治,成为目击者。为了杀人灭口,乔治指使肯去杀她,结果狗咬、车撞、箱子…… Jamie Lee Curtis plays an ambitious con artist who uses

every ounce of her sexual wiles to obtain a fortune in jewels stolen by her gangster lover Tom Georgeson. First, she romances Georgeson's dimwitted but deadly henchman Kevin Kline (who won an Academy Award for his performance)。 Then, to clear the path for her getaway with Kline, Jamie woos Georgeson's starched-shirt attorney, John Cleese —— and it's Cleese whom she genuinely falls in love with. Michael Palin, Cleese's former Monty Python cohort, plays a stuttering mob flunkey who continually messes up his one big

assignment: killing a little old lady (it isn't that he has any qualms about knocking off the old dear; it's just that her pet dogs keep getting in the way)。

A hilarious movie in which John Cleese plays a barrister who gets tangled up with a group of bungling diamond thieves. Extremely funny. Only marginally law related but the funny scenes with Cleese getting caught dancing in the buff are worth it.

8、《伸张正义》 And Justice for All (1979) :又名义勇急先锋,阿尔。帕西诺主演。亚瑟是一名正直勇敢的律师,他试图改革司法界贪污腐败的歪风为市井小民伸张正义。但是同侪们却对他敬而远之,一位冷酷无情的法官,甚至以藐视法庭的罪名将他拘禁一天。一日,这名法官因强暴


Starring Al Pacino, directed by Norman Jewison (a University of Toronto graduate)。 Al Pacino defends a judge who is charged with rape, a judge with whom he has had run-ins in the past. A good examination of the justice system, corruption and legal ethics.

9、《烈火焚城》又名《驯马手莫兰特》,英文名Breaker Morant这是根据一个真实的故事改编,被誉为澳大利亚电影复兴的先锋之作,在布尔战争期间,上尉莫兰特和他的几位朋友一起在英国驻南非军队服役,在一次围剿布尔游击队的行动中,上尉亨特受伤被布尔人抓住并残忍的杀害,莫兰特于是奉上司的命令追击游击队并枪杀了所有的俘虏,由此引发了一连串的报复与方报复,双方的领导层在战争的最后阶段把莫兰特和他的朋友推出来在替罪羊,以此来推卸战争中的责任。http://www.chinalawedu.com/classroom/flyy/ An excellent Australian court-martial movie set in the time of the Boer War. Three Australian lieutenants are treated as scapegoats when prosecuted for executing prisoners of war. Strong performance by their defence lawyer.

10、《刺杀肯尼迪 》JFK (1991):检察官调查肯尼迪案。1963年11耸月22日泳,出美国胶总蠕统五肯尼诣迪


Starring Kevin Costner and a cast of thousands. Director Oliver Stone's recounting of John F. Kennedy's assassination focusing on the efforts of New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison's attempts to prosecute the real killers of JFK. Some nice courtroom scenes.

11、《审判》 Procès, Le (1962)英文名 The Trial:法国电影,奥逊。威尔斯导演。在约瑟夫。K三十岁生日那天,被莫名其妙的逮捕,没有逮捕的手续,没有说明逮捕的罪名,也不知道审判的主审法官,经过了一年莫名其妙的挣扎约瑟夫。K在他三十一岁生日的前夜被莫名其妙的处死,“跟一条狗一样”。

Directed by Orson Welles. Based on the classic novel by Franz Kafka, it tells the nightmarish story of Josef K who is arrested one morning and put on trial despite never really knowing what the charges are. A must view (or read) for any law student. http://www.chinalawedu.com/classroom/flyy/

12、《铁律柔情》 Suspect (1987):美国法律援助律师的故事。女导演彼得。耶茨执导的又一部反映美国司法体制的电影。导演在处理这部影片的功力方面十分老到,无论惊吓气氛的酝酿和法庭辩论的波涛起伏都掌握得准确而有效,整个戏剧高潮一气喝成,令人看后非常过瘾。 Cher plays a public defender who takes on the case of a homeless man charged with the murder of a legal secretary. Dennis Quaid is on the jury and thinks the accused likely did not commit the crime and sets out, along with Cher, to find out who committed the murder. Fairly preposterous but entertaining if you suspend your disbelief.

13、《一级谋杀》Murder in the First (1995):刚入行的年青律师坚持信念,与强大的国家机器对抗,勇且有谋,维护人权。建议我国律协不如免去如皇帝新衣似的新律师入行宣誓活动,多搞些这样的电影放放,学学人家的法律信仰精神啊。http://www.chinalawedu.com/classroom/flyy/ Christian Slater plays a young lawyer who takes on the case of a prisoner of Alcatraz who is wrongfully put into solitary confinement for years and becomes insane as a result. Strong courtroom (and prison) scenes

14、《杀戮时刻》A Time to Kill (1996):导演同为《终极证人》的导演乔。舒马赫。影片描述了律师为一名因愤怒


Another of several movies based on a John Grisham novel. This one tells the story of a young lawyer (played by McConaughey) who takes on a case in the South defending a black man who is charged with killing the two white men who raped his daughter. Standard Grisham fare, well-acted and relatively entertaining as a courtroom drama. http://www.chinalawedu.com/classroom/flyy/

15、《大审判 》 The Verdict (1982) :保罗。纽曼演一个穷困于酒的律师办一个重振雄风的案子。本片能反映出在美国“小律师”与“大律师”法庭如何搏弈,富有信息,很能给人各种启发。

A good courtroom drama involving Paul Newman as a down-and-out lawyer who is forced to 'crash' funerals and wakes looking to drum up business. When he takes a medical

malpractice case on a contingency basis, he encounters a strong defence from the defendant. Make sure to yell 'objection' in a loud voice during some of the courtroom scenes where rules of civil procedure are ignored in favour of dramatic tension. 16、《永不妥协》 Erin Brockovich (2000):茱莉亚。罗伯茨凭此片获得当年奥斯卡影后。法律工作者(无牌律师)

的故事,中年妇女文化不高,只本着公平信念,在律师的配合下,打下一个巨大的官司。真人真事。Tells the now well known story of Erin Brockovich, the legal assistant who starts to unearth environmental contamination by a large utility company.http://www.chinalawedu.com/classroom/flyy/ 17、《被告》 The Accused (1988):莎拉(茱蒂佛斯特 饰)到酒吧去找朋友莎莉,结果她在酒吧后的游乐间翩然起舞,引起一群男子的侧目,并当众遭到强暴,其余男子则是在一旁鼓噪起哄,并未伸手给与协助。身心受创的莎拉,事后到法庭控诉,并由检察官凯瑟琳(凯莉咪吉莉丝 饰)代为辩护,却苦于没有证据。当凯瑟琳看到受辱的莎拉无助地躺在病床上,而制造事端者却在继续侮辱着莎拉,凯瑟琳的良知似乎受到了谴责,于是她一面积极地寻找各种犯罪证据,另一方面研究法律规定和案例。最终她认定,教唆犯罪也是犯罪,因此决定起诉教唆者。但检察长不同意打一场毫无胜算的官司,甚至不惜以开除凯瑟琳相要挟。然而,凯瑟琳固执己见,并且很明确地告诉检察长,无论如何,检察长也阻止不了她。是何种具体的制度设计使得检察官在面对自己的上司时敢于如此强硬? 茱蒂福斯特凭此片第一次获得奥斯卡影后,在影片中她饰演的被强奸的妇女入木三分。 Starring: Kelly McGillis, Jody Foster. Courtroom drama involving rape victim Sarah Tobias (played by Jody

Foster) who at times seems to be the one on trial.

18、《法网雄心》1991年,英文名Class Action.吉恩。哈克曼饰演从六十年代走过来的理想主义分子,专门替弱势族群打官方,希望在并不健全的资本主义社会制度下为这些被压逼者争取权利。玛丽。伊丽莎白。马斯特兰托尼奥则是典型的九十年代实用主义者,在旧金山的顶尖律师事务所服务,正争取成为公司的合伙人。父女俩道不同不相为谋,平常不相往来,如今却因为一宗控告汽车公司故意出产危害乘客安全的车种而互相对簿公堂,于是在公私方面都构成了强烈的矛盾。导演迈克尔。艾普泰德表现称职。http://www.chinalawedu.com/classroom/flyy/

An unlikely scenario where father and daughter act on opposite sides on a products liability case involving cars that explode. He is the liberal plaintiff's lawyer, representing the underdog, she is a corporate type, acting for the defendant. http://www.chinalawedu.com/classroom/flyy/

19、《伊芙琳》 Evelyn (2002):爱尔兰影片,布鲁斯南演一个诉争子女抚养权的工人的电影。很好的法律电影。

20、《芝加哥》 Chicago (2002) :歌舞片,获得当年奥斯卡最佳影片。维尔玛。凯莉(凯瑟琳。泽塔琼斯饰)是个歌舞演员,因为杀死了正在偷情的丈夫和妹妹而被捕,




