欧阳生创编 2021.02.08
时间:2021.02.08 创作人:欧阳生 摘要
L-精氨酸是人体和动物体内的半必需氨基酸,也是生物体尿素循环的一种重要的中间代谢物。L-精氨酸在医药方面、保健饮品方面、畜牧业方面都具有广泛的应用。本设综述了L-精氨酸的应用和发展,设计了年产150t L-精氨酸的工艺流程,比较了弱酸性阳离子树脂和DR1树脂提取L-精氨酸的优缺点。以原有的生产工艺为基础,本次设计采用发酵法,以淀粉为原料,以玉米浆为辅料,以黄色短杆菌为生产菌种,最主要的是在下游提取工艺中,采用DR1树脂提取L-精氨酸,提取效率较高。
关键词:L-精氨酸,发酵法, 提取, 工艺设计
L - arginine is a semi-essential amino acids in the humans and animals, Is also an important intermediateof the urea cycle and metabolism of organisms. L-arginine has an extensive applicationin medicine,health drink and the livestock industry. This set gave an overview of development and application of l-arginine,Designing a production capacity of 150t L-arginine process, Compared with weak acid cation-exchange resin extraction of L-arginine and DR1 resin advantages and disadvantages The design uses a fermentation method with starch,corn syrup
欧阳生创编 2021.02.08
欧阳生创编 2021.02.08
as adjunct,for the production of brevibacterium flavum strain,Most notably in the downstream extraction process, Desing DR1 to extrac L-arginine to get a high extraction efficiency.
Design a scale of production to get 150t L-arginine. Isting a production of flow chart,the material balance and the selection of equipment, and the size of fermentation tank and seed tank are designed,Analysing and comparing two kinds of processes of extraction of l-arginine about acid cation-exchange resin and DR1 resin statistics,we can see the Drew DR1 resin extraction technology is superior to weak acid cation-exchange resin extraction process. Keywords:L-arginine,Fermentation,Extraction,A designed process
欧阳生创编 2021.02.08
欧阳生创编 2021.02.08
欧阳生创编 2021.02.08