1 Shock followed by relief
2 Strong efforts to find a new job
3 Self-doubt and anxiety if no job is found Practice 6 (wording of answers may vary)
Main idea: Taking certain steps will help you to remember your dreams. 2 Put a pen and notebook near your bed.
3 Turn off alarm so you can wake up gradually. 4 Write down the dream immediately Practice 7
1B 2A 3A 4B 5B 6A 7A 8B 9A 10B
Review Test 1
1 the relationships between 2 addition 3 time 4 T 5 supporting details Review Test 2
A. 1 E before 2 C also 3 D one 4 A then 5 F final 6 B second B. 7 B 8 after 9 A 10 also Review Test 3
A. 1 After 2 First 3 Then 4 As 5 later 6 B B. 7 B 8A 9 B 10 A Review Test 4
1 B 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 A 6 C 7 first, another, final 8 A 9 finally 10 B Mastery Test 1
A 1 A Another 2 E When 3 C also 4 B Then 5 D Next B 6 after 7 next 8 Last 9 then 10 B Mastery Test 2
A 1 A When 2 D First 3 B Moreover 4 C Before 5 E also B 6 B
C 7 First 8 also 9 Finally 10 A Mastery Test 3
A 1-5 3, 1, 4, 2, A B 6 B C 7 A
8 -10 Main idea: Prevention against injury involves a combination of two types of preventive measures.
1 Active prevention – methods that require people to do something to reduce the risk of injury.
2 Passive prevention- methods requiring little or no action on the part of those being protected. Mastery Test 4 A 1-4 4, 1, 3, 2 5 B B 6 B
C Main idea: Work shapes human lives in fundamental ways - Consumes enormous amounts of time
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-Gives life structure and rhythm -causes stress Mastery Test 5
A. 1 B 2 early (or later or eventually or next) B. 3 A 4 C C. 5 B
6-10 Denial-Anger-Depression-Bargaining-Acceptance Acceptance Denial
Bargaining Anger
Depression Mastery Test 6 A 1 B
2-3 Any two of the following: first, next, third, finally B 4 A 5 also 6 A C 7 A
8-10 Main idea: Children learn their gender roles in three main ways. 2 Imitation 3 Self-definition
Unit 6 Relationships II
Practice 1 (Answer may vary)
1 For instance 2 for example 3 such as 4 including 5 illustration Practice 2
A Shaping; definition — 1; example 1—2 example 2—10 B Irony—saying one thing but meaning another
Ex—To end the famine in Ireland, Swift suggests the Irish should raise babies to be eaten
Practice 3 (Answer may vary)
1 Similarly 2 Just like 3 in the same way 4 as 5 Just as Practice 4 (Answer may vary)
1 however 2 Although 3 but 4 despite 5 In contrast Practice 5
A Contrast: Japanese employment practices and US employment practices B Contrast: school and home
Public discipline Private scolding Much competition Minimal competition Practice 6 (Answer may vary)
1 Because 2 as a result 3 so 4 Since 5 Therefore Practice 7
A. Cause: Chronic stress
Effect: Painful muscle tension Effect: Weakening of body’s immune system Effect: Psychological disorders
B. Main idea(effect): There are several reasons that people daydream
Major supporting details ( causes):
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1. To tolerate boring jobs 2. To endure deprivation
3. To discharge hostile feelings 4. To plan for the future Practice 8
1A 2C 3B 4C 5A 6B 7C 8A 9C 10B
Review Test 1
1 examples 2 comparison 3 contrast 4 C 5 C Review Test 2
A. 1 B effects 2 C just like 3 E However 4A Because 5D such as B. 6B 7C 8A 9C 10A Review Test 3
A 1 A 2 for instance
B 3 C 4 alike or but or while or in contrast C 5B 6 because or as a result or effect D 7A 8 example
E 9 B 10 affected or because or result Review Test 4
1B 2C 3C 4B 5A 6B 7C 8A 9B 10D
Mastery Test 1
A 1 B. For example 2 C. Just as 3 A. Therefore 4D. Because 5E. In contrast B 6A 7C 8A 9B 10C Mastery Test 2
A. 1B 2 reason or as a result B. 3C 4 in contrast C. 5A 6 for example
D. 7B 8 causing or since or leads to or causes
E. 9C 10 different or contrasts or nevertheless or same or alike or similar Mastery Test 3 A 1-4 3, 2, 4, 1 5C
B 6C 7 differently or in contrast or while C 8D 9A 10 example Mastery Test 4
A. 1-4 4, 1, 3, 2 5A
B. 6A 7B 8 as the result C. 9B 10C Mastery Test 5
A 1B 2-5 Learn to do their jobs better Get a raise or promotion Learn a new field
Learn for the sake of learning
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B 6B 7-10 Good manager 4 is flexible Poor manager
1 Is surprised by problems 3 Takes on extra tasks 4 Clings to old rules Mastery Test 6 A 1C 2-6 Delays
Lack of resources Losses Failure
Discrimination B 7B 8-10 Main idea: Role conflict—a situation in which the different roles an individual is expected to play make incompatible demands.
—For a working mother, the expectations of motherhood may conflict with those of a full-time job.
—For a priest, the responsibility to treat confessions confidentially may conflict with his responsibility to the community.
7. Fact and Opinion
Practice 1
A. 1. F 2. O 3. O 4. F 5. F B. 6. O 7. O 8. F 9. F 10. O Practice 2
Answers will vary. Practice 3
A. 1. O 2. F 3. F+O 4. F+O 5. F B. 6. F 7. O 8. F 9. F+O 10. O Practice 4
A. 1. F 2. F+O 3. F 4. F 5. F+O B. 6. F 7. F+O 8. F 9. F+O 10. F+O Practice 5
A. 1. F 2. O 3. F 4. O 5. F+O B. 6. F 7. F 8. F 9. F+O 10. F+O Practice 6
A. 1. F 2. F+O 3. F 4. F+O Review Test 1 1. A fact
2. A news report
3. a mixture of fact and opinion 4. Opinions 5. enjoyable Review Test 2
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A. 1. F 2. O 3. F 4. O B. 5. F+O 6. F+O 7. F 8. F+O C. 9. F 10. F+O Review Test 3
A. 1. O 2. F 3. F+O 4. F 5. F+O 6. O 7. F 8.F 9. O 10. F+O B. 1. 1. F+O 2. F 3. O 4. F 5. O 2. 1. O 2. F 3. F 4. F+O 5. O
Mastery Test 1
A. 1. F 2. O 3. F 4. O 5. O 6. F 7. F 8. O 9. F 10. O B. 11. F+O 12. F 13. F+O 14. F 15. F+O C. 1. F 2. F+O 3. F 4. O 5. O Mastery Test 2
A. 1. O 2.F 3. O 4. F 5. F 6.O 7. O 8. F 9. O 10. F B. 11. F+O 12. F 13. F+O 14. F+O 15. F C. 1. F 2. F+O 3. F 4. O 5. O
Mastery Test 3
A. 1. F 2.O 3. F 4. F+O 5.O 6.F 7. F 8. O 9. F 10. F+O B. 11. F+O 12. F 13. F+O 14. F 15. F+O C. 1. O 2. F 3. F 4. F+O 5. O Mastery Test 4 A. 1.O 2.F+O 3. O 4. O 5.F 6.F+O 7. F 8. F 9. F 10. F 11. F 12. O
B. 1. F+O 2. O 3. F 4. F 5. F C. 18. F 19. F+O 20. O Mastery Test 5
A. 1. O 2.F 3. F+O 4. O 5.F 6.F 7. O 8. F 9. F 10. F 11. O 12. F+O
B. 1. O 2. F+O 3. F
C. 16. F+O 17. F 18. F 19. O 20. F+O Mastery Test 6
A. 1. F 2.F 3. O 4. F 5.F+O 6.F 7. F 8. O 9. F+O 10. O B. 1. F 2. F 3. F+O 4. F 5. F+O C. 16. F 17. F 18. F+O 19. O 20. F
Practice 1 Practice 2 Practice 3 Practice 4 1. C A.1.C B.5.C C.9.B A.3,4,6 1.Simile,B 2. D 2.B 6.B 10. A B.1,4,6 2.Simile,C 3. D 3.C 7.A 11. B. C.1,4,6 3.Metaphor,B 4. B 8.C 12. B. 4.Metaphor,C 5.Metaphor,C
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