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ChaPter 1

IntrOdUCtiOn ............................................................................ 4

ChaPter 2 O. Henry 's article Style-humor ..................................................... 4 2.1 O. Henry ?s article Style ................................................................... 4 ChaPter3

UniqUe O-StyIe ending method ................................................. 5

3.1 ImPrObable COinCidenCe (The Gift Of the Magi) ........................... 5 ChaPter4 ChaPter 5

The Main Theme Of O,Henry,s WOrkS ..................................... 6 COnCIUSiOn ............................................................................. 7

ReferenCeS ..................................................................................................... 8

A Brief ReVieW on O,Henry? WOrkS

摘要:欧.亨利,原名威廉.西德尼.波特,20世纪美国著名小说家,美国短篇小说创始人。 被誉为世界上三大著名小说巨匠,与法国的莫泊桑,俄国的契诃夫齐名。他少年时曾一 心想当画家,婚后在妻子的鼓励下开始写作。后再银行供职时出现账目问题而入狱,在 服刑期间认真写作,并以“欧.亨利”为笔名发表了大量短篇小说。他的作品情节细腻。 语言诙谐,结局往往出人意料。出人意料但却符合逻辑的故事结尾以及不拘一格文风在 作品中最具亮点给读者留下深刻印象。而本论文的主要围绕他的著作,如《麦琪的礼物》,

《最后一片叶子》,《警察与赞美诗》,分析其故事结尾与语言风格如何达到预想的效果 和如何让作者的思想在作品中得到体现。


AbStract: O. Henry, One Of the three InOSt famous ShOrt-StOry WriterS in the world, enjoys equal StatUS With

ChekhOV and MaUPaSSant. EXqUiSite plot, Wry humor and twist ending dominate his works. ThOSe SUrPriSing but IOgiCal endings and article's Style are the most brilliant in all Of the Iiiglilights. TIliS thesis mainly analyses O. Hunryl SurPriSing but IOgiCal endings and StyIe Of his famous WOrkS SUCh as The Gift Of the Magi , The LaSt Leaf an and The COP and the Anthem.These O. Henry-style endings impress readers ,and at the Same time JleIP him express his ideas COmPletely and ViVidly.So this thesis mainly analyses how O.Henry Set the PIOt to achieve the desired ending effect,and how the twist ending help idea-expression ?

Key Words: artistic styles, O. Henry-Style ending, humanity; SOCial reality

ChaPterI IntrOdUCtiOn

0? Henry is COmmOnly associated With the ShOrt StOry and the masterftιl ironic O Hellry Twist\WriteL O HCnry WrOte most Often about NeW Ybrk City, Where he SPent his Iater years, He has been CaIled \ships, VagranCy and PriSOn SUPPIied O HCnry With abundant material for Writing. The tragedy in his OWn Iife —the bad IUCk that Seemed to bind him —had taught him a ChiValrOUS tenderness for the unlucky, a SyInPathetiC UnderStanding Of the underdogs, and this COmPaSSiOn Of his is evident in most Of his ShOrt stories. O HenfyStOneS about NeW YOrk City —the best Of WhiCh are included in ThC FOUr MilIiOn—are his most famous. HiS WOrkS in.The FOUr BiniOnaire full Of humor. HiS StOrieS are amusing, flippant, flat and filled With irony and Sentiment. DraWing directly On his experiences, he COmbIned IealiSm With a WOrld OflliS own. COnmlOnly recurring themes in O Henry、S ShOrt StOrieS are those Of deception. mistaken identity, the effect Of coincidence, the inexorable nature Of fate, and the resolution Of Seemingly insurmountable difficulties SeParating two IOVe it.0ver recent hundreds Of years, works Of O Henry s haτe been PUbiIShed for SeVend editions, and always attracting a great number Of readers. O HenlyI WrltIng is Seen as StraIghtfbnλrard and simple, Written in Plain IangUage? HiS StOrieS Inay rely On a SameneSS Of plot, but the sharp. UneXPeCted twist at the end is StiiI his distinctive trademark today.( H 2005:5)As readers, We Iike O Henry's StOrieS Very much because We Can get much fun from them. LiVely characters, humorous style, and the SUrPriSing ending WhiCh IeaVe US endless thinking. are the main factors to attract and Strike us.

ChaPter 2 O? Henry's article StyIe—humor

2?1 O. Henry's article Style

O. HerHy good at describing the United StateS in PartiCUIar PeOPle IiVing in NeW York. HiS novel, Witty language, the result is Often surprising; because Of the many descriptions Of the CharaCterS and full Of life, as the


EnCyCIOPedia Of AIneriCan Iife With humor.π There are representative COneCtiOn Of ShOrt stories, HKing and POliCe and the Hymn,\Hrent furnished roomsυ and ,,The Gift Of the MagiM and Hthe IaSt PieCe Of rattan leaf' to

Cabbage,? π4,000,OOOM and Hthe fate Of the road.\HlOVe at the expense1* and


make his reputation in the WOrld.He is a Writer With a UniqUe style, humorous works, humorous wit, ViVid descriptions, COnCiSe text. ViVid description Of things from the PrOfOUnd UnderStanding and extensive knowledge? HC WaS good to ObServe things and the accumulation Of knowledge? GOOd at CaPtUring Iife Ironically, While the Wealth to the PhilOSOPhy Of the dramatic SCeneS from the grasp Of the SUbtle CharaCtenStiCS Of the image USing the IangUage Painted, SO that the PeOPIe Of flesh and blood, into the XU-XU Health?

2.2 HUmOr

O. Henry OnCe wrote: Mthe nature Of my jokes is amiable, irony, and never make SOmeOne angry.π ThiS is his OPiniOn Of his humor, his satire, but again not ironic.he is On the basis Of goodwilL and Often COntain the true meaning Of Iife in accessible ShOrt StOrieS . And another effect is that this kind Of humor Played down the tragic role, SO readers are InOre IikeIy to accept. In addition to the IIUmOrOUS irony, O. Henry is good at CaPtUring the ironic and abound in Iife PhiIOSOPhy Of dramatic scene, With the CharaCteriStiCS Of Writing OUtline Of CartOOn characters, the PIOt Of the ChrOnO Set at the Sanle time, the ending With UneXPeCted knot,All this make readers in dismay Want to find the deep COnnOtatiOn Of the story, make the reader have to



