Characteristics of low altitude ionospheric electric field over Hainan Island,China
Characteristics of low altitude ionospheric electric
field over Hainan Island,China
LI RenKang;CHEN Tao;MAN Feng;JIANG XiuJie;LUO Jing;HE ZhaoHai;ZHANG HuiMing;WANG LinFeng;LIU Cheng;Francisco Carlos de MENESES;WANG GuoJun;XU JiYao;
【期刊名称】《中国科学》 【年(卷),期】2017(060)004
【摘要】A sounding rocket experiment undertaken by the Chinese Meridian
Island(19.5°N,109.1°E),China,measured the DC electric field during 05:45-05:52 LT on April 5,2013.The data observed using a set of electric field double probes,as part of the rocket’s scientific payload,revealed the special profile of how the vectors of the DC electric field vary with altitude between 130 and 190 km.During the experiment,the vertical electric field was downward,and the maximum vertical electric field was nearly 5.1 mV/m near the altitude of 176 km.The zonal electric field was eastward and slightly less than 0.6 mV/m.The plasma drift velocity was estimated from the E×B motion,and the zonal drift velocity was eastward and of the order of 100 m/s.The zonal wind velocity was also estimated using the drift velocity near the maximum density height in the F1-region,and it was found to be nearly 120 m/s.This work constituted the first in situ measurement of the DC electric field
Characteristics of low altitude ionospheric electric field over Hainan Island,China