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[摘 要]物流产业是社会普遍认可的朝阳产业,近几年,物流行业发展迅猛,并逐渐出现了四通一达的物流局面。物流配送是关系物流服务质量和效率的重要环节,而末端物流配送作为配送环节的最后一个阶段具有重要意义。本文针对末端物流配送过程中分几个实际问题进行讨论,分析配送中重复配送、效率低下等问题出现的原因,并给出合理性建议。 [关键词]物流行业;末端物流;社会调查;申通快递
中图分类号:F252;F224 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-914X(2016)18-0257-01 Terminal logistics distribution problem and its research -- a case study of a STO company in Shanxi Province Li Yurong
(Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing Jiangsu 210095)
[Abstract]the logistics industry is the generally accepted sunrise industry in recent years, the logistics industry is developing rapidly, and gradually appeared in one of four links of the logistics situation. Logistics distribution is an important part of the relationship between logistics service quality and efficiency, and at the end of the logistics distribution as the last stage distribution has important significance in this paper. Discussion on several problems in the end of the logistics distribution process, analysis of repeated distribution distribution, problems such as low efficiency, and give reasonable suggestions.
[Key words] logistics industry; terminal logistics; social investigation; STO 一.前言
物流行业是满足客需求的基础上降低成本的行业,因此服务质量是物流行业重要的评判标准。伴随着物流行业的发展,快递公司的配送覆盖率已经达到较高的水平。在各个中小城市中,快递公司也雨后春笋般出现。由于配套设施不健全以及管理水平限制,中小城市的末端物流行业存在着或多或少的问题。本文以山西省某县级市的申通快递物流公司进行研究讨论。 二.申通快递概况