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imposition英 [??mp??z??n] 美 [??mp??z???n] imposition=im+posit+ion CET4 | CET6impositioim使/加以+posit放置+ion表名词n. (新法律的)实施;(新税的)征收;n→强行放置的东西→n.强迫实行(例如: 戒严令的实施 the imposition of martial law)不公平合理的要求;的事物(例如:如果不会给您增添太多麻烦,我倒愿意留下I'd like to stay if it's not too much of an imposition.)passion英 [?p??n] 美 [?p??n] CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | TOEFLn. 热情/激情;(例如:他发表了热情洋溢的讲话 He spoke with great passion.)热恋/强烈的情欲;(例如:他对她的爱恋,让他变得不顾一切 His passion for her made him blind to everything else)酷爱/热衷;(例如:酷爱园艺 have a passion for gardening) 盛怒/激愤;(例如: 哪怕是有人提到他的名字,她也会勃然大怒 She flies into a passion if anyone even mentions his name.)impassioned英 [?m?p??nd] 美 [?m?p???nd] GREadj. 充满激情的/慷慨激昂的;(例如:他慷慨陈词,呼吁和平He made an impassioned appeal for peace.)impel英 [?m?pel] 美 [?m?pel] GRE过去分词: impelled 过去式: impelled 现在分词: impellingvt. 促使/驱使;(他觉得有必要作进一步调查 He felt impelled to investigate further.)pulse英 [p?ls] 美 [p?ls] CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | TOEFL | GREn. 脉冲;(例如: 脉冲波 pulse waves)脉搏;(例如: 量脉搏 / 把脉 take/feel my pulse)强劲的音乐节拍;(例如: 阵阵强劲的鼓点 the throbbing pulse of the drums)passionpassion=pass+ionpass感情+ion表名词→n.热情;impassioned=im+passion+edimpassioim使…+passion【n.激情】ned+ed…的→adj.充满激情的impel=im+pelimpel im 使/加以+pel 驱动/推→v.驱使;pulse=puls+epuls驱动/推+e→脉搏pulsev.【电】施以脉冲;(有节奏地)跳动/搏动/震动;(例如:他太阳穴上的静脉在搏动 A vein pulsed in his temple. )pulseimpulse英 [??mp?ls] 美 [??mp?ls] impulse=im+puls+e CET4 | CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | TOEFL | GREimpulse im 使/加以+puls驱动/推+e→推n. 脉冲;(例如: 电路脉冲 electrical impulses)动某人做某事→n.冲动冲动/心血来潮;(例如:他老是冲动行事 He tends to act on impulse)推动力/刺激;(例如: 给予挣扎中的汽车工业一点刺激 give an impulse to the struggling car industry)impulsion=im+puls+ionimpulsionim 使/加以+puls驱动/推+ion→推动某人做某事→n.冲动impulsion英 [?m?p?l?n] 美 [?m?p?l??n] n. 冲动/冲力;(例如: 人的需要是技术发展的原动力 The person's need is the impulsion of technical development)impetus英 [??mp?t?s] 美 [??mp?t?s] impetus=im+pet+us CET6 | 考研 | IELTS | TOEFL | GREimpetus im 使/加以+pet 追求+us表名词n. 推动/促进;推动力/刺激;→使追求→n.推动(例如:这一决定会给经济复苏带来新的推动力 This decision will give renewed impetus to the economic recovery.她的讲话激发了我的思绪. Her speech gave an impetus to my ideas. )impetuous英 [?m?pet?u?s] 美 [?m?pet?u?s] impetuous=im+petu+ousimpetuouim 使/加以+petu 追求+ous…的 IELTS | GREs→使追求的,能被推动的→adj.冲adj. 冲动的/鲁莽的/轻率的;(例如:草率的决定 an impetuous decision动的他年轻,易于冲动 He is young and impetuous.)pend英 [pend] 美 [pend] vi. 悬而未决;(例如:具体原因有待进一步研究 Concrete causes pend for studying further.)pendpendimpendimpend=im+pend英 [?m'pend] 美 [?m?p?nd] impend im 使/加以+pend悬挂→事情悬 GRE在空中→v.即将发生v. 即将发生;(例如:欧洲即将发生重大事件 Crucial events impend in Europe. )pending英 [?pend??] 美 [?pend??] CET6 | GREadj.即将发生的/迫近的;(例如:他的即将离开 his pending departure)待决的/待处理的;(例如: 死亡原因被列为待定 The cause of death was listed as pending.)prep.在等待…期间/直到…为止;(他获得保释,等候进一步调查 He was released on bail pending further inquiries)pending=pend+ingpendingpend悬挂+ing正…的→悬挂中的→待处理的impending英 [?m?pend??] 美 [ ?m?pend??] impending=im+pend+ingimpendin TOEFL | GREim 使/加以+pend 悬+ing正…的gadj. 即将发生的;→悬挂中的→adj.即将发生的(例如: 他即将迎来的退休 his impending retirement即将来临的灾难 impending disaster)impoverish英 [?m?p?v?r??] 美 [?m?pɑv?r??] impoverish=im+pover+ish GREimpoveriim 使/加以+pover 贫困+ish造成vt.使贫穷;(例如:a society impoverished by wartime inflation. sh …→v.使贫穷因战时通货膨胀致贫的社会)使贫瘠;(例如:Intensive cultivation has impoverished the soil.集约耕作使土壤变得贫瘠)

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