789. If you expect to enter the university, you should apply now. 如果你想上大学的话,你现在就应申请.
790. This is my first year of college. I’m a freshman. 这是我大学的第一年.我是新生.
791. My uncle is a high school principal. 我的叔叔是一名中学校长.
792. What kind of grades did you make in college? 你在大学中成绩如何?
793. During your first year of college, did you make straight As? 在大学的第一年里,你是不是优秀学生?
794. My brother is a member of the faculty.He teaches economics. 我的哥哥是一名教员.他教经济.
795. John has extracurricular activities. He’s on the football team. 约翰有许多课外活动.他是一名足球队员.
796. I’m a federal employee. I work for the Department of Labor. 我是一名联邦雇员.我在劳动部门工作.
797. What kind of work do you do? Are you a saleman? 你从事什么工作?是不是销售员?
798. As soon as I complete my training,I’m going to be a bank teller. 一旦我完成了我的训练,我将成为出纳员.
799. John has built up his own business.He owns a hotel. 约翰已经有了自己的生意.他有一个旅馆.
800. What do you want to be when you grow up? 你长大后想做什么?
801. I like painting,but I wouldn’t want it to be my life’s work. 我喜欢绘画,但是我不会让他成为我终生的职业.
802. Have you ever thought about a career in the medical profession? 你是否考虑过成为医学专业的职员?
803. My uncle was a pilot with the airlines.He just retired. 我的叔叔是航空公司的飞行员.他刚刚退休.
804. My brother’s in the army.He was just promoted to the rank of major. 我的哥哥在军队里.他刚刚被提升为少校.
805. I have a good-paying job with excellent hours. 我有一份工资很高工作时间理想的工作.
806. My sister worked as a secretary before she got married. 我的姐姐结婚前是个秘书.
807. George’s father is an attorney.He has his own company. 乔治的父亲是个律师.他拥有自己的公司.
808. He always takes pride in his work.He’s very efficient. 他总是以他的工作为荣.他是个很能干的人.
809. Mr. Smith is a politician.He’s running for election as governor. 史密斯先生是个政治家.他正在为竞选统治者而奔忙.
810. After a successful career in business,he was appointed ambassador. 他在生意中有了成就后,就被任命为大使.
811. Because of the warm and sunny weather,oranges grow very well here. 因为这里气候温暖,光照充足,橘子在这长势很好.
812. In this flat country people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle. 在这个平坦的国家,人们种植小麦,棉花,饲养牲畜.
813. The ground around here is stony and not very good for farming. 这周围的地面多石,不适合农业的种植.
814. What are the principal farm products in this region? 这个地区的主要农产品是什么?
815. Milk,butter,and cheese are shipped here from the dairy farms. 牛奶,黄油,奶酪都从制酪场运到这里.
816. They had to cut down a lot of trees to make room for farms. 他们不得不砍伐一些树木,从而为农场提供足够的地方.
817. At this time of the year farmers plow their fields.
818. On many farms you’ll find cows and chickens.
819. If you have cows you have to get up early to do the milking. 如果你有奶牛的话,你不得不早起来挤牛奶.
820. Tractors have revolutionized farming. 拖拉机革新了农业方法.
821. In the United States, there are many factories for making cloth. 美国有很多制造衣服的工厂.
822. Factories employ both male and female workers. 工厂中雇佣了男女工人.
823. If you work in a factory,you usually have to punch a clock. 如果你在工厂工作的话,你就需要在上下班记时卡上打孔.
824. Is meat packing a big industry in your country? 肉类包装在你们国家是不是一项大的工业?
825. Is it true that manufacturing of automobiles is a major industry? 汽车制造业是主要工业是真的吗?
826. My hobby is collecting stamps. Do you have a hobby?
827. I’ve always thought photography would be an interesting hobby. 我总是想摄影会是一个有趣的爱好.
828. Some people like horseback riding,but I prefer golfing as a hobby. 一些人喜欢骑马,但是我喜欢打高尔夫球.
829. Do you have any special interests other than your job? 除了工作以外,你还有什么特殊的兴趣爱好吗?
830. Learning foreign languages is just an avocation with me. 学外语是我的一项爱好.
831. I find stamp collecting relaxing and it takes my mind off my work. 我发现集邮可以让人放松,能让我远离工作.
832. On weekends I like to get my mind off my work by reading good books. 每当周末时我总喜欢读书,从而使我的注意力从工作中脱离出来.
833. My cousin is a member of a drama club. He seems to enjoy acting. 我的堂兄是戏曲俱乐部的成员.他看上去很喜欢这项娱乐.
834. He plays the piano for his own enjoyment. 他因为兴趣而弹钢琴.
835. I’ve gotten interested in hi-fi. I’m building my own equipment. 我对高保真收音机渐渐产生了兴趣.我正在装备一台.
836. He’s not a professional.He plays the piano for the fun of it. 他不是职业演员.他仅仅因为兴趣而弹钢琴.
837. I’ve heard of unusual hobbies, but I’ve never heard of that one. 我曾经听说过不同寻常的习惯,但是我还没有听说过那一个.
838. The trouble with photography is that it’s an expensive hobby. 摄影爱好的缺点是它是一种昂贵的兴趣.
839. That’s rare set of coins.How long did it take you to collect them? 这是一套罕见的钱币.你用了多久来收集它?
840. I started a new hobby.I got tired of working in the garden.
我尝试着一种新的爱好841. Baseball is my favorite sport.What’s your favorite? 棒球是我最喜欢的体育运动.你最喜欢的是什么?
842. My nephew is a baseball player.He is a catcher. 我的外甥是一名棒球运动员.他是一名接球员.
843. When you played football,what position did you play? 你踢足球时,占据什么位置?
844. We played a game last night. The score was tired six-to-six. 我们昨晚玩了一个游戏,打成了六平.
845. I went to a boxing match last night. It was a good fight. 昨晚我去看了一场拳击比赛.那是一个很好的夜晚.
846. When I was on the track team, I used to run the quarter mile. 过去我在田径队时,经常跑接力赛.
847. I like fishing and hunting,but I don’t like swimming. 我喜欢钓鱼和打猎,但是不喜欢游泳.
848. My favorite winter sport is skiing. I belong to a ski club. 我最喜欢的冬季项目是滑雪.我在一个滑雪俱乐部里.
849. Would you be interested in going to the horse races this afternoon? 今天下午你有兴趣去看赛马吗?
850. The hardest thing to learn is to be a good loser. 最难学的事情是做一名输的起的运动员.
851. Be a good sport. Play according to the rules of the game. 成为一个好的运动员需要遵守游戏规则.
852. Our family went camping last summer.We had to buy a new tent. 我家去年夏天去野炊了.我们不得不买一个新的帐篷.
853. This afternoon we went to the gym for a workout.We lifted weights. 今天下午我们去体育馆做健身.我们的体重减了一点.
854. What do you do for recreation? Do you have a hobby? 你闲暇时做什么? 你有什么爱好吗?
855. My muscles are sore from playing baseball. 打完棒球后,我的肌肉一直酸痛.
856. I sent in a subscription to that magazine. It’s put out every week. 我订阅了那份杂志.它是周刊.
857. If you subscribe to the newspaper, it’ll be delivered to your door. 如果你订阅新报纸的话,它将会送到你家里.
858. I didn’t read the whole paper. I just glanced at the headlines. 我没有读通篇的文章.我只是看了看标题.
859. The first chapter of the story is in this issue of the magazine. 这个故事的第一章刊登在这期杂志上.
860. I haven’t seen the latest issue of the magazine.Is it out yet? 我没有看到这个杂志的最新观点?是不是没有出版?
861. What’s the total circulation of this newspaper? 报纸的总发行量怎样?
862. I’m looking for the classified section.Have you seen it? 我在找分类广告?你看到了吗?
863. My brother-in-law is a reporter on The New York Times staff. 我的姐夫是纽约时报的记者.