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Unit 7 The convenience 教学 store is over there 课型 内容 Reading and writing(PPT 16-27) 授课班级 授课日期 出勤情况 纪律情况 学时 节次 知识与技能 语言技能目标:听-能识别对话中提及的有关社区场所及服务设施的词汇 说-能咨询与社区有关的信息 读-能阅读描述社区的文章并能根据要求转述相关信息 写-能运用本单元的重点词汇简单描述自己所在的社区以及对其的喜好 过程与方法 学生能在学习中发现问题和解决问题 1、小组合作法 2、情景教学法 3、自主学习法 情感态度价值观 文 化 意 识:能了解国外一些先进社区的特点,比较中国社区与国外社区的异同 情 感 态 度:对自己的国家、家乡、社区有荣誉感和认同感;有为建设理想社区而努力的情感意识。 教学目的 4、探索发现法 能掌握本单元的重点词汇和句型。 教学重点 能介绍社区的场所及服务设施,表达参加各种活动及项目 能识别when,where引导的定语从句 能区分when/where 连接的其他从句 教学难点 能理解when,where 引导的定语从句所表达的意思。 教学资源 多媒体 教学后记 1word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.


Step 1 Review 1.默写上节课所学习的单词。 2.请学生表演activity 6 的对话。 3.请学生用学过的句型描述自己所住的小区环境。 Step 2 Lead-in Vocabulary learning ideal adj 理想的 improve v.改善,改进 project n.项目;工程 relax v. 休息;放松 require v. 需要;规定 service n.服务 similar adj 相似的 as well as 和;也,又 be involved in 参与 get used to 习惯于 have a picnic 野餐 1.先由学生自己拼读单词 2.然后跟着录音读单词,纠正自己的发音错误。 3.给予学生几分钟的时间练习读单词 4.教师抽查学生掌握单词的情况。 Everyday English Sorry to bother you. 抱歉,打扰一下。 Let me show you the way. 我来给您指路。 It’s so kind of you. 非常感谢你。 It’s about a ten-minute walk from here. 离这儿大约步行十分钟。 Step3 Presentation Activity 9 Discuss and answer 四人一组,讨论美国的社区与中国的社区有什么不同。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Activity 10 Read and check.阅读文章,检查自己所列不同在文中是否提到,还有哪些不同。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Activity 11 Read and choose.再读文章,判断文章的主要内容。 ( ) 1) The environment of the author’s new neighborhood. ( ) 2) The author’s new life in Chicago. ( ) 3) The differences between the author’s new neighborhood and the old one. Activity 12 Read and complete 再读文章,补全表格中的信息。 2word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.

要求学生做口语练习,要求学生在课堂上就能把课文背下来。 教师可在课前布置学生通过网络等途径收集有关国内外社区的图片或文章。 文档从网络中收集,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.

The differences that the Reasons why the author 采用合作学习的方式,以author likes likes the difference 小组为单位the community library 进行检查,让学生给出答 Because the author can go to 案并阐述理improve her 由。 English or learn some job skills and it is near her apartment. Because it offers courses in what is called service-learning. Activity 13 Discuss and answer.小组讨论,回答下列问题。 1.What’s the meaning of the word “similar” in Paragraph 2? 2.What can students learn from service-learning? 3.What does the author think of students taking part in community service projects? Step 4 Practice and consolidation Activity 14 Look and complete。 看图,用所给短语完成 句子。 1)I live in ________________________-. 教师先引导2)There is _____________________________________. 学生分析图( have a lot of fun in summer) 片及文字信3) There is ________________________________________ 息,指导学生( offer good service and delicious food at fair 如何利用定prices) 语从句对所4)The place I like most is 提到的场所____________________________________________( small 进行说明,提but beautiful / exercise one’s body) 醒学生注意5) All the people ________________________________ 时态以及主(friendly, wiling to help others) 谓一致。 6)The community is _________________ that the noise sometimes _________________________________ (close to , make it difficult for sb to fall asleep) Activity 15 Read and complete 根据活动14中的句子补全 下文。 I live in _________________________________. I like a lot of things about my neighborhood. First, I like the places. 3word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.


____________________________________________________ ____________. Near the pool is the community center. Many retired people enjoy chatting, playing chess, singing and dancing there. There is also ____________________________ __________________________________. My family often goes there when my parents have no time to cook. The place I like most is __________________________________________________. Second, I also like the people here because ___________________________________________________. The only thing I dislike is that ______________________________________________. Step 5 Homework 1.默写本节课所学习的单词。 2.熟读本节课所学习的课文。 3.完成练习册相应的练习题 Difficult and important points: 1.Last year my husband was appointed to work in Chicago, Illinois。去年我丈夫被委派到伊利诺伊州的芝加哥市工作。 appoint 表示”任命,委派”。 Eg:Mike was appointed secretary of the manager.麦克 被任命为经理秘书。 2.Although I haven’t got used to the new life here, I really enjoy some of the differences between my new neighborhood and that in China.虽然迄今我还没有完全适应这里新的生活,但我 的确喜欢上这个小区有别于国内小区的不同之处。 get used to 表示“习惯于...”,后接doing的形式,跟be used to 一样的意思。 Eg:He has got used to working hard. 3.I like the community library, which is free to all the people in the community every day,我喜欢这里的社区图书馆 ,这个图 书馆每天向小区居民免费开放。 Which 引导的是非限制性定语从句。 free 在此处是指“免费的” Eg:duty-free “免税的” I’ve got a free ticket.我得到一张免费券。 4. What I like most is the community high school where my daughter studies.最让我喜欢的一点是我女儿上的社区中学。 “what I like most is...”是主语从句,表示“我最喜欢 的是...”后面可接名词性短语也可接从句。where my daughter studies 为定语从句,修饰 high school。 Eg:What I like most is to lie on the beach,enjoying the sunshine.我最喜欢的是躺在沙滩上享受 日光浴。 4word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.


What I like most is that everybody here is so kind to me. 我最喜欢的是这儿的每个人都对我很友好。 5. students are required to do some kind of community service as part of their studies.作为课程的一部分,学生必须参加社区服务。 be required to do sth 表示“必须/ 被要求做某事”。 Eg:Every student is required to hand in his essay before Friday. 所有学生都必须在周五前交论文。 Some kind of 表示“某种”。 Eg:It’s some kind of bamboo.这是某种竹子。 6.They work on projects like improving the environment, helping people who live in the retirement center and feeding homeless people.他们可以参与一些诸如改善环境、帮助养老院的老人和为无家可归者提供食物等社区活动。 Like 此处作介词用,表示“像,诸如”。 Eg:Children should have more nutritious food like eggs and fish. 孩子们应多吃一些营养食品,如鸡蛋和鱼。 注意:本句中“ improving the environment”, “helping People...”和 “feeding...” 三个是平行结构,都是作like的宾语,所以三个都采用动名词的结构形式。 7. It is reported that students involved in service projects help themselves as well as their communities.据有关报道,学生们参加这些社区服务活动既可以帮助社区,也可以帮助提高自己。 “as well as “表示“和...一样,以及”,含义与“and”相同,但是后面通常接短语,不能接从句,不影响到谓语动词的单复数。 Eg: His father, as well as his mother,goes for a walk in the park every morning. 每天早上,他父亲和他母亲一起到公园散步。




