Suffix -ac
-al -ar
-cle -e -eal -ia -ic
-ist -itis Meaning Example
pertaining to cardiac: pertaining to the heart ÊôÓÚ£¬¹ØÓÚ
pertaining to medical: pertaining to medicine pertaining to
molecular: pertaining to a molecule ·Ö×ÓµÄ
pertaining to ciliary: pertaining to the cilia belonging to
enzyme ø
amylase: any enzyme that converts starch to sugar µí·Ûø
smallness follicle: a small bodily cavity or sac С,ÉÙ,ƶ·¦,СÆø
an instrument ÒÇÆ÷
auriscope: an instrument for examining the ear (¼ì²é¶ú¶äÓõÄ)¶ú¾µ
pertaining to
laryngeal: pertaining to the larynx ºíµÄ, ºíÒôµÄ
condition; quality phobia: abnormal fear ¿Ö¾å£¬º¦Å pertaining to
toxic: pertaining to toxin Óж¾µÄ£»ÒòÖж¾ÒýÆðµÄ
study of; name of a science
paediatrics: study of children, their development and diseases ¶ù¿Æѧ
substance ÎïÖÊ
insulin£ºsubstance (hormone) produced by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas ÒȵºËØ
process or condition
alcoholism: excessive drinking of alcohol which becomes addictive ¾Æ¾«Öж¾ one who specializes in pharmacologist: a doctor who specializes in ¾«Í¨ÓÚ¡¡µÄÈË
the study of drugs Ò©Àíר¼Ò
inflammation refers to a part in rhinitis: inflammation of the nasal
-let -ment
-ole -oma -or/-er-ory -ose -osis -ous -somes -um
-y ¡¡²¿Î»µÄÑ×Ö¢ passages ±ÇÑ×£¬±ÇճĤÑ×
relation to a whole; related to endometrium: inner lining of the uter ×Ó¹¬
Óë¡¡Ïà¹Ø ÄÚĤ
characterizes by
antitussive: a drug that suppresses coughing Ö¹¿ÈÒ©
tiny; small droplet: a tiny drop СµÎ
the result or product of an development: thing which develops or is action being developed; action of becoming mature resembling; like mucoid: resembling mucus Ïñ
little; small
centriole: the small dense structure in the
middle of the centrosome ϸ°ûÖÐÐÄÁ££»ÖÐÐÄÌå
tumor; swelling refers to a doer dermatofibroma: fibrous tumor of the skin
either a person or thing
receptor: a sensory nerve ending that
responds to various stimuli¸ÐÊÜÆ÷£¬ÊÜÌå
characterized by; pertaining to suspensory: which is hanging down
fructose: fruits sugar found in honey and
some fruit ¹ûÌÇ
abnormal condition
onychocryptosis: abnormal condition of a hidden nail Ƕ¼×
pertaining to
poisonous: pertaining to poison; also containing poison Óж¾µÄ£¬·ÖÃÚ¶¾ËØµÄ bodies
ribosome: the body of nucleic acidºËÌÇÌå structure; thing; substance magnesium: a white metallic chemical ½á¹¹£¬ÎïÖÊ
substance þ£¨½ðÊôÔªËØ£©
condition; act; process
dystrophy: disorder caused by defective
nutrition or metabolism ÓªÑø²»Á¼
The following is a list of the most commonly used compound suffixes Suffix -algia --ase -blast
pain; painful; condition enzyme
arthralgia: pain in a joint ¹Ø½ÚÍ´ protease: digestive enzyme µ°°×ø hemocytoblast: blast cell ѪÅßϸ°û£¬ÔʼѪϸ°û
-carcinoma malignant tumor developing adenocarcinoma: malignant tumor developing
from connective tissue Ïà¹Ø×éfrom glandular tissue ÏÙ°© Ö¯µÄ¶ñÐÔÖ×Áö -cele
protrusion; distentionÍ»³ö£»esophagocele: abnormal distention of the ÅòÕÍ£¬ÑÓÉì esophagus ʳ¹ÜÍ»³ö
paracentesis: surgical puncture of a cavity
for the aspiration of fluid ´©´ÌÊõ acapnia: absence of carbon dioxide ѪҺ¶þÑõ»¯Ì¼È±·¦
germicide: (substance) which can kill germs ɱ¾ú¼Á
phagocyte:cell, especially a white blood cell, which can surround and destroy other cells Êɾúϸ°û
glossodynia: pain in the tongue ÉàÍ´
-centesis surgical puncture ÊÖÊõ´©¿×
-capnia carbon dioxide ¶þÑõ»¯Ì¼
-cide kill
-dynia pain
-ectasia/ expansion; dilation(ÅòÕÍ£¬À©atelectasis: incomplete expansion of the
ÕÅ) lungs at birth ·Î²»ÕÅ
-ectasis -ectomy
surgical excision or removal of gastrectomy: surgical removal of the
stomachθÇгýÊõ excessive accumulation serous fluid Ë®Ö×
of myxoedema: condition caused when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone Õ³ÒºÏÙÁö²¡£¬Õ³ÒºË®Ö× leukemia: any of several malignant diseases where an abnormal number of leucocytes form in the blood °×Ѫ²¡
hematemesis: the vomiting of blood ¿©Ñª£»
-emia blood condition
-emesis vomiting Å»ÍÂ
-globin -gnosis -gram -graph(y)-iasis
-iatry/ -iatrics -lith
-logy -logist -lysis -malacia -mania
something that produced or pathogen: a microorganism or agent capable prouduces of producing disease ²¡¾ú£¬²¡ÔÌå production Éú²ú
spermatogenesis: formation and development
of spermatozoa in the testes¾«×Ó·¢Éú proteinµ°°×ÖÊ
hemoglobin: an iron-containing protein produced by erythrocytes ѪºìËØ
diagnosis: the process of identifying the nature or presence of a disease through knowledge and examination
image; picture
electrocardiogram: a graphic record of the electrical activity of heart muscle or heartbeat used in the diagnosis of heart disease.
Abbr. ECG and EKG. Syn. cardiogram Ðĵçͼ
process of recording
electocardiography: the process of making ¼Ç¼¹ý³Ì
or recording electrocardiograms. Syn. cardiography Ðĵçͼ¼Ç¼ condition; state cholelithiasis: the formation
gallstones µ¨Ê¯Ö¢
healing, frequently refers to a podiatry: treatment of foot disorders branch of medicine ¿µ¸´£¬³£Ö¸
ҽѧµÄÒ»¸ö·ÖÖ§ ×㲿ҽÁÆ
cholelith: a gallstone; a stone formed in the gallbladder µ¨½áʯ
the study of
cytology: the science study of cells ϸ°ûѧ
one who studies and treats
urologist: a physician who specializes in the practice of urology ÃÚÄò¿ÆÒ½Éú breakdown, destruction
hemolysis: the destruction or breakdown of red blood cells with release of hemoglobinÈÜѪ
softening osteomalacia: softening of bone ¹ÇÈí»¯
or kleptomania: a morbid, uncontrollable
compulsion to steal µÁÇÔñ±
acromegaly: a condition in which there is an enlargement of the facial bones as well as those of the lungs Ö«¶Ë·Ê´óÖ¢
spirometry: measurement of the volume of air inhaled and exhaled or the air capacity of the lungs·Î(»î)Á¿²â¶¨(·¨),ºôÎüÁ¿²â¶¨(·¨)
cardiodynia: pain in the heart region ÐÄÍ´£¬ÐØÍ´
parathormone: which regulates calcium balance among the blood, bones, and teeth¼××´ÅÔÏÙ¼¤ËØ
-metry/ -meter
-odynia pain
-one hormoneºÉ¶ûÃÉ£¬¼¤ËØ
-opia -opsy
a defect in the eyeÑÛ¾¦µÄ벡 myopia: being short-sighted ½üÊÓ to view
biopsy: excision of live tissue for
microscopic diagnosis»î¼ì
sclerosis: abnormal hardening Ó²»¯Ö¢ anosmia: loss of the sense of smellÐá¾õɥʧ
-osis -osmia
morbid condition²¡Ì¬µÄ smell
process of making an opening gastrostomy: surgical construction of an into or a connection between opening from the surface of the abdomen into
the stomachθÔì¿ÚÊõ
level of oxygenÑõˮƽ
hypoxia: a low oxygen level or a lack of oxygen in body tissues×é֯ȱÑõ
-pathy -penia
disease; diseased condition ophthalmopathy: any eye diseaseÑÛ²¡ deficiency
leukopenia: deficiency of leukocytes in the blood. Syn. leukocytopenia°×ϸ°û¼õÉÙÖ¢ eupepsia: good digestion Ïû»¯Á¼ºÃ
-pepsia --pexy
a fixing or setting firmly in hepatopexy: surgical fixation of a displace place by suturing ·ìºÏ¹Ì¶¨ liver¸Î¹Ì¶¨Êõ
-phagia/phaeating; swallowing ³Ô£¬ÍÌÑÊ dysphagia: difficulty in swallowingÍÌÑÊÀ§gy ÄÑ -phil
attractionÎüÒý£¬¾ßÓÐÎüÒýÁ¦µÄbasophil: type of leucocyte or white blood
ÊÂÎï cell which contains granulesÊȼîÐÔÁ£Ï¸°û