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学校 姓名 班级___________ 座位号 ……装…………订…………线…………内…………不…………要…………答…………题……

一、我会填空:(67每空1分,其他每空2分共30分) 1、鼓声是由鼓面( )产生的。 2、风向标箭头指示的方向是( ),旗子向西飘是( )。 3、水中的鱼等动物呼吸的是溶解在水中的( )。 4、声音向( )传播。 5、声音的强弱可以用( )来描述;声音的高低可以用( )来描述。 6、我们能用( )的方法,把溶解在水中的食盐和水( )出来。

7、我们身体里有一个支架,它( )着身体,( )着内脏器官,这就是骨骼。

8、牙齿按形状分类,可分为( )、( )和( )三种。

9、耳朵是我们的( )器官,需要精心呵护。 10、我们呼吸时,呼出的是( ),吸进去的是( )。

二、我会判断:(对的打“√”,错的打“×”,共20分) ( )1、从外形上看,人的身体由头、颈、躯干、四肢四部分组成。 ( )2、在月球上,由于没有空气,即使相隔不远的两个人也不能互相通话,必须要使用无线电设备。

( )3、降水的形式很多,常见的有雨、雪、冰雹、雾霾等。 ( )4、酒精灯的火焰,焰心的温度最高,要用焰心加热。 ( )5、声音在不同物体中传播的情况是一样的。 ( )6、心脏虽然不停地跳动,但仍有时间休息。 ( )7、医生可以用音叉病人听力。

( )8、观察天气应该在每天的不同时间、不同地点。

( )9、因为白糖能溶解于水,所以在一杯水中能无限地溶解白糖。 ( )10、人体活动需要的能量来自于我们每天所吃的食物。 三、我会选择:(将正确答案的序号填在括号里,共20分)

his article includes some parts, incl uding text, pictures, and design. Copyright is phis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pehis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pehis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pehis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pehis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pehis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is phis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pehis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pehis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is phis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is phis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pehis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pe1、下面材料中,传播声音效果最好的是( )。

A、铝箔 B、木尺 C、棉线 D、尼龙线 2、在水里滴几滴香油,油会( )。

A、在水中溶解。 B、沉在水底,不能在水中溶解。 C、浮在水上,不能在水中溶解。

3、我们身上有一个非常敏感,可以感受振动的器官,这就是耳朵里的( )。

A、耳道 B、鼓膜 C、听小骨 D、耳蜗

4、夏天晴空里看上去像棉花堆一样的云是( )。 A、层云 B、积云 C、卷云

5、人体需要的氧气是通过( )输送到身体的各个部位。 A、皮肤 B、血液 C、骨骼 D、关节

6、一呼一吸算呼吸( )。 A、一次 B、两次 7、人体运动量越大,消耗的氧气( ),心跳的速度就会( )。 A、越多 B、越少 C、加快 D、减慢 8、人体的消化器官主要包括口腔、( )、( )小肠和大肠。 A、食道 B、心脏 C、肝脏 D、胃

四、我会连线:(共20分) 如果我们在同样条件下,

1、拨动拉得较紧的橡皮筋 听到的声音高 拨动拉得较松的橡皮筋 听到的声音低 2、用力拨动小提琴琴弦 听到的声音弱 轻轻拨动小提琴琴弦 听到的声音强 3、击打较长的铁钉 听到的声音低 击打较短的铁钉 听到的声音高 4、拨动较粗的小提琴琴弦 听到的声音高 拨动较细的小提琴琴弦 听到的声音低 5、敲打大鼓 产生的音调低 敲打小鼓 产生的音调高



his article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pehis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pehis article includes some arts,includingtext,pictures,anddesign.Copyright is phis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is phis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pehis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pehis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is p① ②

2、噪音对我们的身心健康十分有害,写出控制或减少噪音的三个好方法: ①

② ③



1、振动 2、风向 东风 3、氧气 4、四面八方 5、音量 音高

his article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pe

his article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pe6、蒸发(或结晶) 分离 7、 支撑 保护 8、门齿 犬齿 臼齿 9、听觉 10、二氧化碳 氧气

his article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is p二 我会判断:(每个判断2分,共20分)

1、(√) 2、(√) 3、(×) 4、(×) 5、(×) 6、(×) 7、(√) 8、(×) 9、(×) 10、(√) 三、我会选择:(每空2分,共20分)

his article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pe

1、A 2、C 3、B 4、B 5、B 6、A 7、A C 8、A D 四、我会连线:(每个连线2分,共20分) 如果我们在同样条件下,

1、拨动拉得较紧的橡皮筋 听到的声音高 拨动拉得较松的橡皮筋 听到的声音低 2、用力拨动小提琴琴弦 听到的声音弱 轻轻拨动小提琴琴弦 听到的声音强 3、击打较长的铁钉 听到的声音低 击打较短的铁钉 听到的声音高 4、拨动较粗的小提琴琴弦 听到的声音高 拨动较细的小提琴琴弦 听到的声音低 5、敲打大鼓 产生的音调低 敲打小鼓 产生的音调高

his article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pehis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pe五、我的好点子:(每点2分,共10分) 1、略 2、略


his article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pehis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is pe

版权申明 本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理.版权为个人所有 This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design. Copyright is personal ownership. 用户可将本文地内容或服务用于个人学习、研究或欣赏,以及其他非商业性或非盈利性用途,但同时应遵守著作权法及其他相关法律地规定,不得侵犯本网站及相关权利人地合法权利.除此以外,将本文任何内容或服务用于其他用途时,须征得本人及相关权利人地书面许可,并支付报酬. Users may use the contents or services of this article for personal study, research or appreciation, and other non-commercial or non-profit purposes, but at the same time, they shall abide by the provisions of copyright law and other relevant laws, and shall not infringe upon the legitimate rights of this website and its relevant obligees. In addition, when any content or service of this article is used for other purposes, written permission and remuneration shall be obtained from the person concerned and the relevant obligee. 转载或引用本文内容必须是以新闻性或资料性公共免费信息为使用目地地合理、善意引用,不得对本文内容原意进行曲解、修改,并自负版权等法律责任.Reproduction or quotation of the content of this article must be reasonable and good-faith citation for the use of news or informative public free information. It shall not misinterpret or modify the original intention of the content of this article, and shall bear legal liability such as copyright.



