2020智慧树知到《大学英语Ⅱ》章节测试答案 第一章
1、From the author”s point of view, language should be looked upon as a road map and a valuable possession: often study the road map (check ) and tune up the car engine (adjust ). A:vocabulary; grammar B:guide book; gear C:grammar; vocabulary D:gear; guide book
正确答案:grammar; vocabulary
2、Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness ( ) them. A:swelling with pride B:thrust upon
C:searched the heavens for D:obliged to
正确答案:thrust upon
3、However, the deadline is approaching, and we will ( ) force the issue if necessary. A:swell with pride
最新资料欢迎阅读 B:thrust upon
C:search the heavens for D:be obliged to 正确答案:be obliged to
4、What”s the meaning of the word“reinforce”? A:Make longer B:Increase strength
C:Increase the size or scope D:Increase intensity 正确答案:Increase strength
5、What does the word“obsolete” mean? A:The newest B:To make newer C:The most modern D:Old; not useful anymore 正确答案:Old; not useful anymore
6、Is analogy used in the following sentence? As you sow, so you reap. A:Yes B:No 正确答案:No
7、What is the major structure of the following sentence?
最新资料欢迎阅读 A MOOC is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web.
A:A MOOC is an online course.
B:A MOOC aimed at participation and access. 正确答案:A MOOC is an online course.
9、Each body paragraph should focus on a specific point related to the thesis statement. A:对 B:错 正确答案:对
10、To write an effective conclusion, you can either restate the thesis statement using a different structure and vocabulary or briefly summarize the main ideas, combined with your final thoughts and opinions such as a suggestion, a prediction, or a warning. A:对 B:错 正确答案:对 第二章
1、I believe I am capable of( )the political consequences accurately. A:calculate