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Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown , what is the most interesting place youwouldlike to take him/her to see and why?
If my foreign friend comes to my hometown, I will take her to the Central Avenue .When it comes to the reasons why I choose this place, they can be briefly summed up as below.
To start with, Central Avenue is a symbol of Harbin, which has a long history. There are European-style buildings in mounting numbers along the street, attracting a great many tourists to take photos with them. Moreover, a variety of delicious foods are tempting. Taking a look around, I can find examples too numerous to list. The best illustration might be ice-cream brick of Ma Dieer. Finally, brilliant historic culture can widen vision and enhance knowledge, laying a solid foundation for the understanding of this fabulous city.
Harbin is a city full of vitality and energy. I believe my foreign friend will enjoy her days here. Not only can she appreciate the landscape of the Songhua River but also taste authentic northeast food. No better place can be chosen than Central Avenue!
Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your campus , what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why?
The Cherry Avenue
If I’m the guide of my foreign friend’s visit to our campus, I will choose the Cherry Avenue as our first destination.
As the name implies, the Cherry Avenue is lined with hundreds of neatly-placed cherry blossom trees. It is about 200 meters long and a major scenic spot in our campus. In spring when the cherry trees bloom, the flowers are so dense that looking from a distance, it seems as if the road were surrounded by pink-hued clouds. Especially when there is a breeze, petals of cherry blossoms flutter and fall gently like a drizzle. Such breath-taking scene will put visitors into a kind of trance.What’s more special is the buildings along the avenue. Built in early 1900s, they are now called \’ve witnessed the history of our school and even our country. You can learn a lot about our school there.
In a word, a tour to the Cherry Avenue is both an amazing sight-seeing and a great opportunity to know about the culture of our school.
Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your China , what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why?
Guilin – A Beautiful City in China
In China, there’s a saying that \of this, I will recommend Guilin as the first destination of my foreign friend’s trip to China.
Overlooking the Li Jiang River, Guilin is located in the northeast of Guangxi. The name was derived from the cassia trees of the location. The trees line the streets of the town with yellow flowers blossoming every September, filling the air with sweet scent.
Guilin is a place of breath-taking scenery. From ancient times, Guilin has been noted for its elegant landscape. It features beautiful mountains, clear rivers, grotesque rocks and mystic crags, which is a feast for the eyes. Sitting on a bamboo raft drifting down the river, visitors can see the varied shapes of the pinnacles reflected in the water. They will feel as if they were in a scroll of Chinese landscape painting.I believe that my foreign friend will marvel at the unparalleled beauty of Guilin.
一位动物学家在对生活在非洲奥兰治河两岸的动物进行考察时,发现一个奇怪的现象:生活在河东岸的羚羊与河西岸的羚羊相比,不仅繁殖能力强,而且奔跑的能力也强。这位动物学家百思不得其解。于是,他做了一项试验:从河的两岸各捉10只羚羊,彼此交换。一年后,送到西岸的羚羊繁殖到了14只,而送到东岸的羚羊仅剩下3只,其余的都成了狼的囊中物。 动物学家揭开了谜底:东岸的羚羊之所以强健,是因为它们附近生活着一群狼。它们为了活命,必须同狼进行“竞争”,因此,它们越活越有战斗力;而西岸的羚羊则相反,它们缺少天敌,没有生存能力,所以越活越弱小。
20世纪30年代,英国一个不出名的小镇上,有一个叫玛格丽特的小姑娘,自小就受到严格的家庭教育。父亲对她的教育很严格,经常向她灌输这样的观点:无论做什么事情都要力争一流,永远做在别人前面,而不落后于人。即使是坐公共汽车,也要永远坐在第一排。父亲从来不允许她说“我不能”或“太难了”之类的话。父亲的“残酷”教育培养了玛格丽特积极向上的决心和信心。在以后的学习、生活和工作中,她时时牢记父亲的教导,总是抱着一往无前的精神和必胜的信念,尽自己最大努力克服一切困难,事事必争一流,以自己的行动实践着“永远坐在第一排”。 玛格丽特上大学时,学校要求学生们上5年的拉丁文课程,她凭着自己顽强的毅力和拼搏精神,硬是在一年内全部学完了。玛格丽特不光在学业上出类拔萃,她在体育、音乐、演讲及学校的其他活动方面也都一直走在前列,是学生中的佼佼者之一。 40年后,英国乃至整个欧洲政坛上出现了一颗耀眼的明星,她就是1979年成为英国第一位女首相、雄踞政坛长达11年之久、被世界政坛誉为“铁娘子”的玛格丽特?撒切尔夫人。